Ever been shot?

I have, it was a real bummer. The dream started out really well. It was my birthday and my dad gave me a Michael Vick jersey. We went to a pool hall/arcade for some good times. Every single of my friends were there and we were having a great time. Then some thugs tried a stick up of the place. When they pointed a gun at my friends, I was my usual brave self and told them to leave them alone. I told them that to get to my friends they’d have to go through me. They aimed at me and fired. That split second I woke up. It was pretty intense.

well, i dont think i have been shot… but i have been ambushed by ninja’s in an underground parkinglot! one of them threw a spear in me, i pulled it out and threw it back :happy:

I have been shot…last night. I can´t remember why or even what happened before. I can remember especially feelings. I felt blood in my mounth coming from throat. And I knew someone held my head. It wasn´t my head, it wasn´t me (how I look like). It was some man. I wasn´t scared, I didn´t feel pain, I was only confused, numb and all around was haze. Then I can´t remember anything.

I have been shot many times and riddled with bullets it never hurts just the idea of crap iv been shot.
Also i have been chopped in half by a Demon who said he about to kill me he chopped me in half after i said “You can’t hurt me this is just a dream”.

Also being beheaded is really weird feeling not surprised if it isnt the right feeling it feels like when you falling in one those dreams where your heart misses a beat but its more weirder.

That must been one hell of scary experience i would been like :help:

I have been shot once in my dream inside a football stadium, when I woke up the DC’s were still there that was pretty scary.

I also remember making some sort of jump from a downhill street like 50 yards and ended up with my crotch against a streetlight. Luckily enough i never feel pain when I dream :happy:

When I was little we had shitty neighbours. They used keys to make scratches in our cars etc. They hated everyone else in the neighbourhood. That guy (who was absolutely mentally fucked up) also had a gun in his house and a license to have one (not to kill though XD). I dreamt I ran down the street and he shot me. At first it was first person but when I got shot I felt a vibrating sensation, and my look changed to third person.
It didnt really hurt, I was just shocked, stiff as fuck, and vibrating. I woke up soon after.

On a sidenote, I have been shot, eaten, drowned, cut up, and so on in dreams :razz:

i cant be bothered to read the rest of the posts but:

  1. yes i ahve had one dream when i was shot - i was a rabbit and i was being hunted. i crawled under a blanket but it was lifted and i was shot. No pain. Just woke up.

  2. Most people do not know what it feels like to be shot, which may be why people are having strange responses to bullets in their dreams. Your mind does not nkow the pain, so it gives you none. It gets confused and may wake you up instead.

Thats wierd. Thats how Rasputin died.

now i can say ive been shot in dreams and in real life… okay, it was paintballs IRL, but real life hurts a LOT more…

Hmm… these are all interesting stories of being shot in dreams. I’ve never been shot before, nor killed nor injured either if I can remember correctly.

In my next LD, I should ask a DC to shoot me just for fun. :tongue:

I’ve been shot several times in dreams. They are very common for me. They NEVER hurt though. I’ve been killed once but came back to life straight away. One time I got shot, the bullet went straight through my head and killed the person behind me!

Wow, that must have been crazy. :eek:

I had a dream I was in WW2 on the beaches of Normandy once. I got shot and it hurt a little. Was right in the heart, and I started coughing up blood and crying and my friend was hugging me and I died in his arms. It was very intense.

I had a dream a few years ago, I was in my living room, I beleive this big guy was taking hostages. So I rush up to him to kill him, he shoots me and I “respawned” in my kitchen. I would then go back and get shot again. This would happen over and over and over again. Whenever he shot me, I felt really dizzy and the place where I was shot felt a lot of pressure.

I’ve been killed violently in dreams numerous times before.

The most recent time in which I was shot, I was trying to escape my grandparents’ house. Sean Connery was outside (too much ytmnd that day I guess) and was basically trying to shoot me and whoever else was with me in the house through the windows. I got outside and was crawling on my belly to try and escape.

I didn’t know where he was, so I crawled (unusually fast for that type of crawl, it was almost at running speed, this should have been a dreamsign for me) for a nearby fence corner with sufficient bush cover. When I got there, Connery was waiting for me, laying prone with gun in hand. He shot me right in the head at point blank range within a fraction of a second of me seeing him. The sound of the shot combined with the surprise and shock that I had just been killed probably made this one of the most startling experiences of my life, waking or otherwise.

I had a dream a year ago. I had got shot i n the chest. A second later my stomich started hurting really bad for 2 minutes and it went away

Yes, been shot before. In one of my first LD’s, low level it might be but still :tongue:, i was some kind of agent, patrolling a street with a mate, and i heard someone shooting at him, i turned around and kept thinking i just HAVE to kill him. So i ran towards him, a silver Desert Eagle appeared, and as i was running towards him, taking carefull aim, i just couldn’t hit him…That’s when i went semi-lucid for a while, i kept thinking it’s a dream, why can’t i damn hit him!? Found myself in an alleyway, on the floor with him standing above me…I took careful aim, but the clip was empty. He grinned and took dead aim. Full of fear, and semi lucid, i thought i should try to doge the bullet. Using all the energy i had, i rolled over in slow motion just as he shot; the bullet ricocheted from the floor and scraped my side…It burnt but i was filled with relief. He took me as a prisoner (lol), and well the dream went on (lost whatever lucidity i had then).

No, I haven’t been shot before. But I have been stabbed in the hindquarters… :confused: But don’t worry - in the end he got his. My revenge involved a turkey, a bowling ball, a piano, and a jet that had almost no fuel left. He ended up on a deserted island. Draw your own conclusion… (I had some freaky dreams when I was younger…)

I had a dream I got a gun up to my chin and got pumped full of lead in the face and head, so astounded how this “death” must be numbing the pain I forgot I was propped up on two elbows, I thought , I better let myself down and pretend Im dead so I can spread the infrormation to the world that death dosent hurt! The guy left after I pretended to be dead, there was blood everywhere, I thought to use my last remaining moments to help my dad get away with something like a sac. My brother cried when he saw me, because my face was so destroyed and bloody, but after 10 minutes I had only some scars and minor wounds… :smile: thank god for dream rejuvination

I got shot in the back of the head by one of my own comrades during a heroic raid on some villain’s mansion… It felt like a sharp impact, but not too strong. My vision went black and white, I collapsed on the ground face-down and was unable to move while the battle went on around me.

Actually, it was probably a replay of a round of the game America’s Army, only in a different setting and with me in it.

Counter-Strike fan?