Competition Rankings for October

30 ld’s

LD where I don’t even remember how I got lucid :bored: But I did get to feel dream pain. It’s just a painful as IRL pain btw :tongue: :cry:

/edit/ I just passed Lucidity_Master in the competition :grin:

1 WILD last night makes it 3 this month :smile:)

wow. Worst month EVER :smile:
To be honest I’ve gotten quite fed up (don’t ask…) with lucid dreaming and I have no motivation at all. Guess it’s the huge amount of work I’ve had lately.

Hopefully I’ll get myself some time to relax and get motivated again :neutral:

Cheers to all :beer: :good:

I remember when this competition thing first began. Someone suggested it, and I was the first to keep track. I didn’t think it would keep going. It’s wonderful to see that though.

Another one :content:

It’s been a pretty good month for me (my third best).

Hey, I seem to be ahead of Siiw, despite her ahving more LD’s than me :razz:.

I had a short one last night :cool:

Sureal: I might have more often, but yours are a lot longer!

1 last night, that makes a total 2 for this month, yay…

2 dilds last night

1 unexpected DILD today early morning :tongue:

So it makes 6 this month. Not bad for me, but can be better :neutral:

1 normal LD and 1 WILD makes a total of 32 for october :smile:

actually does that count regular members ? as technically it was in november, as i do mine on the days, eg if i have a LD on the 2nd of the month in the early morning i put that down as the 1st. it still works out as 31 nights, or shall i put them into novermbers ?

cheers :wink:

I count it on the day it happens. So if I have a LD after midnight I cound it as it happened the next day if it happend before midnight I count it as it happened the previous day. But I don’t know how other people do it :neutral:

But since you still get 31 days for last month I guess it still works just fine :content: So I will make it 32 for this month for you :smile:

Cheers JaRoD :wink: , i’ll just keep doing it how i am, so it wont mess up my nice excell spreedshet :eek:

I counted 19 LD’s in october :cool:

Well done to the Yorkshire man who won, must be all that country air…