Come on...

I have to agree with the dude above me. Something you want more than anything. Mine is flying… thats not to to uncommon. I used to play it as lil kid, watch super heroes, and have even gained lucidity through it a number of times.

Now here comes my question to the guy above me… how to you control it.

My last lucid moment was about 1 week ago. I was in a house filled with family and my dead dog. I told everybody the dog was actually dead and that I’m trying to go lucid leave me alone… I stood in a corner and got a rush of intense colors, energy (flowing through me, if that makes sense) and just overall excitement.

So here’s the question, now what?

Allright ill do just that tonight, ill check in tommorow :smile:!

thanks in advance!

The energy you felt flowing through you was pure energy that you found in your dream. What happen was you were at the beginning of your LD and you found a unfamilier energy. How you use them is First you get Lucid while your in the dream you look at about 4 to 5 differnet things. when you feel that the dream is fadeing out you quickly look back at the first thing you saw. What happens next is you get a surge of energy that goes through your body that lets you stay longer in the dream. What I think happen to you was somthing in the house was the unfamilier energy. Unfamilier energy noramlly is something in the dream that doesn’t belong there. In your cast it could of been the dead dog in the house. You were maybe talking, looking around then became lucid. You had enough energy to start off with. But you looked at the unfamilier energy " the dead dog" when you didn’t need it yet. Not till you feel the dream fading is when you look at it and you get the surge.

It’s hard but don’t focus on yout faliures! If you think “crap, I didn’t LD again” you’re sending negative thoughts to your SC. And that will just help you fail more…

Try to focus on any little good thing…

“You didn’t get LD but got HI? cool! :woo: you must be getting closer!”

that kind of thinking worked great for me :wink:

Alright so here i find my self again,

this is what happened:
So i went to bed with the strong intention of experiencing human flight. i REALly wanted to fly, i repeated it to myself for like 10 ten times, and kept thinking it till i dozed off. Now here check it out, i dreamed i was Spider-Man :tongue: , and i was saving this kid in a burning building. and further more i swung through the city, its close but not yet.

And this happens everytime, no matter how strong my intention, i get close but not yet. And it always occurs that i take the dream for granted and like it enough to continue that particular dream. Thus eliminating my wish of becoming lucid :confused: .

So what am i supposed to do here?
-I have tried WILD before and it always goes like this;
I manage to keep still, and i manage to feel my body go numb , but its always incomplete, i always keep control over my muscles and thing is, evey time i attempt WILD i am roughly disturbed by trivial things.(being itchy toes, or a sound).
And that really makes me pissed sometimes, because hours fly by when i attempt a WILD. and i remain awake. Once i counted to 5.000 and backwards, man that was pure agony.

  • I also tried reality checks, but there i find my self in the dream checking, i always think 41 fingers on one hand perfectly normal. i had that like 3 times. further more, some of the most weirdest crap occured, and i always seem to be at ease with it. its just hilarious how stupid i am in my dreams :bored: .

So anyone seeing something crucial here?, and dont get me wrong i always go to sleep with positive thoughts :content: .

you dont have to count back from 5000, thats ridiculous. You should not anything you do not enjoy doing in order to have a lucid dream.
Thats the whole point.

read this topic, especially last post.

Hey thanks RelV, that topic was indeed very usefull, so in a way, i have to do it way more naturally , in cohesion with my mind,will and SC.

And ill try to get accostumed to the trying to fly RC.
Thanks, ill keep you guys posted.
Ill check in tommorow :smile:

Hello again, Mihai you have to dig deeper I don’t think flying is going to get you lucid. Just because every one wants to fly in a dream. What I’m talking about is a well kept secert, deep dark fantasy that only you know about. you catch my drift. You have to look at it as a game you vs SC or as i like to call him “Subcon”.
Yes you want to fly and you will one day. But right now thats not what Subcon wants. You have to listen to him. The only way Subcon will let you in to his domain is to give him what he wants/what you want, Both are one in the same. So if I haven’t lose you yet, Only though your SC can you get to your dreamworld. You want to cross the first gate of dreaming. Subcon holds the key. give him what he wants. Only then will he let your conscious mind into dream world.

This sounds like an interesting approach, streamWalker. Care to eleborate on the “key to the dreamworld”?

im not really following you streamwalker.

Your SC is yourself.

Treating your subconscious as if its a remote entity that you rely on her mercy will do you nothing but create that reality.

You are the master of your SC.
it works for you, not the other way around.

Ok Sky, It goes something like this. There are 7 gates of dreaming. The first gate is the one that every body in here is butting there heads against, trying to get in. To cross the fIrst gate you have to put your intent on being aware of your body falling asleep. There is a particular sensaytion that you must reconize. What it feels like is a pleasant heavyness that doesn’t let you open your eyes. Thats the main key to get in. I have found another key, the one to the back door you can say. THats the one I was talking about with Subcon. You see I believe That every one in the world has a secert wish and the only two people that know it is you and Subcon. Remember you and Subcon are the same person its during sleep that Subcon takes over. You can say He’s the ruler of dreamworld and as for you, your the ruler of your waking life. Its not fair because if you think about it we all day dream so thats like Subcon coming into our domain the real world at any or at all times of the day. But when its the other way around during sleep time and we want to visit the dreamworld we’er denied access. Whats up with that?

Anyway so you got this secert the one that you know ,the one that you haven’t thougth about in along time or the one you think about all the time. thats the one you keep your intent on. the one you know that your going to do it in the dream world. Like you don’t even have to think about it, your doing it. When you have an attitude like that its only then subcon “the right eye” and you “the left eye” become one “the third eye”. Access granted

I got alot more but I think this is enough for now I hope it helps in looking at the dreamworld in a different way.

im not sure i understand you

do you think your own subconscious mind is trying to trick you , fool you, or put obstacles in your path?

All lucid dreamers know we have the power to do it. Theres always obstacles to over come. Its not your subconscious, its just doing what it always does. I’m talking about finding out what you truely want to get out of lucid dreaming. The whole thing about you vs Subcon is to look at it like a game or to think of it like a quest that is fun and entertaining. Then you can put power or energy to good uses.

i can dig that…

not sure i understand who/what is Subcon.

most definitely though, establishing the correct point of view , while understanding and nurturing your desire to lucid dream will surely turn out beneficial.

hmm, putting both points of view together might be interesting :wink:

Ok quick brief,

I fell asleep alot smoother than before so that was ok, But the thing is, at the point i wanted to turn lucid,(which i never was this close!) i suddenly accepted the dream agian.

I was playing guitar with my brother, and then it struck: hey this is weird, why am i playing his guitar? i’m a drummer!
than the 2nd thing: wait a sec , last time me and my brother were getting along was like years ago.

And at that point everything seemed normal and ok, so i lost consiousness again.
i feel im almost there, because i always have had the (maybe false) feeling that i can control what i say and do in that dream. I’m just not realizing that im doing it dreamwise, and not livingwise. But i just cant spill it to myself?..

great :smile:
already a major progress, keep a positive attitude, imagine yourself already at your final destination and you shall arrive shortly.

Hey, cool! congrats! it might not seem like much, but that was progress. The hardest part to get lucid in a dream (DILD) is recognizing things are weird. From “hmm, this is odd…” to “this must be a dream!” is a small jump :wink:

Forget the fact that you didn’t get lucid. Just think about the fact that you are getting there! I mean, how often do you find things are out of place or weird in your dreams?

Keep up the hard work. :smile:

Mmm weird, i dreamed i was a tourist in my own city. Totally other language and all. I appeared to be gay 0.o.
Well unfortunately that didn’t ring any bells, no i spent my entire dream convincing i was straight.
Funny though, i ran in to a friend of mine (hot one) and she was jabbering away, but since i couldnt understand her (other language) i was staring at her the whole time trying to pick her up lol .
Weird stuff. :bored: :eek:

But for tonight, ill rehearse my plan ( trying to fly) extra vividly. Vividly but relaxed, and i expect that ill recognize the differences tonight at last !

Thanks again for the tips !

Yoda from star wars

“Do or do not, there is no try”

keep up the good attitude