Help staying calm while in an LD

In my life, I’ve had 3 LDs. But they’ve scared the heck out of me, and I immediatly looked for a way to wake up. My last one was so vivid that I decided to do a little research, and finally stumbled here.

I need some advice on staying calm when I figure it all out, because next time I don’t want to wake up. I also would like some tips on what the first thing I shoud actually do in y dream is. Only once to I believe I manipulated my dream, and it was on accident.

All tips are appreciated!

I’m not an expert on this subject, as I have never had that problem…

I have learned myself to stay calm, and I even think “don’t get excited” And do the calming exercises that I do IRL… Like I said, I’ve never had that problem, and that’s because I’ve practiced a lot… It’s embedded in my head!

Hopefully that helps a bit, like I said, though. You have to learn yourself into proper LDing…

Maybe someone else can give you better ideas!

Well, the first thing that I should say is welcome to LD4all, and that there’s nothing to be scared about in Lucid Dreaming. The best thing you can do to stay in a dream is, of course staying calm. To do that, I would recommend trying to clear your head of all thoughts, which has always worked for me in dreams. If you can do that, you will be able to stay calm and lucid for as long as you like. That says nothing for actually getting Lucid, but that’s all the help I can offer. Here’s the first LD I had, in which I had to do the above, and figure out what to do in an LD.

SPOILER - Click to view

I don’t remember where this one starts, but it was lucid from the beginning. The first thing that I remember is laying in my bed, thinking. I then left my room walked through the hallway & kitchen down into the closed in garage, where i was intercepted by my mother telling me to fold the clothes from the dryer. I did, reminding myself to stay calm so I could stay in the dream longer. After this was done, I went outside by our big oak tree. I remembered hearing that one way to astral project from inside dreams was to fly straight up and out of your body, so I tried. Thing is, as I discovered, I can’t fly. After that I went back inside to my bed, where I laid on it, thinking. [I may have gone out side once or twice more and was intercepted by my mother again.] The next thing I remember I was outside in one of those “Fancy grass & sidewalk between fancy, bid, and old buildings” areas either sitting or laying down. My little brother was bugging me so I told him to leave me alone so I could finish my dream with as little waisted time as possible. He didn’t, so I made his hair recede untill he left, then I fixed it. I remember thinking about astral projection, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. The dream went back and forth between my bed and there before I woke up.