Eating in a dream

Well, like everybody else has said, you can definitely eat in dreams. I once had a whole batch of my favourite blueberry muffins, and another time had hot curry soup. (Yum!) :smile: There have been plenty of other times as well, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.

But unfortunately it isn’t satisfying, at least not for me. It tastes delicious, but you don’t get full or have that nice feeling of satisfaction when you’re finished. Maybe some people wouldn’t mind this, but it bothers me. I like feeling full! :neutral:

I had one low-level lucid dream in which I ate a donut, but I don’t remember if the taste was vivid. I occassionally have, however, non-lucid dreams in which I’m eating dessert food and it’s positively delectable. For instance, a few weeks ago I dreamt that I was eating some chocolate cake thing. It was so delicious that I asserted, unaware that I was dreaming, “There’s just no way that dream food can taste as good as real food.”

LOL you guys are making me hungry

I may just go and drink when I get to sleep. I never knew it was possible, I always thought there was a possibility but never in my wildest imagination thought it to be 100% true.

In a LD, I went in a fine restaurant and ate some incredibly well prepared dishes, and drank a very good white wine! :content:

Hmm, I’ve never had dinner in a fine restaurant

Maybe I’ll fly to China and get some chinesse food… but is it called Chinese food over there or is it just food?

Ive had some very good food in dreams, and would wake up hungry with craving. Give it up for dream food

I don’t remember eating in ND-s, but i have tasted carbonated water, and dark beer in LD-s. It tastes as IRL, and really works as LaBerge says: it will satisfy your taste.

And as it is said before: no, i don’t think that you can have accurate taste on foods you have never before eaten.

The only time i remember eating in a LD is when i had all you can eat sushi…i was in heaven. Best part was i didnt have to pay the bill!

I think anything that you have experienced is pretty much possible to recreate in a dream. I have even gotten drunk in a dream, and it did indeed feel realistic.

:grrr: Grrr…

I haven’t eaten Dream Food in a looooong time. One of my many things on my ‘to-do’ list…

I’ve never eaten in my LDs but I have in my NDs, food always seems to taste the same for me (although I can’t say for the things I’ve never eating in the waking world.)

Not much change.

People tell me that I “inhale” my food.

I want to have a dream, go to a buffet, and literally inhale the food, just to see what that’s like… if it’s even possible.

I ate, I ate I ate!!!

It was an ND, I put confectioners sugar in a bowl and cream and I mixed it with an electric mixer.

It tasted like cake frosting, so I am 100% sure that you can eat in a dream and it will have a flavor.

The only weird thing is that I prepared the food.

hehe nice

The day before yesterday I ate one grape in my very short LD. It doesn’t taste like normal, actually it hadn’t any flavour. At least I can’t remember it did.

Last night I remembered this topic and tried to order food at a diner. It ended before I could get my meal, however. :sad: I did have a ND where I ate a very delectable crawler though. :grin:

I called my aunt and uncle who were head chefs at two of South Florida’s top restauraunts(Conc’a’doras and Beef Steak Charlie’s)

I asked her what she would use Confectioners sugar for. She told me powdered donuts or if you melt it down it’s essential glazing for donuts.

I asked about cream and confectioners sugar and she told me that’s the recipe for Whipped Cream.

I made whipped cream in my dream, but it did not taste like whipped cream, it tasted like cake frosting.

Tastes real in NDs as well as LDs for me. (Cake has to be a popular dream food…:confused:)

Well I have had only one lucid adventure so I didnt have time to check but is eating in dreams taste like in RL? I know the brain is complex but is it advanced enough to identify something like that? If so I’m going to get some pie tonight! :hurray:

I merged this with an existing topic about eating in dreams :cool:

I had an LD today!
When I decided to taste something the only thing around was the pillow in my bed… and yep I ate it was teh foulest thing ever. :bored: