Help Getting the Girl

what you have sounds good to me so far…

How bout that last line I’m thinking something stronger?

If you’re feeling really shy why don’t you have a couple of drinks (of alcohol) before asking her out. That always works for me.

P.S. Don’t forget to have some gum or something before you actually talk to her because if your teacher finds out you had booze you’ll be in deep shiit. Plus it’s always good to have fresh breath!

Brad: That sounds a little bit more like sexual harrassment lol jkjk

heh sexual harassment lol, no, i was just trying to be a good friend to her, you know sucking up, asking her to do stuff for fun the usual stuff.

I’m not drinking before asking her outthats how babies are made. Fresh breath always a good thing. This maybe my last post till after the traumatic ordeal. I’ll try to get on later check any late coming advice but no guarantees.

13 hours. . .

against drinking never drink it’s not cool
best of luck!

here’s some last minute advice. One last and final thing. When it comes to the big moment, clear your mind of of all things. try not to think. I know it sounds dumb but you don’t want to think to much. Just stay calm and be yourself. Right before you go up to her take a couple of deep breaths, put on a smile and Action. I know your shy I am too,but you have to just take charge and do it. If you have to think of all of us being there with you encourageing you on. We have faith in you. Good luck,best of luck,and THE SWORTZ IS WITH YOU.

Dreamwalker is right! Don’t think, the right words will come, if you try and think to much you may say the wrong thing, good luck!

I feel this big. Even I lost self respect for myself. She skipped social, everyone skipped calculus, and then in religion had chances, there were 4 of us talking together but still nothing. Then I was going to but she ran out and the teacher stopped me

The only way I can possibly redeem myself in even my own eyes is at one of the finals we have.

I figured out what I need to do. I need to stop the negative self talk and get crackin on some positive affirmations. It means laying off some of the LD stuff but now that schools out I should have enough time for decent amounts of both.

I Will Overcome My Shyness.
I Will Have A Lucid Dream.

I should get actual therapy but I’m poor. So; Go Go internet self help sites.

That’s a great idea! ask her in a lucid dream and then it’ll be much easier to do in real life…but it doesn’t seem like you ahve time. maybe you could ask her and then after that practice talking to her and stuff in your dreams or something…i dunno but good luck i’m rooting for ya

oh oh i have an idea! have her go to thise site, and find the post. then she’ll be like “Ahwwww, how sweet. He went to a strange dreaming site to ask strangers for how to get with me in the sack, awwwhhhh”…heh heh

that could work good too…i’ve done that before

I tend to over-romanticize… well, romance. Perhaps if you UNDER-romanticize it then you’ll find it easier to ask her. Just imagine that she says yes and you find out that she’s horrible and ignorant and intolerant. Imagine she’s rude or has disgusting habits… maybe then you’ll get over the idea that she’s loftier than you are and you’ll find it easier to say someting to her. Heh.

When it comes down to it, it does suck to be rejected. Its no comfort to know this probably but chances are that her answer is already decided on. Either she finds you interesting enough or is open enough to try something out or she isn’t and never will. Whether you ask her now or later or whenever, if the answer is no then it will be no when you ask her. If its yes then it will be yes. Either way, you’re only prolonging your own anxiety… which I may point out is what you didn’t like about my above suggestion.
If her answer is no… it will suck ass but, truthfully, the sting will be over in a few days to a week. If its yes… WEEEE! :content:

If its a vague and ify answer then do yourself a favor and take it as a no because thats what she means and she’s just too cowardly to say it. If you truly take it as a maybe you’ll just get strung along and feel like an idiot for wasting your time later on. I learned that the hard way.

that’s not always the case…like i said before my current girlfriend said she’d never like me, but the second i got a different girlfriend it was “argh brad what are you doing i like you.” sometimes playing hard to get actually DOES work…hehe

I could try to under romaniticize it but I already know quite abit about her. I may be to chicken to ask her out but I do talk to her. As I said she was in all my classes and those classes were pretty boring. I’ll try it but shes like never alone. And asking her out 1 on 1 is nerve racking and asking her out when she’s with a group of her friends scares me beyond belief.

if you ask her out when she’s in a group, she’s less likely to say no, if she’s a decent person at least…but i’m guessing you want a meaningful yes, so i’d say get her number before you ask her out.

How would I get her number without asking her out? I have 2 brief times left where I have a chance to see her. And its doubtful she’ll be alone. And lets not mention the differences in our high school social stature. Brain Vs Dancer. I found someone that said she wasn’t seeing anyone, but he was only 75ish% sure. Should I drop it and try to find someone else?

Have her paged to the principal’s office. Be waiting there and then ask her for her number. The office people are usually friendly and I’m sure they’d help you out. :confused: