Competition Rankings for July

I had one this morning! That makes 2 total :cool:

6 total

I should start doing indusion methods again…

ive had 2 so far this month

I had anthoner one this morning, so that makes 2.

had one last night. It was long, but hard to remember :meh: strange.
Total = 11 LDs.

I just had a 3rd one (Ignore my profile, I’m having technical difficulties)

+1 makes 13… hope i dont get unlucky, i want more :razz:

13… that’s almost half as many days in this month. That’s awesome.

/me hits everyone with a high LD count.

Not much point to it, it just makes me feel better… :razz:

Hmm, im afraid I had yet another one last morning, so that adds to 14… :razz:

And 14 isnt even that much (look at some others here who had close to 100 at times). For me, if I would get like 30+ LD’s a month, that would be really a lot :smile: … but then, I’d have to put way more effort in it. I managed to get to that amount only once when I just started with WBTB and MILD…

I had two more last week. Thay makes 5.

Oh man,… I wanna sign uo again… haven’t had a LD in months… but I just got the new LaBerge book with the CD… I hope it works wonders for me.
Keep my fingers crossed!

So start me out with a BIG FAT ZERO!


Aaaaannddd 1 LD for me…

Raven24 and Jul’ this is still for June :tongue:
I’ll go post the one for august now :grin: