Could i be getting closer to LD's?

things are starting to get fishy around me. maybe its a sign of becoming closer to lucid dreaming. i have a weird feeling sometimes when i sleep and am dreaming that i feel that i can wake up myself up and then i act of the feeling and actually pull myself out of the dream to the real world, maybe its like a 6th sense or whatnot. well i am starting to now feel that feeling alot in the real world…or is it the real world. i act on the feeling yet nothing, it just lingers.

usually when the feeling arises, the world around me looks kind of…strange in a way. i do several reality checks but it all clears out. i have almost had a lucid dream once, i had known i was dreaming by doing the count-the-fingers RC and figured out i had six. but to my extent, about 30 sec later, it started to fade rapidly, and this was while i was still confirming that it was a dream from other reality checks.

several instinces i have also known that i was dreaming, waited for some sign to appear that i was dreaming, then just think nothing of it because it didnt make itself apparent that i was dreaming. so frustrating. this has happened about 3 times in the past 2 months

i have been doing WILD’s for some time, you can see one of the stranger ones here

i have found WILD’s to be somewhat effective but still havent gotten as far as the one i posted. i have now recently tried MILD’s and that seems to get good result because i chant in my mind when going to sleep “i will become lucid in my dream” and “i will know that i am dreaming”. last night i was doing that and came upon myself chanting that in a dream but didnt pick it up that i was dreaming.

hmmmmm, anyone got any ideas for me that might help on my quest for becoming lucid faster.

Hey Night’s Light,

The stuff that is happening to you is part of the process you go through when you start to or are close to LDing. This 6th sense for example you talk of, is something you can develop to an extend that in the dream, you will just “know” out of nowhere, that you are in a dream. MILD is a very good technique for sharpening this 6th sense, I would suggest you continue with it, perhaps combine it with WBTB if you dont have too much trouble getting up (be it only 2 minutes), it worked wonders to get me started into LDing. Also be sure to tell yourself that if you got 6 fingers, you dont need any more RC’s :smile:… well good luck with it!

:content: yes Night’s Light, as Xetrov said, you are defnitely close to having a lucid dream. My advice: stay with it, practise constantly, with RCs and all, and you WILL get there. Everybody does eventually. Good Luck!

yay! i had my first LD last night! :cool_laugh: and like Xetrov said, i just knew out of nowhere that i just knew i was dreaming. still did a RC and made sure and yep, it checked out, was dreaming. so cool


I like to compare it with pregnancy. “It” is almost coming, but not yet, until it comes and with fullness!