Disobeying LDs

I used to have lucid dreams when I was about 10, not knowing what they were, and I used to think to myself “I want a ferrari” or something like that and lo and behold a ferrari would be there, keys in the ignition etc and all went well. I’ve been having LDs again for about a year now, sometimes about 4 times a week if I’m lucky, other times just 1 or 2 every fortnight, but now there is a difference. If I want something to happen it doesn’t. Sounds like my mind playing reverse phycology tricks on me I know but that’s the way it is. :confused:

A recent example is when I became lucid about a week ago and I knew where I was and also knew where I wanted to be, which wasn’t far away. The spinning and thinking “I want to be here” doesn’t normally work for me and the last time I walked through a mirror I ended up in a small, red cusioned, square room which was completely padded and completely red. Nothing for me to do but go back through the mirror and end up where I started. Anyway, in this case I thought I’d try flying to where I wanted to go. This sort of worked but in a half-arsed way (scuse the French). I wasn’t moving at any sort of decent rate at all and everytime I gained a certain height I went straight back down again. I’ve flown successfully in dreams before so I know it’s not my technique, and all the while I way saying to myself “I’m dreaming and I know it’s possible to fly so FLY!” to no avail.

I then thought I’ll get a car (not a ferrari mind you). So I willed a car to come. Nothing… then… some cars start coming past which don’t stop, even when I lunge infront of them (knowing that I can’t be hurt). This continues until eventually my dream is over and sadly wasted (I’d rather have a non-lucid dream than go endure that).

Why does my subconcious go against my will when I’m dreaming? Is there a reason for this, is there something wrong with me or something I have to face up to? Is there a cure? Help!! :help:

Roy :grin:

Unfortunately i don’t know the answer why you cannot do things you sincerely believe you can and even said it out in your dreams. It has usually helped me to make them to work either by saying it out, or just doing it no matter did i believed it, or not. If they did not worked one way, i put them work in some other way.

But what i wanted to say is, that i believe there are some things our subconcious does not want us to experience YET in LD’s. Although my opinion might be wrong. For example i have wanted to find out certain person in my LD’s but they never appeared YET. Maybe the time is not yet ready for me.

And there are things what i believe i can do even now, but i still need some practice how to make them happen (for example: time and space travelling with speed of light).

Hello Roy,

I know the frustration. :cry: I’ve been through the same thing.

Well, first of all, congradulations on your ability to becaome Lucid fairly often.
Now, being lucid is one thing, and control is another.
What you need to do, as well as me, is be conscious of your whole self. Know that you are not in a dream, but a dream is in you. You are the dream. No seperation, it is all you. With that realization, control shall become a lot easier.

I hope that helps. :wiske:

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll give it some thought and practice and get back to you if the superman in me takes off!


If you can get to the point where you can make simple objects appear, you could try to make some sculpting clay appear and then sculpt what you want. (It’s just an idea; haven’t tried it.)