Competition Rankings For September

I’m feeling a whole lot better and had a great night of dreaming. I had 3 LDs last night. aaaaahhhh it feels so good to be back to normal again. I hate being sick.

I’ll have to stop re-visiting this thread…I’m getting envious. I think we need a commiseration thread for the people who are just living in hope of one more LD as opposed to 3+ per night. :cry:

If a moderator could please make a part 2 to this topic since we are beyond 50 replies. Thank You :smile:

2 more for me. :smile:

Im taking a break from my WBTB practise which means almost no LD’s at the moment (just the occasional once a week LD). Ill be back …

Two nice but short LDs last night:

  1. I was fighting an alligator when I became lucid. First I let the animal bite me but it didn’t hurt much. If I really had expected to feel any pain I would have probably felt it too. Then I remembered to meet & greet your dream enemies so that’s what I did. I accepted the creature as a part of myself and hugged him. He became less aggressive and went away shortly afterwards.
  2. I became lucid and the whole environment looked EXTREMELY real, even a bit more real than irl. It was one of the most stable LDs so far so I decided to fly a bit. I first flew around about 5km height before I let myself fall back to earth with an incredible speed. AWESOME! :happy: Unfortunately this made me wake up.

One more for me:

Whenever I am walking into the wind, I have the habit of lifting my arms, closing my eyes, and imagining what it would feel like to take off and start flying. In the dream, I was surprised when I actually did start flying into the wind b/c I was so sure the dream was real.

Had two more yesterday morning, which makes it a total of 6 this month.

1 more for me :smile:

Still completely nothing. Argh! >_<

I did walk around today for an hour feeling like I was in the middle of a dream, even after doing several reality checks. :razz:

I’m in, better late than never.

I thought this month was going to be a lucid-wasteland but I’ve had a rush of six in the past ten days.

One more for me! That makes three! :cool:


One more for me.

Up to 4 for september.

I finish this month at 21, which is a record for me :smile:

Well one more last night which makes me end with 31.

I got 1 more last night so I’m up to two.
Compared to you guys I suck,But I’m still new :smile:
Just give it time.

There’s always someone worse than you [color=red]I got none in September and one micro LD in August[/color], but I’ll pick myself up with renewed hope for October. :smile:

Well this months over already go ahead and look on the first page to see the results.