Eating in a dream

In my most recent LD, I ate my coffee table. It tasted very sugary and it was almost like jello :smile:

In my lucid dreams, I draw circles in the air to use as a RC, and to teleport through. Once, I picked a circle out of the air and ate it. It tasted like candy fluff. :cool:

Stuff in dreams tastes like you expect them to. If you dont expect anyhing, taste will be random. More than week ago, I realized that i was dreaming while getting pizza. I was eating it in whole LD O.o. I know that it was bit a waste of higly lucid LD, but it was smelling really good, so i just ate it.

I also was eating knifes. :uh: I recall that it was tatling like ice.

It’s funny you ay you became lucid whilst eatin deadduck because so did I, only I was eating a Mars Bar, maybe eating is some kind of lucid trigger?

It never even occurred to me to eat in a dream. Sounds pretty cool. Eat all you want, and no heart burn.

Yup. And randomizing the taste of the food is always a weird thing for me, nothing tastes the way it should :tongue:
However, last night in my dream Cola tasted exactly the way it is IRL. A little disappointing… :shy:

Only foodstuff I ate recently in a dream was a Lemon.
It actually tasted like one heheh

I don’t think I’ve ever eaten or drank in my dreams. I think I’ll enjoy a lovely lemon gateau next time I LD. Thanks for the idea!

Ooh! When I dream of eating or drinking things they usually not only taste real but also WAY better than IRL… and when I wake up I’m always hungry/thirsty for it!

I once got addicted to McNuggets for months because I dreamt they were delicious…

How could I’ve thought that!? They taste like cardboard irl. XD

I haven’t eaten in a LD, yet. I’ve wanted to but never got around to it. I drank Lucid Cola though and it tasted and felt exactly like Coca Cola, only with a better taste.

In my previous LD, I wanted to eat my fav ice-cream. I was in the middle of a city anyway and there were shops. So I entered one, just to find out that my fav ice-cream was sold out. So I went to another shop. But the shelves were too high and I couldn’t reach it. I could have flown up, but I forgot. So the dream ended before I could eat. :sad:

I can’t remeber that i have eaten something in a dream. I am not hungry in a dream. so i dont know if it tastes the same. perhaps a good idea for the next LD. :content:

I only ate in a few of the lds, and my experiences vary. If I am eating something new, or something I believe to be awesome, it will taste mindblowingly good. But if I’m just having some random nameless candy, it’s mostly bland, or of a taste unworthy of memory or description.

Mm. Lucid Cola tasted just like coke to me in my dream, I could feel it all cold going down too o.o
So yes, eating and drinking can be done and it tastes good ^^

Heh… actualy the best chocolate cake i’ve ever had was in a LD! It tasted sooooo… well… perfect!! :grin:
you know the worrying thing is that i first tried pineapple in a dream… :lol:

I’ve never eaten in any type of dream, i’ve been eaten, and also made food, but never eaten it. :smile:

What I find funny is not only do I find myself eating in my dreams, but I find myself eating while I sleepwalk in the middle of the night.

I ate wood in my previous LD… :eek:

I found some M&Ms by accident an a ND last night. They tasted pretty realistic.

I found once a bush of wild strawberries, in a mall near a bench.
Only they were huge as plums :smile:

Tasted authentically like wild strawberries though.
Jummy :happy:

I dreamt that i ate a whole cake and then a huge box of cookies… :eek: They tasted soooo real…