" True, we do give money to Israel. They are our ally. However, we used our alliance to pressure them into making concessions that Israel would never have made otherwise."
This is a good point I suppose… but I don’t know, the point is though, that we (and the UN) founded them, and we constantly favor them and take their side, and don’t really seem to care about any of the other countries or their points of view.
The thing is it’s now too late to stay out of it, if we do we risk Israel lobbing nukes everywhere, if things got too bad…
We need to step back from it all, say “who wants money and technology and aide?” and then whoever does, they have to do peaceful things to work towards better relations with their neighbors in exchange, and they HAVE to implement non hateful/brainwashing education immediately, teach kids tolerance instead of “do you see the jew behind the tree? Shoot him!” (i know that’s totally dripping with American propoganda and might not be wholly representatitve of education all around)
They all want money, they all want security that we won’t invade them, it’s not a lot to ask in return for the government to let us make sure they are promoting pro-tolerance anti-terrorism education in their kids minds.
If we could just get a ton of countries to do that in exchange for some aide here and there and security of not being invaded… I bet things would stabalize in 30 years…
You can’t be tolerant if you are horribly ignorant and impoverished… eliminate those two factors and violence largely dies.
But we don’t, we do the opposite, in the case of Iraq, passing harmful sanctions that helped drive Iraq into poverty in the first place, and of course, supporting Saddam Hussien, arming him, etc…
Now we are freeing them, by torturing them and choosing their leaders for them, and well, killing them, being ignorant and unaccepting of their culture… it’s just a huge mess.
I can’t believe there are Americans that thought this war would work… if we wanted to “disarm” Saddam we should’ve gone the route of Clinton and just bombed weapons plants… but you know, in order to do that, DON’T YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT HE HAS THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE?
I mean… gahh… we just keep making things perpetually worse than us, we need a new leader who is radically different who will stand up and apologize for his countries actions, all of them, and you know, who will maybe sit down and listen to these guys and what they want.
I mean, the only unacceptable thing bin laden wants from us is to be an isalmic country, everything else he asks is reasonable and understandable…
We know war isn’t going to fix this, we have tried some diplomacy, but I really don’t think we ever tried hard enough… I don’t know.
Maybe we should just back out and hope it doesn’t spark nuclear war… who knows.
We just know that what we are doing now not only doesn’t work, it is making things worse than they have ever been before.