For all you bad lucid dreamers: THIS WILL WORK! SUBLIMINAL!!

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For all you bad lucid dreamers: THIS WILL WORK! Subliminal! Part II

hey, I just remember a link to a website with a method that works so well and so easilly, you have to put NO effort into it. It works with subliminal messagees. For those of you who don’t know what those are, they are messages that go only into your subconsious mind, not into your concious mind. Its like, if you look at a page of text for 1 second, your concious mind doesnt know what waws writtenn on that page, because it has to concentrate on it for a few seconds, but your subconcious mind automatically knows what it says the second you look at it. Basically, this webpage is a bunch of text moving very rapidly accross the page (oh, dont worry, i checked it thourouly and theres nothing bad in it). there is a spiraling spirla in the middle of the page. You have to stare, wait no, stare is a bad word. Just gaze in a relaxed way in the spiral area. Or you can gaze also a little bit at the actual text, but YOU DONT READ IT. if you gaze at the text and can read some words, you are doing it wrong. The point is so that you dont know what the text says, only your subliminal mind. The text says stuff abuot lucid dreaming, and things like that, So gaze at the spiraling thingy, NOT TRYING TO READ THE WORDS!!!, and do this for about 10 minutes, with no distractions. 20 minutes later go to bed. you should have a lucid dream!! when it happened for me, it was quite wierd. there was nothing that set off my lucidity (like no dream sign) i just randomly became aware that I am dreaming!!. it was also very high level LD.) this subliminal thing really started me off, and it was a blessing after months of trying lucid dreams with no success. I REALLY hope that you people try this! pleeaase! its awsome!! well enough blabbering, heres the link.

Hope it works for you, Ben

PS. for those of you who try this, please post a message on the board to discribe your results, thanks!

WILL work?.. it BETTER… :evil: I’ll try this tonight… or TRY to try this tonight…

is it me or when you’re staring at the swirl, does it seem like your eyes are too far away from the text to read any of it? like… are you SURE this works?..

It does seem far from your eyes, but I’ll give this a try tonight. Thanks for suggesting it. Results will always be on my dream journal.

Ill give it a shot as i drink my mint tea :content:
ill tell you tomorrow how it works then.

WEll, techinically, with subliminal suggestion you aren’t supposed to be able to read whats being said. Your brain should be picking that up in the periphery. The idea is that info processed subconsciously will have a stronger connection to your subconscious mind.

Some people say its a load of bunk but other’s swear by it. I’ll say this though… enough businesses believe in it to play lines like “I will not steal from the company. The company is my friend” … concealed in background music. I’m not kidding.

I did like suggested and watched the spiral before going to bed and had the clearest and longest LD i ever had (there weren’t so many, about 10). But this night means a real progress to me. It was really exciting, though there are some parts i cannot really remember. But i got the gist.
I think it is because of the subliminal message, though i’m from Germany and i was too lazy yesterday to translate the text into german. Maybe it worked even better because i have been doing my RC’s constantly in the last three weeks.
I’ll try it again this evening to prove the effect.

Thanks for this tip,


have saved it to my favorites and will try it tonight. Nice one.


okay here’s the deal:

last night maybe… uh… a half an hour before going to bed, I stared at the swirl for a bit (not long though, maybe… 1-2 minutes)

I DIDN’T have an ld, BUT I could remember dreams better than usual…

one dream in particular (which involved a strip club or something :neutral: it was odd… but good :grin: ) seemed VERY real…

I’ve gotta try this agian tonight…

yeah, i experienced about the same thing as Sean. I stared at the spiral for about 10 while listening to rachmaninov and went to sleep after 20 min. I had some very vivid dreams and my mind seemed to continually(sp?) hint that it was a dream. I will try again tonight.

One question: does listening to music distract your couniousness? Will my mind still pick up the “hidden” text?

made a popup/banner free version of it here: … cidsub.htm

I tried focusing on the spiral for about 4 minutes last night about 30-45 minutes before I fell asleep. I was VERY prepered to have my first LD. I kept telling myself “This is it, its finally going to happen, lets do it” I laid out a game plan, so when I did become lucid, I would have a plan.

Fell asleep…No such luck. I did remember the dream pretty well, but no lucidity.

I will try again tonight. Also, does listening to music, or having the TV on in the background affect your subconsious’ ability to pick up that scrolling text?

had mint tea and watched it for maybe 15 min… no luck for me…
remembered one quite odd dream, which morphed like 5 times… was pretty cool…
still remember it but didnt have time to write it down in the morning cos was already late for school ( i had put my phone to wake me up at 4 and my alarm clock at 8, phone went off at 4, and i tried to switch off the alarm clock :eh: ) some of the dream was lost because of that…
coolest part was when I encountered this massive massive, archive, with insane amounts of books, old book, photo albums, everything, was insane!

Thx Ben7…i must say this is the best subliminal message (text) I have seen so far…its a really good concept…
looking at a rotating spiral slows down your brain waves and creates a little more theta…
And the moving of the text is also done smart…
Dont now how good it will work…but its not bad at all!
If we also good chose our own text files, that would be really nice…

:happy: THX!

hey! im so glad you people have had success! I dont want to be mean to tomas or anything, and thanks for creating that second link, but i tihnk u shuold still use the first link incase anything was lost or it didnt reformat right. im just a little paranoid. lol, srry. for those too lazy to scroll, here it is

good luck! i know it will work for you people!

i was just wondering if, in the 20 or so minutes after you look at it, are you supposed to think about lds? and should you use another method in the same night, like wilds or something?

I starred at the spiral for about 30-40 minutes non-stop-

No effect

I tried it last night too and unfortunately nothing happened, though I definitely will give it another shot tonight.

I don’t see why it’d be necessary to look at it for any more than a split second, since our subconcious picks up on it basically right away, right?

I tried this a few nights back, and I couldn’t fall asleep for like an hour… but I think that was due to some intensive chemistry studying. So I’ll try this today and I’ll tell ya what happens.

When I read the post yesterday I checked out the site and looked at it for about 1 minute.This was at afternoon, and I didn´t thought this was a real try.
Well, I had a LD, a very short very blurry one, but anyway…

I will try again


Maybe it is picked up better by some than others, probably due to differences in expectation or something. For me there are no shortcuts, all my lucid dreams come from MILD. I had one spontaneous one once, that was rewarding.