Drugs in dreams

I smoked weed out of a “pinecone bong” before in a dream >_> . Don’t ask me how it worked cuz I was just as puzzled thinking back about that weird dream.

Sorry if this has been discussed, but I was wondering how many people think you can use drugs in dreams and get an effect when you have never actually done the drugs IRL. I have had 2 dreams that were just pure pot-smoking, but I have never tried pot. What are your opinions?

It’s all based on expectations. So, based on what you know about a certain drug, the more likely it will accurately translate to a dream.

I’ve never touched drugs before. But I’ld like to see what happens in a dream if I try.

I’m wondering, Can you design your own drug? Give it a name, write down all the things it does and then try it out in a lucid dream. Has anyone tried that?

Hi RandomPerson.

Over at sea life, a year or so ago, we ran aproject called “psychedelic dreaming” in which we set out to experiment with drugs in dreams:

dreamofpeace.net/thewaves/08 … /index.php


This topic was enough to make me dream about drugs last night. But the drug was in the form of a nut. I ate a couple felt quite weird and that’s about it. Though there was a lot about the drug before that but I’ll write it out later.

Funny thing is when i use drugs in dreams for a first few minutes after waking i still feel stoned(usualy weed) then it fades. Kinda like when you wake up from a bad dream scared or sad and then it fades after a few mins.

How can you have not tried drugs before? I ask because i thought the entire Whangarei population had their own crop?

Wow, another Kiwi! Is that what you think of Whangarei? Whangarei really does need a better reputation then. I thought it was up north was where they have their plantations, like Kaitaia and Kaikohe.

And me not trying drugs. Many reasons.

  1. I’m a christian.
  2. I’m a computer nerd.
  3. I like my brain.
  4. My brain likes me.
  5. I don’t know of anyone who does drugs (see point 2).
  6. I would have to leave my computer (see point 2 again).
  7. I wouldn’t be very popular (see point 1).
  8. It’ld cost money I don’t have.

All good points :smile:
Yeah its awsome seeing kiwis randomly when im just browsing, there should be more of us here.
Ah well the global nation is cool too

well i am going to try it, sounds cool

I experience the same thing when drinking alcohol in my dreams.


mm, I find the this topic quite interesting… I’ve a few drugs in my dreams, none lucid unfortunatlely. One of my experiences included ecstasy, which I have not tried but heard about from a friend. He was telling me that everything that touched your body felt good, so, in my dream thats what it was portrayed as. After a confusing dreams story which I won’t bother writing out, I tried a pill of E… my body was consumed with the most overwhelming feeling of pins and needles I have ever felt. Everything I touched gave me prickles! it was quite cool.

secondly was experimentation with magic mushrooms(hopefully I am not breaking any forum rules, if so delete my post! and I’m sorry) which I had tried in real life before. The dream portrayal of them was quite similar, everything was somewhat distorted and things started to melt into each other. Ofcourse then I walked through a mirror and kissed a girl in anther universe:)

I’ve never done drugs either in real life or a dream. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to anyway. I’d rather be clear-headed and keep feeling that way. :content:

I’ve never done drugs and I don’t drink except for New Years and my Birthday.

I seem to always have dreams about substances I’ve never seen before, like tea trees. Then I haven’t had any of those super fancy wines, I did in a dream. Once I got high off some sort of plant. The weirdest thing is how the dream effects are so realistic, and even in the morning I feel slightly affected.

I’m probably mistaken in saying this… but for some reason I have this idea that Shamans, witch doctors and the like… got inspiration from their dreams to try different plants that contained psychedelic or psychoactive substances?!


An artice about a book that tells about stuff like this.

i frequently have dreams about drugs, some that come to mind are a dream i had where i bought some crack :eh: and smoked it and i got a big head rush in my dream, that same dream i dremt that i smoked weed and i got high from that too…i also frequently dream about doing ecstasy, but in my dreams i take to much at once like 5 or 6 pills at once then i get really scared that im gonna die and then i wake up, this has happened rather freqeuntly, sorry about my spelling

I never really dream about drugs, but I did once the last week, a friend of mine gives me a bowl of cocaine and heroine (I’ve never tryed any of them IRL) mixed all together, and then he gives me a Coque-Cola (dont know if it is spelled right) and says to mix it all in a glass.
I do it and drink the glass but the cocaine-heroine was transformed now into a odd white mass that I spit couse it feels awfull, and inmediatly I feel dizzy (not as dizzy as I should be after having that), but the effect got away after 10 seconds of the dream.