Since you belong to this forum it is apparent that at least you have either experienced a lucid dream or acknowledge it’s existence. You have lucid dreamt or so you believe so…
And the proofs are ?
Aliens can exist because I THINK I saw them yesterday.
The very fact that you typed that here isn’t necessary true because you might have thought it happened. I am just applying the very same criteria.
The thing is that OBEs start, end and are apparently very precise in their structures. If this is not definitely an OBE it is a complete or at least 99% replication AND logical continuation of everything inside the replication including the stability of the world, the natural phenomena (wind,rain), physics ( how curtains move), all the items in the room in their exact position and state, lightning, and ofc when you “wake up” everything follows exactly this logic. OBEs always start with a smooth transition exactly where you slept and faced and you are found in the same position. You can examine for a lot of time the surroundings and everything is in it’s place. You can mentally move different parts, but they are invisible but autoscopically you can see your body where exactly it was when you slept. My very first OBE was with open eyes, they never closed, and there is absolutely no break between the beginning of an obe and between the end of one. The memory of the OBE is so clear and stable that it leaves zero doubt and the OBE itself is extremely real like, when you wake up our current reality is real like at the same point. Never ever an OBE is blurry, unprecise of what is going around at the time ( i don’t know if someone dropped in the room if it would show), the hallucinations that exist always atop of the reality are extremely real like and well planned. The overall plan of OBEs is precise, their duration, stability, scheme and it is always like that. Also the method they start as commonly described is no more no less completely true. With the gradual paralysis of the body parts, the head last with stable breaths, the control that you can have at the last state where REM sleep would occur, the vibrations where you the body vibrates internally before OBE starts ( it might fail also at the point), the exploding head syndrome, the sleep position you must take to cause sleep paralysis before sleep, the fact that you must be midly tired and although it’s controlable you can let yourself to “sweet sleep”. Now after this to leave zero doubt, although on itself whatever this phenomenon is more than a more “common” LD or a WILD someone would have to raise his mental self and go see things that occur in other rooms, outside the house and if they are faithful to reality. Someone could place a paper with something written or drawn by someone else and without having seen when awake it he could see what’s on it hen having an OBE if it’s so. If this alone doesn’t raise your curiosity, then I can add nothing more.