First Steps to WILD part IV (Basic WILD Q&A)

A few nights ago I was WILDing. I just got to my bed early, 9 pm, altough lately I go to bed at midnight, something I dislike as I see 9 the best time to fall asleep. I readed Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams in my bed until 9:45 and then went to sleep, with the intention of WILDing. I began either counting, visualising or just letting my mind’s eye go. I used all three ways, when one failed I would try the next. I knew counting would take a while, so I merely decided to count until something interesting happened. I got to about 150 or 160 something, but I was counting “1, estoy soñando, 2, estoy soñando…” to make it easier. Sometimes I would lose count, only to resume it right a few seconds later. There was a moment when I felt a weird sensation all over my body, but I can’t remember why I lost it. Sometimes I would see some random mental image, but the very moment I saw and realized what it was it left. And with visualizing, I don’t recall anything interesting. I was awaken by my brother at midnight, and decided to stop and get a restful night and try later. What do WILD authorities think about this?

I don’t think it matters too much how long you’ve been awake, whenever I napped it was usually between 1pm and 4pm, but that’s only because it’s the best time for me, I am usually free then. I get up between 3am and 4am, so had I would usually sleep for between 1 and 2 hours, depending how tired I was. Sometimes I’d wake up in the middle or even several times.

I have reached the same stage a couple of times, I believe what you need to do is let them stabilize. I’m not entirely sure how you would do this, but I believe you need to give them time and keep focused on the technique you were using to stay aware until they stabilize.

Hi all. :smile: Sorry if my question is repetitive, but I’ve been trying to WILD. I wake up after 4-6 hours, and then I stay up for a bit, have some caffeine or some chocolate, listen to music that makes me really hyper, go on here and DreamViews, and then go back to bed and WILD. However, no matter how much I try to wake myself up, I always fall asleep after around half an hour or so, maybe 45 minutes. Does anybody have any tips for me that will help me stay awake during WILD? I’ve already tried focusing on my breathing. In addition, on the other site, I found a technique where you don’t focus on your breathing or something like that, but you instead focus on a constant, outside sound like a clock ticking or a metronome. I was curious to see if anybody here thought that might work. Thanks in advance for replying. :smile: Sorry for a longish post.


I also have this problem. :sad: Or I just fall asleep or the WILD just doesn’t work and I give up and fall asleep. :content: I think I read someplace that doing some basic math in your head might work. If I just count I end up losing focus and having to start over or just fall asleep. By doing something like “1 x 1 = 1, 1 x 2 = 2, …, 10 x 10 = 100” I’ve felt that I’m able to keep a bit more focused. I haven’t actually had success with this, I just tried it a couple times (and stay awake)… just thought you might want to give it a try. :wink:


And I have nother WILD question. I’m not sure it’s a “First steps to WILD” question, but I felt it should go in one of these general WILD topics.

Anyway. This morning I had a WILD which began with HI. I’ve only had WILD’s like this twice now, and in both cases I’ve had the same problem: lack of visual vividness. The thing is, the images start out weak and they don’t seem to get clearer. I end up entering a dream but I don’t really realize it. I don’t see the moment to step in! The images continue weak so I assume it’s still the HI… In the one this morning I even heard music and when I tried to rub my hands to see if I was already in a dream they felt like “pins and needles”. In the other one I had, as soon as I realized I was already in the dream (which took a while :happy: ) I got excited and the image started getting clearer, but I woke up.

So, any idea what I could do (if I’m able to do it again)? Or how to realize I’m to step in? :cry: Thanks for any help, or even if you just read it. :tongue:

I start by saying that I didn’t read the whole thing (it’s kinda long…) so if anyone asked something similar I might not have noticed

I’ve tried the WILD technique two days ago; I think I saw some HH (stuff like weird sparkling patterns, twirling colours, etc…) though weak…and at some point I started feeling weird…it felt like the bed was swinging like a cradle, and I thought that it was a good sign since I had read something similar in a website…but then the feeling stopped…did I do something wrong or is it normal for it to stop?

Also…I never reached sleep paralisis…but at a certain point it took me some willpower to force my body to move…should I have kept trying or did it just work bad?

Perhaps you could try a different method for staying aware. FILD might work well for you, there is a description of it Here and you can ask questions Here.

I’m guessing you already did it with WBTB, I don’t think you said though. Perhaps you could try spinning in the dream or just staring at something? I’m guessing you already know those techniques though, sorry I couldn’t be more help.

I wouldn’t say that you did something wrong exactly, I believe that to WILD you’d need to take your focus away from your body. I wouldn’t worry about sleep paralysis, if you forget your body, SP will come. If you focus on your body and how it feels you mightn’t get to sleep. :wink:

Thanks anyway, Dragon73. :wink:
I actually had a few more tiny WILD’s like this the past week. They were very vivid HI! I don’t know, maybe I’m gettign a bit used to it. :content:

I have some questions.

  1. Isn´t relaxing supposted to make you feel numb?
  2. When I start to relax, how tired should I be? (WBTB + WILD)
  3. How not to lose conciousness?

3. Concentrating on something (object, scene, dream, something else) / listening to music, making a small movement (but, that’s FILD if i’m right) / concentrating on your breathing.

Is there anyone who had a successful experience with using music for WILD?

Can you do WILD in the morning after waking up? I think I did it today after I woke up naturally. I can never wake up with an alarm clock, so WBTB in that sense is virtually impossible until I get a louder alarm. And I can never do it properly at night.

Drumm77, yes, you can. WBTB = Wake Back To Bed. In the morning you do all that if you are sleepy :happy:

Works for me! At least it did once :sad: I tried it this morning with no success.

Oky been trying to do wild for some time now, but the thing is that when I do I either start to itch all over my body until I give up or I get restless feed it´s so annoying :bored: . Kan anyone help me to fix this problem it´s making me crazy :grrr:

For the last week I’ve been considering actually trying to have a lucid dream (all of my lucids have been by accident so far), and I want to try WILD. The trouble is, I’ve always had ]massive trouble relaxing or falling asleep (though I’m a heavy sleeper once I do), and I know that if I lie down, I’ll just end up tossing and turning for ages to try and get comfortable like I always do. I’m also incredibly not liable to get any weird sensations or images or anything - I always go straight from being awake to sleep with nothing in between. No exceptions.

Is there any way to get around both these problems?

i dont have a problem staying awake i just have a problem getting through sp. my mind seems to just wander around random thoughts and i do go through sp and all that crap but for some reason my body ends up waking up

I keep trying WILD, I listen to a hypnotic mp3 to get me relaxed, and then the guy gives me the option of either waking up or doing WILD, so I stay hypnotized and wait for about an hour for SP, but this itch on my nose gets stronger and stronger and stronger and itchier, and eventually I have to lift up my hand to scratch it, and then I’m wide awake and sweaty all over. Suggestions anyone?

There isn’t a huge amount you can do if you are getting itches. The best advice I’ve heard is that if it is bothering you to scratch it. It may set you back a little bit, but if you get frustrated over it, it will likely affect your chances far more than quickly scratching it.

The suggestion that comes to mind, is to try using WBTB. That should make it easier to get back to sleep. The other issue doesn’t particularly sound like a problem to me. It sounds like something you have become accustomed to. Not everyone will feel everything when they try WILD and you’re probably better off focusing on staying aware then getting those sensations, since thinking, can I feel tingling in my arms, will draw your attention back to your body and reality.

Again perhaps the best thing for you to try would be WBTB, it should speed the process of falling asleep up and reduce the time your mind wanders for. Hopefully preventing you just waking up.

Hi =D I have a few question’s about HI.

  1. What’s it like? I’ve never experienced it, and I would like to know what to expect so I have an easier time staying conscious.
  2. When you experience it, is it like looking on the inside of your eyelid and seeing the imagry? Do you see it inside your mind?
  3. How long can it take to occur?

I hope I was clear =D

  1. Im guessing its different for everyone, but the basic things you see are brightly coloured circles, or shapes, dancing around your eyelids. Though you are not meant to pay these much attention as they can ruin the process.
  2. After the above their are images that appear in your minds eye, flashes of images. normally extremely random likea gerbil playing a guitar, or a sumo cooking cupcakes. These are the images you need to pay attention to.
  3. Well its different for everyone, it depends how long you normally take to fall asleep. I take about half an hour, subsequently it take me 50 minutes for it to kick in.

Lucid Dreamer Wannabe; I find that the guides to ‘count your breathing’ and ‘walk up stairs’ dont work for me, i just like you fall asleep. I think you should try the ‘walking through your house’ method. It works for me, as it is impossible to fall asleep unless you give up. Youll see what i mean in a second.

  1. Picture yourself stepping out of you bed in vivid detail, touch the walls, look in a drawer, and try to focus on whats really there.
  2. Move onto the next room and do the same. Spend no longer than 30 seconds to 1 minute in each room.
  3. continue for the whole house [you may need to plan your route] until you reach outside. [your garden, front porch] and you should be lucid.
  4. If not [which is normally the case for me] start again from scratch in your bed from your bedroom. It also helps if you use the same pattern of rooms you did before, so you get into a routine.

If anything, this helps you concentrate, because you are visualising something in your minds eye, and essentially when all the HI, vibrations and sounds start to kick in, you will enter your dream in your house. Although i cant say this has happened to me, as each time i focus on my HI and look for an object, which i dont particularly find so i dont suggest doing that :tongue:

Hope this method helps, you can PM me if you dont understand or have a question. Also a tip, when you get outside its useful to perform an RC. If you know of one that doesnt require moving your body, thats great, if not no worries dont bother doing one, as moving prolongs the entrance into a dream. :content:

Harriot x