I’ve spent the last few months away from the site and I’ve used about 90% of my lucid time to experiment with operating my brain differently. I have had loads of sucess… and loads of failures. I have fully developed my ability to create false memories and found physical proof that shows they are lost as true memories when they are proven wrong. I have developed a different visualisation thing with my dreams… I say “thing” coz i don’t know howto explain it. It’s the most imprressive thing I’ve done so far. I don’t visualise in real life anymore… I “see” things. I can (at will) see something infront of me the EXACT same way I’d see something real. And it last and doesn’t lose any clarity till I want it to. Visualisation sucks compared to this. How many other people can do this? It’s taken me 3 months. I have a weird theory. Has someone ever tricked their brain into believing they can feel things when they can’t? Like i can with ym sight? If you could do both then technically you could hold a ball… imagine the implications which could occur when you threw the ball at someone…
I managed to develop this skill using many MANY different practices but they all came from one really simple idea I had. When you use your memory you use a certain part of your brain. And it’s the same in a dream… the same parts of the brain are active. So I figured that if there was anyway to unlock new senses and the such then maybe its through lucid dreaming. I figured that if someone tried using a sense in a dream using the most realistic possible factors then the correct part of the brain should be in use. If after months of trying there is still no progress then I would assume the sense or woteva doesn’t exist. This is hard to explain. OK heres one thing I’ve been trying recently:
I’ve tried creating a few DC (usually 3) and making sure that they have their own will… (or at least I don’t consciously control them). They think of yes or no. Whatever they want. I then try to read what they are thinking in their heads. I focus on the fact that they have a brain inside their heads and it works the same way as normal ppl. If someone I focus on thinks yes then i get a hot feeling. No then its a cold feeling. Simple. I figure that if it is possible to do this is RL then the part of my brain should be getting “warmed up” when I do this constantly in dreams. Getting more and more ready so I can use it in RL. And I know this means nothing at all coming from my dream… but I think I know where telepathy comes from. It doesn’t come from one part of the brain which we dont know about. It comes from 2 completely normal parts working together! I get the feeling that is what is happening when I do this lucid. In RL iv had some scary success but then again NOTHING compared to the amount you would need to prove something like this. It’s been wrong a lot of the times and it’s not worked at all sometimes. But I have had my fair share of it working and have really showed off to some mates… But this could easily be put down to luck.
I have also been working with making myself talk in RL while dreaming. I have now discovered that there are two ways of doing it and they depend on the time scale in your dream. I noted that sometimes I spoke SUPER-FAST and other times completely normal! On further investigation I found that in a 10-40 minute dream I speak normally in the RL. In a dream which lasts stupidly long like 4 years… I speak REALLY fast. I didn’t think this owuld be the case as you do not really live out 4 years SPEEDED UP! You live out BITS of 4 years and its enough to make you believe you have spent 4 years dreaming. Therefore the speach should not be speeded up…it should be missing chunks and be at a normal speed. But it isn’t. So I have a new belief, perhaps we do dream out these stupidly long times but they are processed incredibly fast? Maybe.
Oh and I have this AWESOME recording of me sleeping and I say in a weird groggy voice. “i am sleeping but I am awake. Testing”. Lol. My next experiment on the voice thing is to have a conversation with someone. I talk to them and they can answer yes or no. Yes they shine red in my eyes and no they shine blue. I know this last bit doesn’t have much to do with controlling the brain but i had to put it somewhere so why not have all this together!