Dragon Optical Illusion

Alright, this illusion is really terrific. Go here to read about it. Watch the video. If you do one thing at the link watch the video, it’s insane.


You can make your own. It’s really awesome.

Wow that’s just so cool :cool_laugh:

Amazing! :wow:

It is! I made my own and everyone who comes into my room will be really freaked out when they see it. Up close you have to close one eye, but from across a room it works without closing an eye at all. It’s so neat.

I am so making one of them…

EDIT: hey, that entire site is worth checking out. There’s some really good illusion on it.

Yeah, the hollow face thing on the site is an illusion based on the same principle.

He he ! That’s really funny ! :smile:

I love it!! thanks for sharing!!
… makes me wish I didn’t sale my printer, eck!

I’ll print it out somehow! :happy:

ok well that’s like the coolest thing i’ve ever seen, well not THE coolest, but WOW! I’m gonna make one of those.

Hah, I’ve made one, and it works :cool:. Just like on the video :grin:.

I’ve made mine too ! :smile: It works very well, but if you know the trick, you have to close one eye, as they said.

Wow, that’s so cool. I made mine too, it works just like on the video. And it works for me with both my eyes open, but I think that’s just because I’m really stupid/gullible. Anyway, that’s one awesome illusion!

Yeah, try putting far away. Then you don’t have to close an eye, and it spooks everyone.

Actually, it’s within an arms reach from me, and yet it works with both eyes. Like I said, I’m either gullible or just plain stupid. :tongue:

That’s right ! I’ve put it on a shelf at the back of my lounge, and it’s very funny. A friend of mine came this afternoon, and he found it really amazing ! :happy:
I’ve a little pet in my flat now ! :content:

yay! I’m so glad everyone is enjoying this as much as I do.

I made one, but only in black and white :sad:. It works pretty well though. I’ll try moving it far away. :content:

Great, I’m printing it!

I wonder what i did wrong… It just would not work for me :sad: Anyone who could make any photos of theirs from different angles??

nm… I folded it completly opposite way :wink: I fixed it now and it works great :happy: