Darxide’s EFT Lucid Dream Induction Technique

Hahahahaha being wasted can definitely impair results. :tongue:

Dear Darxide,
Yest night i tried ur technique Ditto , as it is mentioned. I did 2 times and as i began to lay myself in bed, had some strange sensations, mild vibrations and a felling of disassociation from my body. I was scared to the core and shook myself off, even after that the vibrations continued. I determined to continue with it but constant biting by mosquitoes spoiled the fun…I ll try again tonight and post the result…Thx

I tend to bounce back and forth from almost no effort (and by almost, I mean none :content: ) to taking things a bit to far, I’m not sure if a pattern exists… :open_mouth: Experiment time!

EFT… I’ll go look into it :smile:

/me runs back to vampiregame :bat:

^ it really works!
i have been more rellying on WBTB but not much luck, using EFT more ofte now along with EFT and a glass of milk, works like a charm.

Three Doubts:

  1. While tapping body points, whether to keep eyes opened/closed?

  2. While tapping Gamut Point, whether to say affirmations and visualise u r LD?

  3. Whether to also tap ring finger (u did nt mention in ur post)?


Night #1: 20.11.2011

I wen’t to bed around 10 pm. Sitting on bed I preformed EFT tech and wen’t to sleep. I only used mantra for dream recall. I woke up at 3:15 [that’s my time for WBTB but I didn’t feel like getting up] and I remember 2 dreams. Not very long, just few scenes and I fall asleep, thinking on EFT technique.

It’s morning and I’m waking up, it’s around 9 am and I remember one more dream. I record it and get up after 10 more minutes of lying…

So this is first try and I’m satisfied with results… I have to say that I don’t remember much but the parts I remember seems like I had some kind of awareness, they weren’t just like any other mindless dreams…

Night #2: 21.11.2011.

Basically the same story as yesterday but this time from 3 dreams one was very detailed and more vivid then others…

Night #3: 22.11.2011.

I remembered 5 dreams, 3 were medium vivid and detailed 2 were just some fragments that I get because of constant waking up by ma parents! :cry:

Night #4: 23.11.2011.

Too much alcohol - I think I don’t need to say anything more… :shy:

Night #5: 24.11.2011.

Ok, this night I had around 3 dreams, one I remember but I lost the memory of other 2 because I had to wake up pretty early and didn’t had time to record the dreams, but that one dream was strange, very strange…

Night #6: 25.11.2011.

I don’t remember any dreams because I didn’t had time to record them and by now when I post this there is nothing let of those dreams… :neutral:

Night #7: 26.11.2011. :lucid:

Strange… After all week of using this tech and after the most exhausting day in whole week I had 2 LD. But I had some problems, which were described in this topic, if you are interested take a look and post your opinion. I prove to myself that this tech works and I will use it as add on to all other techs I was using before and I hope to have even better results! Thanks Darxide!

I’ve only had 1 real LD so I think I’ll try this tonight, sounds pretty cool.

you know, you should have figured to put up a link to the old topic for the people who have never read it (like me). how am i supposed to find it now, eh? :tongue:

should put it in your sig or something.

Sorry to say this, but each time I read the topic it sounds like:
Touch your fore head, touch your nose, hum old mc donald had a farm, stand on your hands, look left,bend your knees, look right, say halleluja, drink some water, open the curtains, close the curtains, stand on one leg, wave your arms and sing the national anthem, while continuously repeating in your mind “the next time I’m dreaming I’ll realize it’s a dream”.

I don’t say it doesnt work, but to me it looks like the real trick behind this technique is basically doing MILD, but additionally you’re overloading the conscious mind with tasks to allow the mantra to reach the subconscious.

I agree. I am curious to read the original topic. Link pls?

I just noticed the two topics were talking about the same technique so they’ve been merged together. Just read back to get an idea of how it works :content:

nice, Rhewin!

actually, i found the topic yesterday, but… i also tried it, and had no effect whatsoever. in the end, it’s just really overloaded MILD. it’s a variant of MILD. i’m happy it works for some people. but if MILD generally doesn’t work for you, you probably don’t have what it takes to convince your mind to have a LD. i think i’ll try again tonight, but i don’t know about it… i was pretty hopeful yesterday, but no result…

then again, i have serious trouble imagining becoming lucid while i’m tapping the points. that’s essential for MILD and probably this exercise as well. it might have only worked for you and your friends because they can vividly imagine it and plant it in their minds, and i can’t.

so basically it’s just MILD with a few props… however i think all of you who haven’t tried it should try it. everyone should try anything new that’s offered, and if it helps some people, it means it’s effective. i just don’t want you calling it some “magical” technique though… (cause in your posts you have said a couple times that it’s so effective, but then if you read the answers, you will notice that it did not work for most people who tried it, same as me)

still, congratulations on the new variant of MILD.

I think you’re missing the point BeRightBack, because the main part of this tech is EFT tech and if you do a research then you’ll see that EFT is basically for emotions and what lucid dream is then controlling your feeling and emotions… Doing MILD mantra and visualization is only add on to EFT. At least I think that, but like Darxide said it takes some time to see results of this tech…

i think EFT here is what enforces the mantra. after all if you just push the points and say nothing and imagine nothing, it will not work (if i understood it right)

True, so the point is that EFT doesn’t work without mantra and mantra doesn’t work without EFT in this technique…

therefore it’s an enhanced MILD, with special additive techniques…

because if you had to attribute it to the way we enter LDs… there’s MILD, WILD and DILD. all the techniques fall under one of those specific categories in one way or the other.

Yeah, you can say that… I mean it’s better to use mantra in that way then in just normal way… Suggestions helps a lot but if you say them with EFT I think that can be even grater results…

Every time i have used this tech. I have been using it laying down, and nothing goes wrong for me.

Hmmm, this technique is gonna need a shorter name like EFT or EFTILD… because it works

Ok, last night I did this, didn’t have an LD, but when I woke up I had basically perfect recall! Of course then I went back to sleep and forgot all of it :sad:

It really does! I had another lucid dream with this last night. It’s just a bummer my alarm clock ended it after 5 minutes. haha All well, there’s way more where that came from. :cheesy:

Nope. :cheesy: I understand why you might think that though. I recommend doing a Google search for ‘why EFT works’ or ‘how EFT works’. It goes a lot deeper into your mind than just a plain old mantra like MILD. This technique is like MILD on steroids. A good indicator of how well this works is the fact that I haven’t done a single RC in waking (or dream) life for a couple weeks now. I haven’t been keeping a dream journal and I haven’t been doing WBTB and I still have had about 4 lucid dreams in just the last few days.

I never had this kind of success on plain old MILD. :cheesy:

Exactly. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Although, generally I see people having success with this much faster than it takes them to have success with MILD.

I believe the moderator merged the topics. ;]

EFTILD works for me.

Keep doing it every night consistently and you’re bound to have results. The fact that it boosted your dream recall is a good sign. :content: [/b]