Those awesome old guys

The past few days I began going back to the old posts, (2004-2005)
I just bumped into those Inspiring fellas that had had (grammar?) prepare yourself 130+ LDs a month!
That’s just… crazy!
R3TRO, started just as all of us, struggling with basic dream recall, it’s just inspiring.
Him and freecube had daily (or should I say nightly) shared dreaming adventures in some permanent scape called “the home”.
Bumped into Pedro’s awesome experiments too.

Well, that post have no real intention except to present to you a conclusion;
A lucid dream a day can keep the doctor away, but you can do much MUCH more.

130+ LDs a month?!?!? They would have had to have over 5 LDs a night, which isn’t possible, since there are less Sleep Cycles than that.

They would wake up several times a night and would reach even as 19 (!!!) in a single day! :open_mouth:

Wyvern and Writerscube also have a ton iirc.

Writerscube at one point was having LDs every night that felt like they lasted for a week.

heck, i wish i could get that kind of success with ND recall!

Oh well. Don’t let it discourage you. Some people are just naturals, and some of us have to actually work for it! :wink:

Wyvern was very interesting indeed… Managed all sorts of cool stuff. More than just LDs.

yes, but I can do a dance.

<(^^<) <(^^)> (>^^)>

suck it.

If I remember right, I was the first person to do that on this forum.

I’m like Mr. Bojangles. I’ve been doin’ dances since '29.

And, correct me if i’m wrong, but we’ve now gone wildly off topic.

Sleep Cycle = 90 minutes, Sleep time = 9 hours; = 6 sleep cycles per night. Also, when Pedro and I were going at it, we were both using occasional nap LD’s to supplement, and there were some nights in which we would have like 6 or more LD’s because you can have more than one dream in a rem period.

I much say, this actually got pretty, draining is probably the best word, because there was so much time we were aware of being conscious plus its a lot of effort when you’e trying to have LD’s every single REM period. I don’t think Predro or I ever pulled that feat off. Its just too easy to miss a REM cycle here or there and not fully wake up and refocus after each round of WBTB.

i can’t speak for Leeh, but to me these guys are incredibly encouraging! i haven’t checked out the first user she mentioned, but if he was having problems with recall at his beginning then i think he would be the poster child for “anyone can do it”. plus, what keeps me from having as many and as vivid of LDs as someone who has been doing it their whole life?

Thank you for this post, Leeh!! :grin: All the great (or should I say fantasticly amazing) LD’ers I’ve found are the ones that LD since they were like 4. So there was always this little doubt in my head… can we do it? Do we really have a chance? :tongue: I mean, I really think we can all become GREAT LD’ers. But still. I guess I needed “proof” :lol: So if R3TRO started out just like us and had basic problems just like we do… that is really inspiring and motivating! :woo:

I’m not sure what else I can say except for the following:


goes check out all of their posts :tongue:

This is definitely motivating stuff. Thanks!

Told ya people :smile:

it is easy enough to do , i learned chaining on my own many years ago , and it is not that i will ld every day but i sure used to !

especially in college in the early mornings before i had to get up for “class” and such

it is easy to have many LDs a day and i got somewhere in the tally of 100 in a month counting all the times I chained, but i think after being a teenager / young 20s adult you are more mellow about it though just as dedicated, because i appreciate all dreams where i am aware and remembering them clearly ,

it just requires paying attention and a desire to make it and then you do one day

+++ If you start to write a DJ online you can remember every single dream you have ever had , and it is called recpitulation, I used to do it on another forum and it was amazing and at the same time it was something that I felt like, hmm,

YOU COULD she dreams you’ve had, all of them, remember them all in time, and come to some wacky wonderful scientist like realizations and learn great things if you are such motivated and I am sure a few people have .

++++ the gemstone unakite if you leave it sitting around in a bowl or something, a lot of it, it will randomly “defragment” your dream reality and you will suddenly remember an ancient dream from long ago, those dreams that are so deep that once you awake you might not recall them yet they latsed forever and made perfect sense while you are there

THE REALLY abstract ones, and I am remember a few of them right now.

and yes R3TRO is an interesting dreamer for sure, we did an SD experiment, I found this light pulling me up and i thought "oh i could die if i wanted to " and that felt nice, then he kept arguing with me about x-boxes, and i said i have a playstation not an x box

well x box was the codeword he was trying to communicate to me !

Awesome old guys … and no mention of atheist? He did win the most inspiring DJ award in 2006
DJ Nominations for December … Most INSPIRING DJ

That’s not unlikely, I’ve had several mornings when I’ve woken up to Snooze Alarms from my cellphone 5-6 times, and during each of those 10-minute snoozes I had a dream.
I suppose waking up like that 10 times in a row could be possible with some practice, then you could do it a few times during the day as well.