Girls you would love to dream about...

I want to dream about that “I Love Lucy” person–what was her name? :uh: Oh yeah, Lucille Ball! :smile:

EDDIE AREIA! my bf! hehehehehehehehe

I think you want THIS


o opps wrong one

:content: No problem–just getting acquainted with the forum

Me too!

Uhh, I mean…no one…

/me runs out of the room to escape from an akward moment…

I would say BB, but I already dreamed of her three times :content:

Hmmm…did I mention Aaliyah (R.I.P)? She was AWESOME in Romeo Must Die! :happy:

And Ling Bai , too–she’s SEXY! :hugs:

That. Gaze. Oh. My. God.

You want to dream about all the girls and women on this forum? What about the guys?

/me feels left out

/me stares dreamily at the picture of Ling Bai:

I think she looks a bit scary…

Okay, i will add my list, as soon as i am finished with this smily…

Not done yet… must… do… more!

Its all for the cause…


MUST… DO… MORE… but first, must post list.

Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michelle marsh, Rikku (from FFX), and many more, which i am unwilling to name, as you will probably start wondering howw a 14 year old knows of such people. And Paris Hilton.

HELL YEAH! :cool_laugh:

Jessica Simpson YIKES ! :wink:

for some reason im strangly attracted to…oh…uh…oh you know…that…girl from…damn whats her name.

the redhead who played the wierd one from american pie and willow in buffy

For me Jennifer Garner (we could be spies together) and Alison Lohman(we could go around the city causing mischief)…:smile:

am i too understand that while your lucid and you have jennifer garner you play spies? :bored:

It’s Alyson Lee Hannigan