I’ve been into lucid dreaming for almost a year now, had my first lucid dream about one year ago. I have read two books on lucid dreaming and I am on my third which I read every night, I normal meditate to help clear my mind and help me fall asleep. I have excellent dream recall, and can know almost what I dreamed up to 3-4 days ago. The problem is I have not been getting lucid dreams, I don’t keep a dream journal I honestly don’t find I have time I have tried to start but I get side tracked easily…and waking up every 90 minutes isn’t my thing. I normal do RC’s, they haven’t helped much.
When I come close to lucid dreaming a few times, it happens for a brief second and I get over filled with a feeling of ecstasy and wake up. Normally this happens after I have awoken and try going back into sleep. Any advice/tips on how I can start to lucid dream more frequently?
There really is no one technique that any of us can point to you to allow you to become lucid more often simply because everybody is different. I know it’s not very comforting, but you’ll just have to start experimenting with many techniques out there. For each one, keep at it for a week or two, and if it doesn’t work, move on. It’s hard to tell what works best for you, especially when you yourself haven’t seen the effects of each and every method.
Also, on your RCs, are you just making it a habit of performing them and that’s all? Or are you actually questioning your surroundings and having a mindset about lucid dreaming? Most people usually do the first, which is fine because it will eventually spark you doing the RC in the dream; but if you do the second, you might find yourself benefiting more because you are not only thinking about lucid dreaming all the time, but you are genuinely testing your reality, not just making some gesture.
Also, about the dream journal, as odd as it sounds most people experience better results in both recall and actual LDs just by recording dreams every night. I have no idea as to why this works the way it does, but I highly suggest you keep some form of a dream journal. If it means waking up 5 minutes earlier, go for it. And you don’t have to write detailed descriptions. You can write as little as a couple of words; just write enough so you know what happened. For example if you dream about hanging out with an old friend, just write the name of that person you dreamed about, and that’s it. Just seeing the name will spark a thought in your mind. All of your memories are kept, it’s just a matter of finding a trigger to see each one.
Hopefully at least some of that helped. It really is all up to you. I know there’s countless threads about “How to find the right technique for you” and such around the forum, so you might want to check those out. Only you know what’s best for yourself.
Good luck man, and let us know how the LD goes tonight.