Eating in a lucid dream

Actually I’ve a problem with remembering the actions I wanna do in a LD, so I forget to eat sth :content:


I haven’t eaten in a LD yet but next time I have one I’m going to try it. I just want to eat pounds and pounds of food I like, then try tasting (normally) inedible foods. I’ll try the rainbow to see if it tastes like Skittles.

It was a ND, but I once dreamt there was a huge buffet, and I ate a LOT, without getting stuffed. The food tasted like heaven. If I ever get to nail LD’s that’s one of the first things I’m gonna try.

Strangely i don’t think i’ve ever eaten anything in a ND or a LD ! :sad:

The only thing I’ve ever eaten/ drank was a lucid potion. Tasted like strong Gatorade. I’d like to try ice cream in a LD. If I don’t like the flavor, I can change it with just a thought.

Just because you CAN eat it… why would you not eat it?.. :wink:

I have not had something to eat, or drink in a LD either.

It is there, therefore i must eat it

I only remember consuming one thing in a dream - my cousin was working for a company that had to carry bottles of lemonade to a pirate ship, and I drank some of the lemonade. It was actually the best thing that I have ever drank.

The people working for the company got mad at me after I drank it, though :tongue:.

I’m gonna eat Wyvern :uh: I dunno–I think she would taste spicy and :hmmm: sticky…Like a kung pao marshmallow :grin:

People eat stuff other than food in LDs? I should try that as well. I think I’ll the try the moon, see if it tastes like cheese or plain old moonrocks.

I can eat just about anything and it tastes like whatever i want it to :grin:

Now that I think about it, I don’t remeber any dream where I ate something in it…never

I’ve never eaten anything in a dream, or at least not that i can remember, but now that’s something that i want to do. I think i want to start with something that is actually food first :razz:

I had this project before; I tasted stuff in dreams and keep record of what it tasted like.
I have kind of forgot abut it now…

I have, I have! :hurray:
In a LD (read it here) were I was a wyvern (coincidence? I think not!) I ate two kids that played in a sand-box.
Didn’t taste anything thought.

In my LD sometimes I do an Orgie (french term that I do not know if it exist in english meaning :“eat a lot amount of junk food !”)

It’s funny. Yesterday I had cravings for food. Good food. And I did eat some good food. But I was quite intent on seeking out some good pizza in my next lucid dream. I was thinking about it as I ate pizza , tryign to feel all the flavours and remember them, the textrues and such. I got almost giddy thinking about lucid dreaming about food.
It is rare for me to have such cravings, reminds me of the munchies of old. I felt like my grastronomic capacity knew no satiety.

I had a lucid dream recently in which I decided to eat stuff.
First of all I ate a small green grape. It didn’t taste much, and it was really difficult to chew, I felt like trying to chew with a vacuum in my mouth and I was afraid I would bite the inside of my RL cheeks in my sleep.
Then I looked in the fridge and found a small glass jar of little green spears of asparagus. Same thing here, not much taste, very difficult to chew.
Then I found 3 cans of pringles. One red original and two new kinds that I didn’t recognize. One of them was pink and orange. I tried some out of the red can. They didn’t taste much either, and were a bit mealy + the same weird mouth effect again.

I dont eat much in lucid dreams but when I do its so yummy!! Once I ate a chicken tika kebab type thing to check whether I was dreaming or not because I was scared… (mind you I’m vege now so I won’t be doing that again…)

I had a lucid dream very recently that I ate two old people… I didn’t actually physically eat them but i knew I had… My mum has signed me up for counselling… (i hope she was joking… :tongue: )

yes the word you are looking for is called binge (SP?) at lesat i think that is right. you can binge on a lot of things, food drinks ehatever.

I have eaten many things, some of the most tasty have been in lucid dreams, but then again so have some of the worst tasteing. And when i wake up im always hungry

never eaten people tho :confused:

try putting a lollie in your mouth, tasting it and then pulling it back out again and look at it. In my experience it has always changed look and when i try it again taste.

Intesting thing to enchance sensors in side LDin

Today I dreamed, and., I don’t exactly think I was lucid at the time, but I talked as though I was.
I actually ate some Snuff. Not the snuff you sniff but the snuff you put under you lip, It’s tobacco. I only meant to smell it because it was some special kind, but it turned into something like cake with some nice filling and I ate it.
Don’t remember the taste exactly but Donna from that 70s show was there and she disproved. I said it’s dream snuff and it has no calories and no nicotine.