Girls you would love to dream about...

THIS is the only girl I need to dream about…don’t die from shock…


What’s that supposed ta mean? :eh:

She looks good–right guys (I know, all guys can take their time to gawk and stare…then you answer…) :roll:

yeah i guess if anime obsessed girls is what get ya.

yeah thats the one lol :grin:
jeez i remember that name all the time why did i forget it then?

:yes:…it is… :content:

Well…after taking another look, I guess you have a point…
Alright! I find that anime chick attractive, too!

  • you screwed her up so much shes switching to girls! nice job :tongue:

Haha! :lol:

Well, I dunno–that girl does look very seductively attractive–I even have her set to my PSP wallpaper… :content:

He never switched me up…
It’s weird, and hard to explain…
Okay…what if i were attracted to both genders?
Not in a sexual way…but I dunno?
It’s different when you’re a girl…I guess you’d have to be one to understand…:shrug:

That pic taught me to type without looking at the keyboard…

(We should add the drooling smilie btw…)


I don’t know… Pink hair and plastic clothes… She looks like a toy and not a real person. And her eyes scare me too.

I guess I don’t have the same taste in girls as you have.

In my opinion,
That’s all you need to know about the world.

Yes–but still…

Hey, Tifa!
Hi, Yuna!

Hmm… :content:

Before I clicked on that I thought Yuna from final fantasy…
She looked good in FFX-2, IMO.

I don’t think cosplayers always show the right side of the character. Just like fan art, it’s just not “the real thing”.

But Lacryma and Sailor Mars :content:

No rikku? you disgust me…

:lol: I thought I’d let you cover that, HB :content: But, okay…here:

Thats my computer background… and the sort of pictures i end up finding for Rikku… well… Whats that drool smily? And, i was simply annoyed that you liked Yuna, but left no indication of Rikku…


and a lil extra…