Feeling when you wake up.

I have what I believe to have been 2 LD’s last night, but I’m not sure because of this one tiny thing. During the dreams I could tell I was dreaming, and I was doing what I wanted. When I woke up, I knew I had been in control, but the dreams had the feel of normal dreams, aside from the knowledge that I was dreaming.

Basically, what I’m question I’m trying to ask is:
When you wake up from a LD, how different is the memory of it from a normal dream?

You obviously remember LDs better since you think “Cool an LD i must keep this in my memory”. I had an LD like 8 years ago and i remember it still today better then any other old dream. Just like IRL, you don’t put common things such as sitting on a bus in your memory but when something exclusive happens you remember it better.
But im sure you can forget an LD before you wake up.

If you’ve had 1125 LDs, you should know this way better then me :razz: I’m just a beginner and everything in this post is my own experience and conclusions.

I should probably fix that. It says 1 . 125, as in 1 and 1/8. I now know that the period looks like a comma. I’ll fix that now. Sorry for the confuzzlement.

I find my LDs a lot more real that my normal dreams, not only becouse of the Oh-my-god-I’m-dreaming-feeling, but all the senses suddenly become much more stronger (At least for me). And also get strong emotions from my LDs, which I barely have in NDs.
But other than that, I don’t find LDs more different than NDs. Or maybe I do, but I don’t remember what :grin:

Well, the feeling I get from a particularly awesome LD is definitely a lot more blissful than an ND. But otherwise my memories of NDs and LDs don’t differ drastically.

It really depends on the dream. As with normal dreams, lucid dreams can be long and awesome, but they can also be short and hardly worth remembering. Particularly great dreams (be they normal or lucid) will stay with me for a very long time. I can still remember the two best LD’s of my life as if they were from yesterday (in fact they were months and years ago). Same goes for a few normal dreams, which I still remember extremely clearly to this day, despite them having happened a long time ago.

Well, the thing is I know it was a LD, but I still have the memory of it as a ND, but I just have the knowledge that I was in control, and I knew it was a dream. I do have a bit more bliss, as I was able to do some things in it I am definitely not able to do in real life(like have a girl I particularly like not mind, almost willingly, kiss me, which is still the highlight of that dream(I am revealing a bit too much 'bout me now)), but it’s just that weird “Oh, it was still a dream” feeling I get. Maybe that will go away as I progress and get more and more LD’s under my belt. Hopefully.