Competition Rankings for October

23 ld’s

Im jealous…i havent had an LD for a long time now…

A short LD, where I could see ld4all :cool_laugh: and it looked exactly like IRL

Another FA induced short LD. So it makes 5 LDs.

24 ld’s

2 more makes 24. I turned on a light last night in a LD and it worked :tongue:

I had another LD last night.

another WILD last night :smile:

25 ld’s

Go emjay, you can do it :smile: When you are next lucid go and find me in the dream world and get me bloody lucid!

my LDs are gone :sad: :cry:
only a lucid moment in the past 5 days!
total = 13 LDs

I had one today, and I also had a supershort lucid moment. The dream faded just as soon as I realised that I was dreaming :cry: so lucid time was something like 0.5 sec.

26 ld’s

one LD last night breaks the dryspell.
Total = 14 LDs.

8 LDs for this month.

I had one last night :cool:

good night last night, had 4 :grin:

I wonder where Lucidity_Master is, he should have a whole lot more that 16 right now. He must have forgotten that he joined the competition :tongue: or maybe he’ll jump in again in the last minute and add about 80 LDs or so :eek:

Could be, Jarod. Once he forgot to do that and I ended up winning the month :grin: .

28 ld’s

1 more, it was a good long LD i managed to fly from the US to england, it took a while but i got there in the end. :tongue:

I tried to find you 1984 but i didn’t, maybe next time