
touching story

A month ago, my grandfather died. And even though me and him were very close, when he died i wasn’t that sad because i knew that his soul was free and in a better state.
A while after i had a dream, where i was looking out a window in my house and i saw him standing there. I whispered his name and then he looked at me and I fell to my knees overcome with emotion, i was all warm and then i woke up.
It wasn’t a ghostly experience, more like i was seeing him again, for the last time and we had an emotional connection.

Sorry if it’s off topic i just wanted to share it.

Has anyone ever experienced something paranormal in their house or anywhere else? Any encounters with “ghosts” or people you know who have passed?

I have a few,

I was about 5 and my grandmother had just passed away, but i wasnt aware of it. The phone rang the day after she died and i picked it up. It was my grandmother and she told me how much she loved me and to say hi to my mom and dad. When i told my dad grandma says hi, his faced turned white…very strange.

About a year ago i was vacumming the living room and no one was home with me. I finished that room and it was all clean and nice…when i left the room and came back there was a mug in the dead center of the floor…I hardly ever go in that room anymore im so scared of it.

I have a few more, but i’d like to hear about other peoples experiences first!

At Korsvägen (Crossroad) at wednesday I heard a loud voice that no other heard, calling my name. What Im not sure was if it was a ghost, telepathy or OBE. It was very scary and i stood there :scared: what would happen next teleports from computer

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Ive been table-tipping before, where ghosts move the table colockwise or anticlockwise for true or false to questions you ask them. & you have to walk around with your hands on the table following it round when they move it. This isnt a commercial thing, its just my dad, me, and a few of his friends.
Its in an old shut down carpet store which used to be a chapel & is across laylines.

At one point the table has been flung the entire length of the room, and hit the wall.

Also in the downstairs area bits of nails and such like get thrown at them and when they pick them up their still warm. [well, very hot]

So i definently beleive in ghosts. No matter how much people try to disuade me, i saw it for myself.

Family used to own a farmhouse from the early 1800s. I stayed there frequently. 'Nuff said.

Never let anyone make you believe something else, if you dont believe what you want, you cant live with yourself :wink:

I don’t remember when but there was a day that i put my cellphone on my dining table and when i walk up to my room my cellephone was on my desk…

My mom has had MANY (i wish i could tell all of them though some are personal and others are just to long to type out) expirences some small most of them rather amazing. Their have only been a few minor ones with me. when i was on the computer a few years ago i kept seeing shadows running through the house. the thing is i definately wasnt seeing things as my mom also saw the shadows. As she is more in tune with this kind of thing she saids that its my step fathers brother and sister playing tag in the house.

Is there anyway, or method I could use to invite ghost into my house, I would love to live in a haunted house. I wonder if a Oujie board would work? I dont want a friendly ghost eather I want an A hole. Who want let you sleep at night, and allways braking shit.

what in the world is your reasoning behind that? :rofl:

A friendly ghost wouldnt have much activety, and haunting going on. I want something to talk about.

Haha, Kava, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it, and much worse than you want!

I will not be blamed for your house be burnt down, or something expensive being destroyed :razz:

Besides, it wasn’t actually a ghost, but spirit at least, but you might want to read one of my other posts, before you say that the friendly ones never do anything. … 272#528272

yeah friendly ones can have good stories to. Also in some situations the friendly ones might help you with stuff.

:peek: talking about “inviting spirits/ghost/entities” and how to make contact and all that, is depreciated here (read also, so please just keep to the discussion about if they can exist, and so on.

sorry about going off the course. I do believe in them as I feel that their is still a great deal we do not know about this world or whether or not there is the beyond. I think that their is somethings that we arent supposed to truly know till there is no way to prove that it is correct.