Different styles of flying

i really cant say ive had a real flying vivid dream experience…but ive had several lucid dreams in which i attempted to fly but they were very low vividness and only managed to get like 10 feet off the ground. Without seeing any techniques i tried the “invisistairs” thing but its not the greatest. I lifted my right foot then lifted my left foot… very slow. ive had one moment though where i leaped out and put my arms out in front of my and started to fly but then looked down and came back down to the ground… what i would suggest is to not look down at first…

but i had one ND once where i had this wierd robotic wing device thing and glided off a building with it :grin: was really fun

I haven’t actually tried this out yet, but I have an idea. You can shapeshift into an animal that can fly. For example, a bird, a dragon, a pegasus, you name it XD

Thanks for telling me of this helpful information will try tonight if i have a LD

i always wanted to fly like hancok :happy:

Unintentionally came up with, inflating, on IRC talking to Wyv about flying… it was a typo…xD

Starry inflates herself into a human balloon

Some really interesting ideas here. I’ve never tried turning myself into an animal to fly. I will have to try this.

Typically I thicken the air around me and then swim up.

I never have much success with whatever method I use to fly. Partly because all I try to do is physical instead of mental. I mainly airswim or take a running jump to hover around in the air.

You know whats odd? i have a lucid mindset and LD A LOT but i usually have about 15-30 minute LD’s but ive always wanted to fly but never have a actually tried in LD’s. Great post will try the superman tonight.

In one of my earliest LDs I am flying around a cityscape flapping my arms like a bird. It is very tiring and not at all effortless like I want it to be. I look down and see a booth called “The Flyers Club”. I decide to investigate so I land (isn’t it great to come in for a landing like a bird) and I ask one of the assistants what they do. She says they help people to become better fliers. I tell her that I am having trouble flying, that I flap my arms but it takes too much effort and I always lose altitude. She responds: “Lose some weight”. Needless to say that was not the answer I was expecting and yet it made perfect sense (somehow)! Well that was my first flying lesson. She also gave me an “immunity card” which would protect me in my LD adventures. My flying has improved lately. I use a “no gravity” technique. I say “no gravity” and I float around effortlessly. It doesn’t always get me where I want to go but it beats flapping my “wings.”

I usually fly like superman. I have never had trouble with flying strangely. The first lucid dream I had I just took off flying the moment I became lucid. It is pretty amazing. I can feel my clothes rippling in the wind and everything!

I flew a lot in my dreams as a kid and my style probably was first based off of watching “Peter Pan” too many times. Kind of like the swan dive that Dunlar described. I could move through the air the same way a dolphin moves through water: effortlessly diving up and down. I think most of it was controlled by how I moved my head (look up to go up, look down to go down).
I had a harder time getting off the ground as I got older (like I was getting too heavy). Then I stopped flying entirely and went through a period of low DR. Every now and then I would have another flying dream but my flying style was more like a gliding paper plane. I’d have to catch the air a certain way to stay air-born or I’d nose-dive towards the ground. And sometimes I flew more like a balloon with helium and I would move by grabbing onto things (mostly tree branches) and pulling myself along. If I didn’t have something to hold on to I would keep floating up.
I am in the process of trying to regain my old flying style in my LDs.

I usually do superman kind of flying. It just comes more naturally. Sometimes however it does seem to be more energy based, in the fact that I have to focus my energy toward the activity of flying. :content:

Love flying…always a rush :content:

Has anyone mentioned the finger point method? Used this a couple times…once to glide like a rocket across the ground, pointing in front of me as if to pull myself to the area I’m pointing towards. Also, this has helped me focus on where I want to go while flying…change directions and what-not. For instance, was flying over a city-scape at night and saw a large beautiful park below that I wanted to check out, so I pointed at a large statue in the center and pulled myself down to the ground with it.

LOL! THAT…is hilarious :tongue:

There is something absolutely unique…about LD humor. Priceless!

Has anyone mentioned feet-first flying? I mean what is UP with that?!! Happens quite frequently when I fly in LDs…I’ll be streaking along nice and smooth and then inadvertently flip around and start flying feet-first. My speed and relative control are maintained but, I’m thinking to myself “This can’t look cool from the ground”. And that’s the most important thing, isn’t it? Looking cool from the ground? :tongue:

Of course! :lol:

That’s a very funny way of flying; I’ve never thought about that before :eek:

As for me, I usually fly just by thinking about it, but my most recent flying LD didn’t really turn out that way. I needed a silver necklace to help me. I also needed other people to help by flapping their arms, or else I would fall straight down.

I have many flying dreams however I wonder if anyone has had any success strafing due left or right.

I mostly flap my arms in lucids. But I’ve also running jumped and then tilted my body forward so that my feet wouldn’t touch the ground and stay in the air by will power. Also just gliding across the floor in a standing position.

Yeah…skate-flying…or skate-gliding, I guess you could call it. Have inadvertantly done that one too…skimming across the floor/ground at high speeds. Loads of fun :tongue:

I thought I’d share my recent success with flying. Let me preface this by saying that I have tried flying in LD’s before and have experience difficulty that I think I have managed to overcome.

So two nights ago, I attained lucidity (I won’t get into how) and my first thought was to fly. Like I said, I’ve had trouble in the past, so I wanted to try a new method, this one coming of all places from the late, great Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time books. In it, the character Perrin enters “the wolf dream,” something similar to an LD. He establishes control by manipulating his belief about the reality he occupies. For example, the grass is brown, and he wants the grass green, so he believes that the grass IS green and so the grass obligingly changes.

Being that I’ve occupied a reality for 26 years where I haven’t been able to fly, it’s naturally inculcated in me to believe that I can’t. It keeps me alive in the waking reality. In the dream reality, obviously the laws of physics do not apply, except that they are so unconsciously understood that many times they are carried over into the dream world. So here’s the trick: believe you can.

It sounds a bit Disney so let me elaborate. I tried to just take off like a Super Saiyan but since I don’t know what it feels like to be one (as it’s a cartoon) I couldn’t develop a confident belief. I tried something that was easier to imagine. I started running (I’m pretty sure a “runway” of sorts just sort of emerged down a dusty road) and I put my arms out. I imagined that I had wings. The key is in the details. I imagined that I had long wings to carry the weight of my body, with long white feathers like an eagle. My arms flickered at first, but as I filled in the details, my arms became wings. Then, I imagined that when I flapped my wings, just like a bird, they would provide the downward force necessary to carry my weight upward into the sky. I was still running, and when I flapped my wings (I had realistic wings because I believed I did) I felt the downward force project me in the air. Amazing!

I flew around convincingly like a dove on the wind and then had another epiphany. I don’t need wings to fly. I hovered in the air and imagined that my body was full of infinite energy (I really believed this) and from the point forward, flying was as natural and easy as being a Super Saiyan. Having broken the barriers of what I expected to be possible, I was able to achieve a more malleable mindset.

This was the best flying experience that I’ve ever had and the most control of a lucid dream that I’ve ever had (of maybe 50 LDs.) Waking up and remembering this was also one of the best feelings ever. And I’m not a morning person.

So try it out and read the books they’re pretty awesome if you’re into fantasy (good fantasy.)