Distance healing

is there a way to heal yourself… do you use different principles for self healing? I’m noticing some problems in my left arm/heart region which i’m kind of worried about, and am having a hard time isolating and focusing upon (or even finding) exactly where the proper chakra is…

I was under the impression that this was more an emotional or spiritual healing thing, No? To be used in conjuntion with traditional medicine? I know science doesn’t know everything but I think you should really see a MD if you’re worried.

i’ve had an EKG done before and they said i was fine… they think/thought that just basically i have sore muscle problems in my chest region.

Sorry, I don’t know why I assumed. But, especially if your young and depending how arrogant your MD is they can give you a real hard time about proper treatment. If you don’t agree with them then I’d do some research and get a second opinion, while you work on your chakras. Don’t let them blow you off, you have a right to proper care.

You dont need to locate a chakra do heal yourself. Focus on the spot that needs healing, and set the intention that your body will use all possible energy (chi) it can spare to heal that specific spot (a kind of auto-suggestion). I do this mostly when I go to sleap, so my body can focus on healing at night.

first of all… see a doctor about it, if it is something serious.

yes… what you can also do is relax, and then try to contact that point in your body, and ask it to show itself to you in a shape. (can be animal, human or shape) You will get an image, that makes it easier to connect to it.

Then say ‘hello’ to it and ask what it wants to tell you. You can get answers along the lines of:"i’m scared, i need more love, why do you never listen to me… whatever - "… You then ask what you can do to help it… (take more rest, eat more or less from this or that… etc (these are just examples, you listen to your own answers).

then give that! or do it! (that’s the most important bit). Sometimes you can do it in the visualisation, but most times it is something you do after the visualisation.

Whenever I do this exercise, i get very meaningful replies. If you listen to them you listen to your body and the pain will go - i believe pain is a way for your body to scream for your attention.

You can even use this method to boost your bodies own immune system. I have had times where I had a cold and I would visualize my white blood cells. I would picture them as soldiers attacking the flu virus in my body. The result is that I recovered much faster than other people.

I recall reading an article where a person had cancer and imagined pac man gobbling up the cancer cells in her body. It greatly improved her recovery to the doctors amazement. I would not suggest this as an alternative to medical treatment but as an addition to it.

pasQuale, i just wanted to thank you for making me smile. reading about what you did for the girl in the coma gave me a really good feeling in my heart. i get bummed out by and frustrated over the lack of compassion and understanding in the people that i live around. you helped to remind me that not everyone is like that. thank you :smile:

please enjoy your beautiful work

with love,

Thanks sam :smile:

Unfortunately no, but practice is important in an art like long distance healing. If you don’t practice you lose it. And many people don’t have the patience.

Oh i forgot, here are some other ways you can do distance healing Most of what PasQuale said stays the same you have to connect to them through the atmosphere or portal.

Some Medical ChiKung doctors imagine the person they are to heal’s body is between their hands.

Some even use an article of some personal nature.

You can even use a pillow, especially when treating certain organs.

Im glad you guys like this stuff!

I love this stuff…very shy about it in RL but any recommendations you can give would be very helpful

The book Medical Qigong a comprehensive clinical text is $113.00 and available on qigongmedicine.com

Thanks Phantom. Q, I was just wondering if you were willing to tell us if the classes you took were from the same school as Phantom’s

Pasquale, I am completely and utterly impressed.

What you have is a truly beautiful gift. I am so glad that Milod decided to bring it out into the open.

I don’t tell many people the things I can do. Only my closest of closest friends know. One of the things i can do is pick up someone’s emotions. Sometimes they are so noisy that I turn my radio up, especially at work, to help tune them out. I know people think that emotions can only be felt. But when there are so many at one time, it’s noisy.Other times, I feel someone’s heartache and/or sadness so intensely that I begin to cry.

All I can say Q, is that: you should be very proud of what you have.
I would be

OMG too freaky for words! You’re not kidding around are you? Ok, big leap here…Thats being an empath! I get the same thing too! I really wish I could do something with it…I can turn it down but that’s all…Sometimes though even when I’m turning it down I get real strong waves of anger etc…It’s very unsettling…I can put stuff out a little too that’s why I think I might be good at reiki or something

No, I’m not kidding. I keep alot of information to myself. My live-in doesn’t know half of what I’m capable of. Sometimes, I totally enjoy the stunned look. And I only make that happen when i’ve had enough denial. I tried my best to keep it at bay but sometimes things slip. For example, my live-in’s nephew is living w/ us now. And we spend alot of time together, and he told me I scared him because of right I am.

lol, I don’t like sharing because I believe power is in silence. But in Q’s case I think what she has is great and pure. Something, I wish everyone could do. With the right intentions that is. Because she’s right. Not everyone wants to be helped.

you can’t save a person from themselves.

It’s so weird to have you compliment me on this. I’m growing into it. For me it is something i just do, and if i hear you say : what a great gift, i feel thankful.

So thank you for that. I’m still learning to ‘handle’ it, if that is the right word. To grow into it, to learn how to use it.

The education i did was in amersfoort, called “mens en intuitie”… They teach you how to ground yourself, meditate, things like that. In the second year you basically do the same but then for somebody else. I picked up some things there, but i feel that what is really inside me, that is something else. It is not reiki or chi, or well maybe it is, things have different names.

All i know is that i feel what should be done and i do it. I have bumped my head very hard so i’m now more careful. I used to want to spread it around to everybody, and my biggest mistake, or maybe learning point, is when i put my hand on the homeless man. That gave me so much of his (or mine) bad stuff and it completely shook me apart. Then i learned the big lesson. the real big lesson. (not to just go around heal everybody just because i can… there is a time and place for everything). But it made me very sad as well, because the way the healing came afterwards was different, it seemed to be gone for a while.

this is now 5 years ago and it is growing stronger again.

Can you turn it off, the empath thing? i have a hard time doing that. I wear stones for protection. Jade for example.

I don’t know, I’m not as sensitive as some I guess :shy: , but it’s more like a block but it isn’t perfect. I just kind of put some positive feelings out there and that gets me through. Maybe Nowell could help you better.

Pasquale, from what I understand. When you touched the homeless man he took from you. No doubt he felt some euphoria from it as well. I guess it’s safe to talk about it here. But there are people who are energy vampires. Sometimes they’re easy to point out but there are others that are clever.

The gift you have Q is so special and being so caring leaves and has it’s disadvantages.

Turning off the empath stuff is hard but it can be done. I wish I could tell you how. I’m not perfect at it because I don’t like the results. When I shut it off, I also back people off. It’s sounds crazy :crazy: but it’s almost as if I’m unapproachable. And sometimes I prefer that over feeling so much because it is so overwhelming.

Unfortunately, it is so hard to find someone to guide you. Someone here that is. Sometimes, I wish my grandmother were still alive. But that would be selfish.