Controlling your physical body in dream.

I’m curious; could someone in a LD state control their physical body while remaining in the dream? I’m wondering this because I have been known to use the bathroom and even have full-scale conversations with other (awake) people while I’m asleep. So it seems one could use this abilty to perform tasks in the physical world, even though for all intents and purposes they are asleep.

Any thoughts?

Not sure of the purpose to moving physically while dreaming. Sounds like it has more potential downsides. What did you have in mind?

It says in EWLD that motion in dreams has direct effect to muscel activity in your physical body… Although I am not sure how far you could go with that to excersize your wil so much that you complete tasks in your sleep… Wait… Completing tasks while aware in your sleep? Where do you draw the line between awake and asleep? :confused:

Yes, both LD and ND actions can affect the physical body, but it’s not something you should attempt to do, you might end up flying out of your bedroom window.

From what experience/knowledge do you say this, Mohegan?

I may be confused, but I believe this phenomenon is called a “waking dream”. It’s normally caused by severe sleep deprivation.

Wow… It’s bizzare, like you could have your concious self controlling a dream you and your subconcious self takes control of the body.

However, if you were to try from your concious dream state to take control of your physical body, wouldn’t it again just be like waking life?

What exactly is the differenc between awake and asleep, anyway? Attempting this would blur the boundaries somewhat.

Precisely what I said… If you can control things you do and see what you are doing, than wouldn’t that mean you were awake? I bet it would get kinda confusin…

WYrmfell you mention “waking dream” caused by sleep deprivation. Well a friend of mine had been awake for a long time and went to sleep. He dreamed he was in his apartment and his hand was “against him” so he took a knife and started cutting it. then he woke up right there with a bloody hand and a knife in his hand. Since then he’s been a bit afraid of staying up for too long. My point is. If you have this condition be sure to have lucid dreams so you don’t cut up your hand!!

I think there’s a difference between sleepwalking and waking dreams. Sleepwalking is done even when one gets enough sleep.

Actually I misread the question, I was thinking he was talking about a similar thing as the other topic (physical movement while in a dream)

As far as the conversations while dreaming goes, this is something i’ve done during sleepwalking.

But actual conscious control of the physical body while in a lucid dream? Aside from the danger aspect, I do think there is a possibility. I’ve had an experience (I’m pretty sure I posted it here over a year ago) where I was in a dream and could sense my physical body. Whether that can be expanded upon so that you could move your body is an interesting answer, but chances are you are more likely to just wake up.

What you have seems to be some sort of sleepwalking.
It should not normally be possible to move your body significantly during a lucid dream, due to your physical body being in sleep paralysis. It does happen with a few people with a rare condition where SP does not kick in normally.

I know. What I’m saying is would it be possible to switch between SP being on and off?

How would you see where you are going/walking?

Not without also waking yourself up afaik.

Yip I have done it, ages ago when I didnt know what a lucid dream was. I was at the start of the yellow brick road, decided that this dream was too scary for me [I was terrified of that movie] so I pinched myelf hard on the arm because I knew it was a dream. When I woke up I had my arms in the air above my head, like in the dream, pinching myself.

This is not like talking to people while being asleep, but it fits in ‘controlling phisical body while asleep’ topic.

As natural ( :grin: ) I had lucid dreams some time before I got interested in LDing. Anyways, once I had some annoying dreams. In one of them I realized that I am dreaming. I wanted to wake up, but i couldnt. Then weird thing happened.

I somehow started to open my eyelips. But SP (I didnt knew why then) did not allowed me to, and block my eyelips-opening signals. Result?

As I was fighting with SP, when SP was wining I had closed eyes and I saw my dream; When I was beating up SP, I saw reality. I tried to roll out of my bed. I did it, and falled down. This waked my body up.

I was really suprised by that thing; Stuff like this never happened to me. I guess that it was also first time I realized that I am dreaming :content: . Now I couldnt do thing like this; Maybe I was able to did it then just because I knew how hard was that :confused:

I sleep on a bunk bed; I don’t want my body moving around while I’m asleep. :tongue: