Falling asleep techniques

Does anyone know a good one?

I`d say sex is my favourite one.You can use that technique along with counting your breaths and visualization(that in the case when you dont like what you see:)

I meditate until I fall to sleep :smile: .

Exhaustion. Go for a run or something. Exercise before bed. Party hard.

Although this isn’t the best thing for lucid dreaming, you’ll get a good nights sleep :smile:


I find it hard to sleep after exercise because it stimulates my body to produce the hormone dopamine (come to think of it - yours probably will too!) which can keep you alert and restless.

I just read or stare at something like the wall or TV if I’m watching it and it will put me to sleep faster then you can say- well, faster then you can say something. lol :smile:


I read somewhere that meditation shouldn’t be used for falling asleep, but I don’t know anything about real meditation. There has to be some difference between WILD where you concentrate on one single thing, and meditating to reach some sort of higher-self, or to connect with the implicate order.

For me to fall asleep I have to disconnect from the real world and lose myself in my thoughts.

I’ve been wondering about this a while now: Does it help to ‘play dead’ if you want to fall asleep quicker?

I just read a short article about it today in a science magazine. Some researchers let 3 groups of people fall asleep in 3 different ways. The first group should count sheep. The second should imagine a pleasent, quiet scene from a shore, a waterfall or anything relaxing. The third should just fall asleep the way they liked it.
Oh yeah, and everyone from this experiment had some sort of insomnia.
The first groups condition was made WORSE. Counting sheep is so boring you start to think alot, and gets you more awake. But the group that imagined the pleasent scenes at the shore or waterfall fell asleep a lot quicker than the other two groups.

So i think imagination is the best way, and i also agree with that. If you start to wonder about some problems, the meaning of life or anything like that, that’ll keep you awake, and i have an awful tendence to do that :smile:.

I mentioned my trick on another thread, but it really works!
I just listen to the Oddysey on tape read by this guy w/a great English accent. You never get tired of the story line, and the sentence structure lulls you to sleep; I can’t remember my profs technical explanation - but its very effective.
I used to have a lot of insomnia, but now almost never! :flower:

Have you seen the “lucidity in comics” thread in the “stuff dreams are made of…” forum. It mentions a comic strip doing exactly this. Listening to “the odyessy” while they sleep.

Sometimes it can also help listening to music.
Cake is gooood :smile:


Well…ehm…lol…sex can be good…it will lower your dopamine system big time.and u also make lots of endorphines in your brain to…all sugestions are ok here from the others…maybe take a walk before sleeping or read that works good 4 me always…maybe some fresh air to in your room…

(rubber hammer with remote control :happy: )

sometimes i count down from 100. actually, i usually fall asleep before i get to 1… thats nice… :content:

When I can’t sleep I try to concentrate on the hypnagogia.
This will get me to sleep in no time!


For me, concentrating on hypnagogics would make it much harder for me to fall asleep… :sad:

All right, maybe it sounds strange that concentrating on hypnagogia makes it harder for me to fall asleep. But it’s just logical, it’s because if I concentrate on my hypnagogia, I am thinking about falling asleep, and that keeps me consisous, so I have trouble falling asleep. What I am doing when falling alseep, is to just letting my thoughts flow without paying any attention to hypnagogia… The rest I can’t remember :alien:

That should make you the master of WILD! :smile:

Personally, if I concentrate on the hypnagogics I don’t think about staying awake. I just go with the flow. Maybe you can try that too. :alien:

It’s not the hypnagogics that keep you awake, but the thought of staying awake. Or is it hard for you to let go and go with the flow?

uh oh… i’m posting again…

i find that just letting my mind wander usually works.
think of things you like to think about and let your imagination take over.

yeah that knocks me out like an overdose of nyquil.
but my fiance says otherwise.
she’s usually wired for a while afterwards.
drains the energy right outta me and pumps her up like a massive cup of coffee.
and people wonder where the concept of sucubus came from.

hehe,yeah i feel very similar.Just wanted to tell you that one of the tibethan or chinesee techniques says that to avoid such energy loss one is supposed to be kissing his partner while having an orgasm.This way the energy is not going out but circulates,leaving one in much better condition.
Heh,i usually forget about just any theory while having sex but maybe someone will find it helpfull.
Greeitings to your succubus,appreciate her:)

Everytime I get a thought in bed I imagine it going into a black hole, like being sucked into oblivion so black emitting emptiness… after your mind has nothing to think about (you stop forming ideas since you realize its in vein becuase they die away) you fall asleep nicely.