Competition Rankings for October




February’04-Pedro: 86
May’04-holy reality:74
June’04-Pedro: 81
July’04-Pedro: 83
August’04-Monitor199a: 32
September’04-penguinDreams: 26
“Some friendly compeition”
“Competition confusion?”

New month, new ranking.

So start posting your LD’s. And please put the total amount of LD’s in your signature to make it easyer to count the total amount of LDs.

Good Luck and remember to have a real life too and don’t just dream :cool:
And remember: practice hard and you too can win this competition :grin:

emjay - 32
Monitor199a - 30

Xetrov - 19
JaRoD - 18
Lucidity_Master - 16

Dark Sider - 14
Jetsuo - 10

Siiw - 8.5
Ephemeral Chaos - 8
Sureal - 7
Tomas - 7

Basilus West - 6
Cyrus - 6
WhiteWolf - 5

whispa - 3
Ahmad - 3

Macrophage - 2
ypm - 1
r3m0t - 1

The winner this month is emjay :partying_face: :cheer: :cheer: :boogie: :bow:
You win a lucid cookie :cookiemon: that will give you a LD when you eat it :cool_laugh:

Start me off on three (had all three last night).


5 ld’s

2 in one night for me :grin: (happy)

3 here.

1 for moi

6 ld’s

One more :cool:

Good luck people :smile:

almost two weeks since my last LD…
What am I doing wrong :cry:

I’m in with 2 LDs I had last night :grin:
Courage, Macrophage. I hope your LDs come back :content: .

they did, thanks for that Sider :smile:

one LD :good:

16 so far

Wait, you’ve have 16 LD’s in 6 days? That’s an average of… of… well, I don’t exactly know. But it’s high :wink:.


He must take some sort of drug. And I hope it’s not steroids, cos they make you doo-daa shrink :eek:.

Another LD! That makes 3.

Another LD last night makes 2

2 LDs last night (yippi!!). Total is 4.