Eating in a lucid dream

awesome, I’m gonna eat loads of food!! Make it like Alice in Wonderland and start eating teacups.


I want to get stuck in like a cellar or something then eat my way out.

The only thing I remember eating is glass. It tasted like glass. The only special things about it were the facts that I didn’t get hurt and that I couldn’t swallow properly–I’d just move it to the back of my mouth and it would disappear.

I’ve eaten potatoes in dreams. Since they’re some of my favorite foods, they occasionally grant me powers.

I have eaten walls. They were crunchy, like mulched glass, and tasted like sugar cubes.

:peek: :happy: :woo: . . . Yes, we do have that term in english and it can refer to eating lots of food, but it can also refer to doing a lot of other ‘things’ (a.k.a. people!) at the same time. Words are cool!

I’ve eaten chocolate kinder eggs before in a ND when it was easter. I’ve also eaten sand before but that was horrible, don’t try it.

I ate dirt once or twice (IRL). In dreams, can’t recall eating that much . . . although it would be cool to hunt down wild game on foot with nothing but a knife and eat it raw like a wild animal! Or is that just me . . .

I’ve eaten in a dream before.
I don’t know what this is called, but it’s when somebody tastes something and say’s it tastes blue, or red. Or when they hear a note, and they say the note sounds green or yellow. That’s what happens to me when I eat in dreams. Instead of taste, I get color.

This is always a fantasy for me. I have dreams that I am eating a luxurious dinner in a dimly lit medieval castle. I am royalty. I need to eat healthy because I work out and want to stay in shape. But calories sure aren’t a problem here. :content:

or you can eat some random object and see what it tastes like.

During one of my first lucid dreams, I ate some sushi from a platter I found lying around the mall. It was the best sushi I have ever had. Tasted wonderful.

i wanna try eating the might taste like a cake or something :content:

youve got a horrible taste of food did u know that?
and also a very strong stumic lol

I dream about eating womens feeT.i have had these dreams about female feet since a boy.When sometimes i had to chase girls to get there feet so i could eat them.

Once I do become lucid, because I will, I will eat everything!! omnomnom!
:happy: I will become lucid, and I will taste ALL…