Dolphins vs. Monkeys

Which are better: Dolphins or monkeys?
And by ‘better’, I basically mean which do find downright cooler/nicer/funner-er…

–What? You want MY opinion? Why, I’m flattered…

Dolphins, of course. But only because they’re prettier, have a personality, and are way smarter. Or maybe it’s just personal bias. :content:

Anyway, I’ve always wanted to turn into a dolphin in a lucid dream…Find out what echolocation and living in the sea and such would be so much fun. Seems to me that monkeys are just hairy and not very smart. So…please make fun of me for my opinion and post, 'cause I’m back again.

I’d go with monkey’s. I don’t like water, it’s cold sometimes and wet and then you get out and are cold, and dolphins can only be in water. I can’t really have a huge fish tank in my house, And I don’t want a dolphin in my pool. Monkey’s are wicked awesome, you can teach them stuff, and they are smart too and have personalities, havent you ever seen ross’ monkey on friends? they climb around and are a lot like people. Plus they don’t like water. They mite smell, but so do I so it’s ok :grin: I have candles in my room anyway, and once in a while I burn a little bit of incense to make my room smell so great. I could teach the monkey to use the bathroom, or something like that, maybe i’ll just get a monkey door, like a dog door. Can you have a monkey as a pet? Is that like, legal? In the united states? I bet it is, I doubt you can actually have a dolphin for a pet though, unless you work at seaworld of course. :tongue:

Monkies… couse they have arms and legs, are flury… but dolphins are just… boring…

I agree with Nazca

dolphins! they are smooth and streamlined, monkeys are just furry and unhygienic. Dolphins travel around warm seas over the world, monkeys sit in the jungle soaked in their on sweat. Need I say more?

dolphins swim around in their own (and others) waste.


Monkeys eat each other lice while dolphins are helped by small fish, who are more adapted to do this kind of work, to get rid of these parasites.


if men can only think with one organ at a time, how can dolphins be smarter than monkeys when dolphines have 2umm thingies. :eh:

Dolphins have 2 wangs?! why on earth is that? so they can have to dolphin chicks at once? :eh:

Monkeys, though dolphins are intreessting. Monkeys are funny though. Gotta go with funny :content:.

Oh, and did you know that monkeys have there own, simple, lanugage? Tottale, dude :cool:.

monkies can kick the living but out of dolphins…

I don’t know, dolphins can be pretty vicious :smile:

I vote for Dolphins even though I like monkies too. I just have a thing about sea creatures, I love the energy level of dolphins and the way they look too.

monkeys cause they are similiar to us

Monkeys will def kick the livin daylights out of a dolphin… ON LAND. In the water… I mean, c’mon… the dolphin will drown that monkey bastard :smiley:

But I choose monkeys… I like the way they swing around on trees. WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  • Z

well… monkeys cant swim and dolphins cant walk…

Monkies have “bananas” :grin:
What do dolphins have :eh: ???

Interesting fact - because dolphins would drown if they ever really went to sleep, (remember, they breathe AIR) they shut down each half of their brain alternately. So they’re only ever half awake and half asleep.

As for the actual question - I’m not really partial to either monkeys or dolphins. Reminds me of that Ian Brown song though…

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