Discussing with Logic

First of all, welcome to the site. Secondly, apologies if any of the following is confusing. I have become quite familiar with the plural community over the years, and during that time I have run into many new ways of conceptualizing consciousness that you may find interesting.

One phenomena of note is daemonism, in which an individual communicates directly with their subconscious the way you do. I also know of several individuals in plural/multiple systems who function in a manner you describe, in which there will be one identity, with multiple aspects or emotions that are separate from the unconscious as well as the core self to a degree, but not so much that these aspects are an entirely separate consciousnesses from the core self the way, say, A and I are. So, for instance, an individual will have an aspect of themselves that represents their logical side, as well as an aspect of themselves that represents certain emotions, ad infinitem, and though it varies from system to system in many cases it is possible that these aspects can be communicated with directly. This phenomena is known as being median.

Granted, median systems and demians alike are like that day in and day out, not only when dreaming. It is interesting to see how these mechanisms overlap and differ outside of a plural context.