Dream Incubation

have same problem too :sad: I tryed to incubate my dream a lot, but failed. Only managed to dream my village once, but that’s all :sad:

I can’t seem to get it to work either :cry:

But I can continue a dream if I wake up from one that I really want to see the end of, or if I want to change something in it. I don’t really know how I do it but it happens every now and then.

I think I just carry my intention back into the dream world and then I just start dreaming about what I wan’t to dream about. It’s hard to describe how it do it, it’s more like a feeling.

I’ve done it a couple of times when I didn’t mean too (i was just thinking about something, and carried on thinking about it until I was asleep).

One technique I’ve read about, but have never successfully used is to setup triggers.

-You decide what you want to dream about
-You think of all the keywords and triggers you might encounter in a regular dream
-Memorize them and associate them with your desired dream sequence

This should allow you to start your desired dream when you encounter a memorized trigger

Just like triggering a lucid dream you can trigger a desired regular dream. It was a technique people used who wanted to revisit old dreams, in a non LD environment.

Remember the more you think about something the more likely it is going to filter through to your dreams. Try to think about what you want to do in your dreams as much as you can during the day as well as when you go to sleep.

Personally, I found that I am more likely to have a specific dream during a LD than through dream incubation.

Good Luck and Happy Dreaming

I scanned for a couple a pages for this thread and couldn’t find it. so if you can find an original post of this go ahead and link it. Once again im lazy.
Since the beginning of my practicing of lucid dreaming i never reall gave dream incubation much thought but as of late i have. But i haven’t had the time lately to practice this, that or i just forget among other methods. I had an idea for my dream incubation, i have a book called “skyscrapers” which is a picture book of all the major skyscrapers around the world. I was thinking of researching and memorizing all i could about a particular skyscraper until i dreamt about it. I would use the same skyscraper until i had a dream for it. I picked skyscrapers because they are all unique and the book gives me a direct list of locations and the skyscraper seems to be a good center point for the visualization and incubation. When you incubate a dream to a neighborboor hood or a room you’ve got alot of scattered objects to visualize into their normal place. Visulaizing one big building seems clearer that is if you don’t mind the inconsistencies in the city around it which seem unimportant if you got the skyscraper. If that explanation seems vague as to why i chose skyscrapers then whatever. Just seems like a solid thing to incubate.
Does anybody here have their own little incubations to speak of?

I also would like to ask if anyone here thinks that the type or scene your incubating has anything to do with its effectiveness or is it all just personal preference? Also, how sucessful have you all been with this tech? Is it one of the better ones or poorer ones?

I’m pretty sure the scene you incubate is personal preferance. I don’t see why one would be better than the other. It all depends on how well you can visualise it, how often you visualise it (during real life), and if you believe it will work or not.

I’ve actually tried something real close to this a couple of months ago. I was trying to relive big events (things like the civil war, 9/11, etc…), and it worked pretty well. The 9/11 one was almost exactly what your doing. I pictured the twin towers from an outside view. The only thing different that I had done, is also picture the surroundings, but only vivid enough as I would see them in peripheral vision…which I’m sure I just completely misspelled that.

Anyways if you put effort in to this, you should get almost instant results. Let us know how it goes.

BTW, this is also a great way to induce lucid dreams, which I don’t know if that is what your trying to do or not. You could use a MILD mantra saying, the next time I see this skyscraper…yada yada yada. It’s almost like a variation of VILD.

and VILD is a variation of overall dream incubation. I was going to incubate a dream about a skyscraper in the near by city but i thought “well, there is a chance i could be there and real life and have been. so i might be more susceptible to rationalizing it somehow in a dream state”. So i decided on another skyscraper so the possiblitiy of thinking “i’m actually at this building not far from my house” goes away.

I’ve searched about dream incubation in the forum, and I didn’t find any useful information.
The “find your hands” technique and, as you said, the VILD technique are based upon dream incubation. Thus, it’s possible! :tongue:
If you find a good incubation method, I’m very interested. It would be a breakthrough in this domain… :wink:

How would you go on about dream incubation- e.g. decision-making- and you want a dream that can clarify the issue?

I try to pick topics that aren’t too traumatic or all-important life questions, but still relevant for me to bother about it- e.g. I need to make a decision by a certain day? … But so far, I’m not having too much success.

Any tips?

Just incubate any scene you’d like and when you become lucid you can search from there.
I feel it’d be better to do your decision making in waking life though.

Hm you could use selfhypnosis to imprint the intention in your sub-c that the dreams you’ll dream next night will give you some valuable insight in your problem of decision-making. If you do it this way, make sure you truly believe that your intention will become truth. Also, emphasize the nature of the decision you have to take as you’re doing the selfhypnosis. But remember, the longer your intention, the longer it takes to imprint it properly in your sub-c. It works best with short but powerful messages. If it’s pretty lengthy nonetheless, then do the selfhypnosis several times during the day, and keep thinking about all day. As you go to bed in the evening, make sure you really KNOW you’ll see some answers in the morning. Then in the morning, recall your dreams as best as possible and try to find keys in their symbolism which might give you some insights. If you really can’t see any keys, repeat the practice the next day, and so on… Also, bear in mind that the keys are hidden in several dreams so you need to put them together to “see the bigger whole”.

Good luck :smile:

He he, don’t worry Probobo. They’re not important decision-making questions as such- just an attempt to sift through emotions to get a clearer picture of what I really want- and then make a decision in waking life.

Thx Mystic and Prob- I’ll give it a few more goes. :smile:

merged into the Dream Incubation topic


How to train mayself to dream about something?
For example, to dream about certain person, or certain place, or certain event (from the past, or I assumed one)?

And I don’t mean lucid dream, just dream.
I have friend who tried all LD technique, and can’t get LD.
But he think if he can train himself to dream about something, he’ll know that and become lucid.

What you think about that “method” to get lucid?

I’m assuming that what you are thinking of is incubating dreams. There are some topics on the forum on it, take a look around, and try doing a search on it. Many people have already discussed it here.

So far, I haven’t had any success with incubating dreams, but then again I only tried it about three times.

Incubating dreams, always a nice subject! :yes:

Start off by telling yourself that tonight you’re going to dream about this or that. Start with simple dreams, please, don’t make it too elaborate when beggining.

So tell yourself “I’m going to dream about my brother” ( :wave: T!), “I’m going to dream about nature”, “I’m going to have a dream about family”.

Keep telling yourself that before going to bed—not as a command, but as a wish (you have to remember two things: one, you’re not the ruler of your SC, so don’t go bossing at it; two, you’re also not a slave of it, so don’t just act like one—the quirk with dreaming is always to play with your sobconscious rather than against it).

The first results are not exactly what you expected, but you can see there already were results. Keep asking for a week, always telling yourself how it could be better: “Last night I wanted to dream about the jungle and dreamt about a tree; maybe I could dream about more trees…”

In less than a week, if your recall is good, you’ll start to notice you’re getting skilled at that incubation, so you can try another—maybe in a new level of complexity. So this time, instead of asking for a simple “jungle” dream, ask your subconscious before going to bed “what’s freedom?” or tell yourself to dream about something abstract—eg, ask for a “forum” dream, and see if you can incubae a concrete version of this forum in your dream.

As you get skilled (or: as your SC gets used to you bragging for specific dreams all the time :razz:), you can start going more and more specific in your dream incubations.

Some people like to wish, some people like to meditate on the subject (and bring the meditation back when they go to bed), some people like to visualize (although I think it’s a poor resource, you can give it a try, those things work differently for each person).

Good luck! :ok:

Any doubt, you can drop me a PM or add me to MSN, ok? :smile:

Thank you, Brune, I really needed those tips. :hugs:

Hi niksa!

I just merged many topics about Dream incubation and I merged yours too. Now I hope you can find here many ideas about it.

what i mean is, is it possible to choose what a normal dream will be about. for example how i have lucid dreams is repeatim dreaming over and over again until im dreeaming and i tell me self in my dream im dreaming and "wake up"in my dream. but is there a way in the day or at night or while falling asleep to kindof choose the topic of your normal dream so if i dont have an LD ill still do somethin i want to do in a dream?

I changed your title so it covers the true point of your post. :confused:no: