Harry Potter Discussion [warning: spoilers]

I noticed in the fifth book, the Advanced Guard came and rescued Harry. During the rescue, pretty much every one in the guard uses blatent magic. Stated somewhere in the six books, the ministry of magic cannot tell who is performing the magic in any given area, only that there is magic being done. Why did the ministry not get involved, especially when they would give just about anything to bust Harry, and when he is awaiting an improper use of magic hearing?

the ministry did get involved, Umbridge sent the dementors, the ministry tried to get him with that but fell victim to their own rules, regarding underage magic and when it’s acceptible for it.

Good thing Dumbledore wrote many of them :wink:

Besides they were probably very busy squashing “he’s back” rumours and the like.

But he got rescued after the dementor attack. I’m fairly sure that this was never addressed.

They might be wizards and witches, but don’t forget for a second that they’re also beuracrats, and would have a large number of potentially complicating factors to take into account (such as maintening certain relationships and good will with particular groups of interest).

In relation to Dumbledore’s potential reincarnation - I sure hope that he stays dead, I feel it would be a little lame and childish if JKR tries to bring him back to life. If she does decide to do it, it better be believable.
I’m glad that Dubledore and Diggory died in the series, it adds a darker and more sinister to feel to the HP world. If people don’t die, then what’s the risk? What would be the point of reading if you know that everybody is safe, and that even if they do die they’ll just be reincarnated?
I agree with and have had some similar thoughts with those of you who have posted about Snape, though I believe that he has been made into a likeable scapegoat that JKR wants to play out to the end. I believe ultimately his intentions will be pure, and that everyone (in the story) will be wrong in their assumptions about Prof Snape being a traitor.

EDIT: Just read a link that was posted earlier. Okay, I think I agree with this source that says that Snape and Dumbledore had some sort of prior arrangement - or something to this affect. I’m just not convinced that Snape really destroyed Dumbledore, at least… not the way it was presented in book six.

ARGH! SNAPE! Don’t kill me severus. Please? Okay, sorry about that, couldn’t resist. I will be serious now. I think…

(to be continued next post)

Snape and Peter Pettigrew own something to Harry…

I wonder how’s JKR going to use that.

Oh, man, I hated the 4th and the 5th books, and though I adored the 6th, I don’t think the main plot is of interest anymore… She didn’t develop Voldermort well…

I’m so frustrated. She had a perfect occasion to tell us about how Voldemort grew up and became that incarnation of evil, but all she did was put in a memory from Dumbledore showing us he was always evil. She spoiled the fun. Voldemort is no longer interesting.

Was Voldemort always evil? He was always bad, had no conscience, but was he evil? He made the horcruxes because he feared death, but they turned him into what he is. Have you noticed voldare=to run de=from and mortis=death in latin?
Also, a little off-topic, but has anyone seen this? https://neohogwarts.byethost22.com/index.php
It may be immature, but kind of a guilty pleasure. (Don’t judge me!)

“Avada Kedavra!!” (ie You’re dead)

I think Bruno refers to the memory of Dumbledore visiting Tom Riddle when he was in the boys home. From my vaguest recollections, he had a small collection of stolen items in his cupboard or something like that. Maybe not evil, but he did come across as a ‘bad seed’ right from the beginning, and evolved from there.
I would have liked to have learnt more about Voldemort when he was younger as well.

Oh…my…Lord. Well, whatever tickles your fancy :wink:

One thing, if the website is true, Snape did not kill dumbledore with avada kedavra, and also, i’m a ghost. BOO!

:confused: Please explain. I’m pretty sure he did use Avada Kedavra

Avada Kadavara may not always kill , Harry cant use it for instance , I think that a wizard like snape will master not doing it right .

But Petter Pittelpytt will save harry , I think

Petter Pettigrew, you mean.


I read all the books (exept the 6th ) in norwegian first , so I have the tendence to say the names in norwegian.
And because I dislike fans , which have seen the movies , always saying it in english and is like “wonder what hapen after the 4th movie ?”

And DISCUSS It !! :grrr:

The little ebil me spoils it :ebil: :wink:

tries to scare snape with ghostly antics BOO! covers face with hands, then slowly reveals face BOO!

:eh: What are you trying to do Hebrew? Lol.

i WAS going to talk about harry potter, until YOU so rudely killed me. I ought to give you a piece of my mind, but i am dead, so i cannot. Maybe i could just HAUNT YOU UNTIL… FOREVER! :ebil:


I do! Now let’s see…There has to be a logical explanation.
Okay, options.
Option 1: Just the normal way, only it’s not a big issue with them. The master just tells them that they have the okay. He doesn’t give specific time frames to do it in.
Option 2: They hatch out of cabbage patches or such.
Option 3: They breed in the wild and are captured by wizards.
Option 4: They are bad little children that didn’t listen to their parents and got taken away and turned into house elves.
Bu-ut…Kreacher’s greatest aspiration is to have his head severed and put on a plaque like his mother. They have a bloodline, and that means that it’s option one, because not only do they have a bloodline, but the bloodlines are sometimes all owned by the same family, so they don’t just go out and capture them.
Option one is the only plausable answer. And that is what I think about in my spare time. :wink:

I also think that Snape didn’t kill Dumbledore. It’s possible that Dumbledore used occlumancie to ask Snape to do somthing so that Drago does not kill him.
There is something JK Rowling did not say to us : What happens when they think a spell before saying another ? Which works the first? :confused:
If I remember well, Dumbledore was ejected rather far before the green light reached him.
Snape is a very interesting character because we never know which side he is, perhaps that he will play a part in the final outcome…
JK Rowling is gifted to play with our nerves !

Oh yeah, parseltongue is definitely hot. Gets me tingly all over

Eeeeek! :roll: