I’m sure most of you out there grew up with a certain console or at least own one. What is your personal favorite?
For me, it’s the Nintendo 64. It had some great games and it has a certain feel to it that makes it my favorite. Although I didn’t grow up with one, sadly.
Yes, It’s older than I am, but I grew up with it. Yes, the graphics suck, and the games were a little more simple and sometimes lacking in plot, but It was amazing when it first came out. I love it because it reminds me of good times, and It’s the only console, I can beat a lot of games on >.<
I’d say PC, because of the freedom and 90% of my favourite games are on it (Unreal, ArmA, Mechwarrior), and has guaranteed backwards compatibility for older games (might need tweaks for very old games, but it is still possible nonetheless.) and if that doesnt count, then PS1, Crashbandicoot, Spyro, etc. are my childhood games.
haha They were mine too:) I have a lot of consoles I like for different games, but no one really has as SNES or a NES anymore, so I enjoy it more:D I have a list of consoles;)
PS2 (because I can play both PS1 and PS2 games on it;D)
Nintendo 64 (Pokemon and LoZ)
that would be my list and all of them, except the SNES and the Nintendo 64, I have hooked up in my room:D Nerd? Probably;P
PS1 - It was my first console xD I loved to play Tekken 3, Tenchu, Yugioh Forbidden Memories, Nascar rumble, Digimon, Harry potter… good times! ^w^
GBA - I really wanted to have a Gameboy Advance but I never had… I kept asking my parents for one but they never bought it D: So it became something like a dream lol, to have my own portable console
XBOX360 - Never had it, but, between XBOX and PS3 I would pick up a XBOX, now between all the “consoles”, I must pick a PC haha
I loved my PsOne. I played countless hours on it. Spyro 2, Crash Bandicoot 2, Ace Combat 3, Syphon Filter 2 (multiplayer with brother was awesome), Medal of Honor, DRIVER 2. All those games were really good.
Next up would be GBA. I never owned the actual console, but I played a lot of games on emulator. Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis was a huge timesink for me, Riviera: The Promised Land as well, Megaman Zero series, Megaman Battle Network 1-6 etc etc. Loved 'em all.
SNES( Mario, Megaman, and Friday the 13th), SEGA (Sonic, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat), Xbox 360 , and PS3 (Soul Caliber, Marvel Vs Capcom, COD the usual)
Hard to say what my favourite was, I have fond memories for both the Sega mega-drive and for the Playstation 1. I’d probably have to say PS1 because of the many many hours I spent playing FF7, 8 and 9. I do have to say a HUGE thank you to the Playstation 2 though, it came with a demo disk which had a programming language on it called YaBasic. This was what started me off programming 12 years ago. The 360 and PS3 don’t seem quite so magical as the older consoles, probably because I’m older now and gaming has become less significant in my life. Although I did play through Breath of Fire 3 not so long ago and enjoyed it massively, so maybe very modern games just don’t speak to me so much.
I often play PC games too, although my childhood was dominated by the Sega mega-drive, then PS1 and PS2.
Being a huge strategy fan, a PC is basically mandatory. I also like the good old PC RPGs, from the DOS years to the mid-2000’s, before gaming went gritty and brown.
I love my PS2 more than anything (Gotta play Xenosaga somehow ) but a close second would have to be my old NES. I was three and playing Super Mario 3 with my teddy bear in arm.
PC as I played a C&C Renegade total modification, called A Path Beyond. Also playing the command and conquer games, before chilling on msn. Ahh memories Also other games like Metal Gear Solid, and also crossfire. Oh yeah and Garry’s mod!
Next would be xbox 360 as that was very fun, and I love that there’s no need to set up games, you just put in a CD and play. I find though that although it’s a well polished platform, the whole experience on the console is sanitized - you can’t mod games, you can’t use other controllers, there are constant reminders of buttons you press to do certain actions, and most of the games tend not to be very original. It was very fun however as I had friends that played it, and you can strike up conversation with anyone on xbox live and just chill out and have fun.
Favourite console? My tastes change a little depending what games are available. Childhood; the Nintendo 64 and Gameboy were my favs (LOZ, mario, the classics. also a pokemon fan XD). Played my brothers Nes a little but I was still quite young when it was going out of fashion and instead was given an emulator to make up for it. Early teen years, Gamecube and PS2. Again, pokemon and mario games, then I was hooked on the Metal Gear Solid, GTA, and Final Fantasy. And now, the Xbox 360; there are soo many games I’ve yet to finish…
I was never much of a PC person though I will turn to it if there’s a game I really like, and for the future, Nintendo is ruled out. Idk, they don’t appeal to me anymore.