I know this probably isn’t a huge issue on here, mainly just an American one, though we have a fair share of americans, but rather than take my circumcision thread way off topic with a long reply I wrote in resopnse to Demon… I will post this here.
This gay marriage issue is belligerant racism (or at least bigotry) at its finest.
Main Entry: seg·re·ga·tion
Pronunciation: "se-gri-'gA-sh&n
Function: noun
2 a : the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means b : the separation for special treatment or observation of individuals or items from a larger group
Assume you believe in the sacredness of marriage in a non-religious context and were gay, how would you feel if they said “no you fag, you can’t marry… you’re a threat to the sanctity of marriage! but here, go get a damn civil union”
We long ago deemed segregation uconstitutional, Bush has got to be the biggest threat to freedom this country has ever seen…
If certain churches don’t want to honor gay marriage that is great, that’s their right. But you should under no circumstances ban it… it’s up to the people getting married and the institution marrying them, no more, no less.
Now I realize I chastise the religious right a lot… and make generalizations, I know not all of them are like this… it’s the select few that rule all of us… it’s sad really.
Some guy I once talked to wanted to abolish freedom of religion (he was a christian) IF christianity was the only acceptable religion, otherwise he was against getting rid of freedom of religion.
who knows if he was serious or not though, he seemed like it.
so discuss your viewpoints. I understand morally objecting to homosexuality, but that does not mean it should be forbidden that gay people marry, it’s their right. Either ban straight marriage, or even better, ban divorce (Bush wants marriage to be sacred after all), or let gays marry.
I am extremely offended, honestly, by the overwhelming American support for the banning of homosexual marriage, 71% in Missouri for example, it comes to ballot in my state (OK) this November, I think I’m going to start some activism up on my campus, get apathetic “moderate” kids to vote against banning it…
I mean… if I were gay, I’d just… I’d be rather hurt… you know? There are a lot of American values I think are stupid, but part of me still respects marriage, thinks “it’d be nice to get married” I Understand if you love someone dearly you dont’ need a marriage to make your love “official” but it’s just… it’s the social gathering, it’s the tradition.
You don’t go have a CIVIL UNION PARTY! the family doesn’t gather and go “aww, they got civil unioned… I’m going to cry” it’s … horrible.
And I’m of the opinion that it’s blatant segregation.