I dunno why but I think that maybe the reason pot affects your dreams is because you think it will. Try thinking and actually believing that pot will help your dreams and maybe it will. Worked for me!
Actually, Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana gave Howard Dean a C rating (on a scale from A+ to F). The only candidate to receive an A+ was Dennis Kucinich (who is also by far the best candidate on almost every other issue, in my opinion). Vote Kucinich!
(That’s all I have to contribute, since I’m 14, and I never have tried marijuana, and I don’t plan to…)
Thanks for pointing that out to me. I didn’t know he was rated that low. Also, I wish now that I had been paying attention to politics when I was your age. I’m 20 and am just now starting to realize I’ve missed out on a lot of things. And I’ll definately be switching my choice to Kucinich!
Hey, that is actually a great idea. I used to try that a few months ago but i guess i completely forgot about it. I guess marijuana does have physical effects on your ability for dream recall, but haven’t we all already learned how powerful the mind is? With mind over matter, anything can be accomplished.
Thanks for bringin that one up, Nightmare
So am I the only one who hasn’t smoked at all?
it kinda seems that way but i don’t do it anymore and in my opinion and experience i suggest that you don’t start… too many negatives for a couple hours of high.
I haven’t smoked. Know a friend and a relative who smokes.
The friend? Death spiral. Great personality, comes to school drunk with vodka and porn never gets caught. But he’s uh, failing everything. So the “bad stuff” doesn’t seem to have a bad effect at all on him. He just chooses to not work at school. He’s not bad off at all, well, except for his future, but I doubt the weed affected it.
My relative? The master of his life. Has everything he wants, including a lucid dream every dream, perfect recall, all the girls, superb physical stats, very good in martial arts… he says he uses the weed to enhance his martial arts. Has a sense of complete control over his subconscious when he smokes.
So the people I know who smoke aren’t that bad off. But I’m not going to try for myself. I’ve got too much to lose.
hmm i can understand if someone doesnt want to smoke marijuana…
but just dont badmouth it and say you have too much to lose, because the only thing that would lose it for you is you not the weed
Yeah, stop bad mouthin the weed. It’s already gotten such a bad rep thanks to the Nixon years, and it’s not getting any better with lame ass Bush. I feel sorry for all the innocent people who are prosecuted for marijuana possession. Most all of them are nonviolent offenders, and smoking pot itself is a victimless crime. Placing nonviolent offenders in prison with murderers and rapists should be a crime. And I especially feel sorry for the paraplegic who was handcuffed to her/his hospital bed while govt. agents tore up his/her marijuana plants. How sickening is that?
I’ve had bad recall and very vivid recall many times will high. It all depends on the situation.
it enrages me how the government doesnt respect our wants and sh*ts on us who enjoy smoking the herb. they like getting rich off all the fines and charges they press on youngsters that like to enjoy themselves every once and a while. would you call that oppression?
hi (no pun intended)
this is the way I see it. I tend to go thru binges that last a couple months or so, and at the beginning I can still have the odd LD, but when I’m into the binge, all dream recall is lost. When I stop, recall comes back gradually over the period of a few days and over the next few weeks I start to LD more frequently, only to put myself back to square one again.
Daily use is abuse and I have been guilty of that. I am trying to treat it with more respect these days.
I don’t do pot but if I have a headache before bed and take painkillers I have much more vivid dreams which I find weird as I thought these were supposed to be a sedative type thing not a upper type thing
as far as i’m concerned weed isn’t bad, but if you abuse it, it will abuse you. Do it occasionally and its alright, everyone that i know that has been addicted (including myself) and who has cut down a lot or quit completely will tell you how much better it is.
And for those who havn’t tried it and who say they never want to try it, its up to you, but it isn’t going to hurt you if you do it occasionally. Be at a mates house, smoke a joint or 2 and have fun, thats whats so good about occasional smoking it brings you back to the days when you first smoked and laughed it up instead of smoking all the time sitting there like zombies and not saying much.
About the dream recall, it affects my dream recall. I guess its different for different people, could mean something in how THC affects peoples brains differently.
Ok heres what i think about it.
The fact is that it does increase road deaths and other types of deaths.
In 2002 in the UK 18% of road casualties were found to have illicit drugs in their system.
Now, i would say that anyone who still wants to legalise it is selfish.
I myself have never smoked anything, nor do i intend to, not even to try it. You never know what will happen, a death, a broken window, you may do something even if it is accidental that you will always regret.
Also a reason why the police etc don’t like drug users is because of the crime that is associated with it.
But i do pose a solution.
It should be ok for people under registered supervision for accepted medical purposes.
There should be facilities that grow it and sell it for no profit. These facilities should be monitored and no one should be allowed to leave until they have got the drug out of their system. That way they can’t cause harm to others.
Now you might say that some of you do not pose a threat to anyone else, but what about those who do. How do you know in advance who poses a threat and who doesn’t. Also, if it was fine why would people get addicted.
I also have to say that I would not know where or how to get some even if i wanted to, i have never even seen it in real life. If it only effected you, fine, but it doesn’t it effects everyone in ways you probably don’t even realise.
I will be ready for any flamers, bring em on!
I would say Alex that the pot addicts will flame you to a smoking cinder. But I will save you by making them even madder at me. No one can say anything bad about pot to them because they are addicted and turn a blind eye to any negative effects. But at the end of the day us non smokers will still have reasonable lungs, a few more brain cells and a better quality of life in later years.
Here we go. First of all let me say that I only smoke once every week o two. Even if I didn’t smoke I would still believe what I believe because it’s common freaking sense.
Yeah, cell phones, food, drinks, even other people increase road deaths, and probably all more than pot does. And then there’s old people.
That 18% fact means nothing. First of all, you said “illicit drugs”, so that is not always pot. Second of all, drugs can stay in the system for 30 days. That means we have no clue whether or not the person was driving under the influence. Plus, I’m sure a whole lot more than 18% of people in the UK use drugs, which means you have a real weak statistic right there.
I’ve driven hundreds of times while high and never once done anything even close to dangerous on the road.
Oh god. Please explain yourself at least if you’re going to make such a stereotypical statement.
No. Just no. Smoking ganja does not cause death. You can’t ovedose. It’s not a big deal, unfortunately since you have already decided you will not try it you will never understand this. A broken window??? Are you one of the peopl who go around screaming burn all the witches? Bad things don’t just happen for no reason just because you’re high. And no, being stoned does not make your actions uncontrollable. Not even remotely.
And the reasons why ‘police don’t like drugs users because of the crime’…hello, if it was legal there would be NO CRIME. No more vioilent acs, because no more drug dealers getting rich illegaly. No more gang related activities over drugs. It’d be as simple as going to the phamacy, getting safety-regulated weed, and going home to smoke it. We could then try sending the cops on something worth their time and our money.
Holier than thou you are.
No, I’m not mad at you. I just think it’s sad that people still think like this. We are talking about pot right? I think that is the title of this thread. I would give you credit if we were talking about something that has actually been proven to have negative effects, but as far as I’m concerned we’re talking about something less harmless than sniffing glue.
But of course, I’m just a blind addict. Good one.
Agreed. You addicts are so easy to stir.
You wouldn’t care what I said if you didn’t live for pot.
Is that all you can respond to? Because it’s going to take an intellectual response to stir me, not some ignorant remark.
I wouldn’t care what you said unless you said something that had a basis in reality.
You say I live for pot, and yet I’ve bought it once in the past year and smoke it about once every week or two. I’ve never tried another substance other than alcohol, which is far worse than pot.
I only care what you say because you’re wrong, and I like to debate. For example, if you said premarital sex is wrong, I would disagree with you, even though I’ve never done it. It’s called an opinion. And I, unlike you apparantly, use more than name calling when it comes to defending it.
That window thing means that you are less in control.
There have been studies done on people driving after smoking specifically pot and they have measured that the response time and driving skill to be less that that for when they didn’t smoke. But I guess you don’t care about the safety of others to find out if it really is safe. I said you are selfish because of the increased deaths. And yes not all the deaths would be caused by pot, but i would say that it at least had something to do with it.
Cell phones while driving: illegal already!
food,drinks more than pot? really?!
old people: i think that everyone should be tested regularly after they turn 50 or so. But generally old people have more experience, well the younger old people anyway.
And i didn’t know much more than 18% use drugs on a regular basis (they would have to use it regularly to have it in their system, not just if they’ve ever used it) Do you have an actual figure or is this just an opinion?
And by the way it “has actually been proven to have negative effects”
But, just like on matters of religion, you will defend yourself dogmatically, it seems even more so than religious people i have spoken to.