Entering WILD

Well yeah when you look at the sky you can see those, everyone does (I hope so lol). It’s natural. At least that is.

Whoaaa!!! i see those all the time! And im surprised other people say that too :grin:
Can anybody explain that?? it’s like see through dna spirla helix things with balls at the end, they float ever so gracefully. But if you concentrate on them for too long, they disapear. :happy:

lol yeah thats pretty freaky cool. If you think about this “Hey cool those are weird!” AHHH they’re moving inside me!!!1 GET THEM OUT GET THEM OUT1!!! stabbed yourself in the eye and die "


Hmm, I havent ever seen a white blob/dot, all I do is concentrate on my HI and take a hold of them, and pull myself inside. I’m not sure what the white thing would mean anyway

i think im finally ready to enter the phenomenon of WILD and graduate from being a DILD’er. i just wish i knew what i NEED to do once i get that feeling. i relax and i am able to keep my mind awake while falling asleep. as im drifting off i feel a surge all over my body taht’s indescribable. it feels like im floating-its so awesome! last night i tried to picture clouds because if i was floating i could easily transform my LD into a flying one (that’s what i wanted anyway) without having to take control. i start hearing that weird internal buzzing noise (i thought it was like the heater or washing machine IRL or something but I just looked on wikipedia that its supposed to happen) and my body feels tingly and all that. but then i start getting a bit uncomfortable and move slightly and i ruin the whole thing. this didn’t just happen last night though- this happened the night before as well. and the night before that I WILD’d succesfully. so i think if I can work on this a bit I’ll manage to master WILD. BTW this is without WBTB. i also wanna try WILD without CHILD and see if the chibi robo thing only worked because of placebo. this would also give me more time to sleep.

one final thing. last night after i felt the sensations i couldn’t get back to sleep. do you guys think i was at one point lucid, like actually asleep? because the same thing happened the night before and i just COULD NOT get back to sleep.

I believe you did get back to sleep though,eventually? It seems like whenever I WILD and can’t fall back asleep, I just TRY to keep myself awake, until I get really tired, and then just WILD again =D

BTW, whats CHILD?? i wanna know if its good or whatnot.

its just a little technique i found involving playing chibi robo park patrol b4 bed while thinking about lucid dreaming and saying you will have a lucid dream. it worked well for me until now where i just lay in bed not being able to sleep. it was originally called NILD

oh wow. I actually got close to a LD

I thought the white cloud thing was from the TV, so i turned it of.

yeah i got to a stage where this cload appeard and my feet went numb never went further then that though?!?