Years ago I had a few LD’s that surprised and awakened my sense of spirituality. Nothing has happened since then, my LD practice has stagnated. I want to reawaken my LD practice with some fresh perspectives and approaches. I saw some things about DREAMSIGNS and I wondered if you people could help me to choose one.
I want some techniques for tonight! THX in advance.
-Your Friendly Cosmichood Oblivion Dweller
Well if you are only interested in Dreamsigns, I suggest you post a few of your dreams in this thread (or link your dream diary) so that we can see what exactly it is that you dream about and what frequent dreamsigns appear. While it helps to have other people look at your dreams for help on seeing dreamsigns, it really comes down to just you and what you see as abnormal. So, start writing down dreams in a DJ (if you haven’t already), and start researching yourself.
On top of scanning for dreamsigns, it’s best for people trying to get back into LDs (or get into them for the first time) to make some habbit out of being aware of your environments at all times during your daily life. When you enter a room, know what feels real, and what feels out of the ordinary.
It would benefit you greatly to also get some habit out of performing frequent RCs. My suggestion is just looking at your hands, for when you dream, 99% of the time your hands will be manipulated in some way and will trigger a lucid dream instantly. What you could do to perform these RCs is to either do them randomly, or you could do them after certain events happen. For example you could do one every time you walk through a doorway or see an animal. Usually it would be best to use an object that is frequently placed in your dreams (back to dreamsigns!) so that you will further gurantee yourself success.
Best of luck to you on researching dreamsigns and training yourself to use them. Hope to hear some LDs coming from your way soon!
Well, I took your advice and decided to consistant hand-related RCs’ throughout my day. Well last night I had an experience that I think is an indication of Lucidity. I awoke abrubtly after seeing an image of a man waving his hands in a very odd fashion, it was slow-motion and the hands left a ‘wake’ of images behind them. Then I got to think about hands and dreams and how they were related and poof.
Voids, I am in the exact situation as you. And I retook LD:ing quite fast! :thumb: You might want to check out my DJ (in my signature) to see how fast I got an LD after start
Well, no success as of yet but on the plus side i’ve remembered the last two nights dreams. Not all of them but quite a bit and the general…plot of them. Tonight is the night I think. I feel calm and ready to sleep deeply. Am I dreaming?
Python, congrats on getting back into LDing but as I’ve written i’ve barely even begun. Tomorrow morning i’ll begin my journal! Cheers!
No Lucid success yet. Well, I see my dreams getting mor vivid, I remember many sequences in a dream now than I do just parts. Also I remember the feeling of a dream, how I felt emotionaly in a dynamic way. These are good signs, I assume?
Yes they are good signs that you are getting closer to having an LD, they are not nessasaraly good dreamsigns. Not unless you can use them to trigger RC’s and get you lucid.