Help Getting the Girl

Very intriguing idea but the only times left where I’ll see her are at our final exams. I doubt they’d let me or her out of the exam just so I could get her number.

Well for her number you could just say “well it’s just an idea so we could keep in touch and maybe do something sometime” which isn’t exactly asking her out but it’s hinting to her that you might like to do something with her sometime.

omg what is wrong with you—seriosuly. I mean, you only live once. You can either waste it posting on websites asking for how to initiate with a girl, or just do it. Whats the worst that will happen? Just tell her the truth, and do it as soon as possible. it’ll all work out, trust me.

or you could try that way lol but if you do, be all ladykiller about it. be smooth :wink:

i totally agree with Be7

what’s the worst that could happen…

i mean if she rejects you who cares you’ll probably never see her again anyway…

an if she accepts then you have a wonderful new gf!

So don’t let fear run your life!


Theres a big difference between saying(posting) that you’d do something and actually doing it.

She’s friends with and hangs out with the “popular” crowd, I on the other hand am “that guy.” The shy guy in glasses that is good in math and science. Its more than a little unnerving going up against that.

Ben, you’re mean. :sad: You got me right here points at spleen
Brad you’re still the most supportive person I “know” on this forum.

The worst that could happen:
Total humiliating rejection followed by a generous stun-gunning and pepper spray. My eyes will burn too much to do my final exam. I’ll fail. I’ll still get into engineering but many of the people there will be in my classes and I will face an additional 4 years of hell ending with being hung for treason based on rumors they started about me.


She could say yes. Then on my way out of the school, I’m run over by a bus.

Maybe an overactive imagination is part of the problem?

heh thanks, i try. all i have left to say is just take the chance, you know by next year no one will remember/care…i’m just like you i dwell on things way too much. if you actually think about it it’s not THAT big of a deal…while it seems like it is right now, wait a month and if you’re not going out with her you’ll be like “wow i really overreacted.” so i say just go for it…phone number or just straight up ask her out. irish accent best of luck to ya.

I agree brad… though I would say that it could take less than a month to get over it.

Ok here’s some serious advice coming up , from a guy who looks and thinks like you, or who did, 5 years ago.
I’m 23 , studying applied physics (5 years)
In school, I had exactly the same problem. Always liked a girl, couldn’t ask her out ,too shy. I got to make ‘sweet love by the fire’ at 21. At Uni.
Here’s my advice:
for your first experiences, DON’T go ask out a girl you hardly know. If you must, be sure to initiate a discussion right before that. If it’s enjoyable for both of you , then do it.Just say something like ‘Hey, would you like to go for a cup of coffee with me next <>?’ , or 'hey, I ‘d love to see you again sometime. Would you like that?’

Don’t ever think that ‘she’s the one’ .In uni, you ll have PLENTY of opportunities to meet the right girl, trust me. Girls look for a good match in there. Also, get to know them before you let yourself fall in love. Otherwise you fall into the most common trap , falling inlove with your “idea” of what the ideal partner should be like, which is none other than your underdeveloped female side, aka Psyche. Read Psychology, it will help you in that. You can be sure, that sparks like this will very quickly die out, and will leave you with a feeling of emptiness. Good and healthy relationships build as time goes by, and as you get to know each other well. Going from ‘I like you’ to ‘I love you’ is much more meaningful and worthy than going from ‘I have a crush on you’ to ’ I’m infatuated’ to ‘I’m lovestruck and rejected, I ll go kill my self’ OR ‘shit, I thought you were someone special’

EVERY time i tried speaking to a girl I didn’t know, I have failed miserably.
Shyness will only attract that kind of girls, it will surely repel others. Other girls (submissive ones) prefer someone who will get what he wants by any means. (that’s not you or I) . Don’t fall for that types or girls, they ll make you unhappy because they will ask of you what you ask of them. Safety and someone to respect.
also (for crying out loud we re in a LD discussion forum!) try to do this in a LD !!! you will feel sooo good if you succeed in your dream, that your yearning will significantly fall… Happened to me once. I got rejected by a girl I liked , and next day I saw in my dream that I had succeeded and that we were together! When I woke up I was so happy I had lived this (non-LD) that I didn’t feel so sad anymore. Needless to say, in a LD, the experience can be a 100times more intense.
good luck with your quest :smile:

I just thought that was worth quoting. :wink:
Good advice.

Part 2