Eating in a dream

I ate a person two nights ago O_o I dont know what a person tastes like IWL, but my DC tasted good xD

WOW that last post shoked me a bit but ya know LD has bearlly any limits.
Anyway i just thought i would share the time when i had a LD at about the age of 7. In this particullar LD i was eating a box of KFC and i woke up with a huge bite mark on my arm and i had been sucking the pillow i thought this to be rather annoying since it was persistant for about 2 weeks like every night AND I NEVER GOT TO FINISH WHAT I WAS EATING!!! lol

Well, I’m never hungry in LD’s, ergo eating seems a bit of a waste of time.

I did try it but the things usually end up tasting like pillow, bedsheet, hair or girlfriend.

In my last LD i was hungry for the first time! I ate chips two hot-dogs a pineapple and chocolate… lucky it was just a dream… :bored:

your dream can be whatever you want it to be. a wall can taste like caramel…
sorry if somebody already told you this. i’m tired and too lazy to look at all the posts, and i really want to up my posts, i’m spending too much time in the playground…