Help to remember to do RC's and DILD's

Alrighty, hi guys! So I was chatting with a friend of mine who only relies on DILD’s, and he shared with me a good way to remember to RC and possibly induce more DILD’s.
If you have house dreams REGULARLY this way is a dead-ringer to work for you! :smile:

What you can do is to take sticky notes and cut them up into small pieces and assign the sticky note as a symbol that whenever you see it, you RC. So put them in a lot of places in your house where you commonly look ( e.g the entry to a room, bathroom, on a light so when you switch it on you do RC, a closet, your bed etc. etc. ) and then once you are done marking your territory, just take a stroll through the house and when you see those marks for your sticky notes do a RC! This is what will happen…

In your regular day, when you walk around the house you will get used to RCing thus you will do a RC in a dream and bam! This will help someone in a dry spell or somebody who CONSTANTLY forgets about RCing. :sad:

Another thing is that if you have house dreams and you’re in your house you will either see your sticky notes or you wont… I
If you do: Well duhhrr, if you always do RC’s IRL when you see this, then you probably will in your dream leading to lucidity. Always make sure to do 3 whenever you see these sticky notes IWL so that you will do a few in your dream. I like the counting hands, hand through palm and plug nose.
If you don’t: Well, you need some common sense but you might remember that there is supposed to be a sticky note there, and then you will RC and LD! :happy:

Happy LDing guys!

Im on a touch screen. I cant mouse over the words. I was wondering what RC and DILD stand for? Thanks! :smile:

RC= reality check
DILD = dream induced lucid dream

AJ, have I ever told you your brilliant! omgosh, when I read this, I eyed the post its in the other room evily >:) time to go sticky note the house with an excuse … XD

I do say, I like this idea. I’ve seen posts where people recommend assigned everyday items as an RC reminder, but come to the problem of it turning into a hastle (one thought the color green was a good idea, until realizing way too many things in life are green :razz:). The only thing I could see wrong with this is having to explain to my mom what the deal with the random sticky notes on the fridge and tv are all about…

Yeah, thats why you can put it inside or spots you know she wont see, if she asks say "well mom, it’s to remind me to do… ( homework, take a shower, clean room, or any events ) just say its your reminder and please dont take it down. so far my mom never noticed yet xD Score!

I guess that’s very similar to Stephen LaBerge’s daily targets:


The next time I see myself in the mirror.

The next time I see a red car.

The next time I see an animal.

The next time I smell food.

The next time I hear music.


The next time I see a beautiful woman.

The next time I hear a man speaking.

The next time I write something on paper.

The next time I take off my shirt.

The next time I turn on a light.


The next time I feel the wind.

The next time I see a dog.

The next time I feel upset.

The next time I hear my name.

The next time I see my reflection in something other than a mirror.


The next time I laugh.

The next time I eat lunch.

The next time I eat dinner.

The next time I push a button.

The next time I use the restroom.


The next time I take socks off.

The next time I lock a door.

The next time I feel fear.

The next time I hear music.

The next time I lay down in bed.[/spoiler]

Not really, the daily targets are hard but you see these cnostantly like when you leave your room its on your handle, or your door wal, and theya re also reminders for in your dream when you see a car you wont become lucid like that but when you see a purple sticky note, you’ll do a RC and become lucid. Also if the sticky notes arent in your dream you will end up doing a RC because you’ll be all “hey whered it go”

I guess you’re right but still those daily targets are good for practicing… Maybe not so direct like sticky notes but in my opinion those would help more then sticky notes because with them you don’t train yourself to notice or react on changing surrounding. You will switch on automatic mode and you will expect those notes like you expect that there are doors…

Or they could work perfectly… You’ll never know, until you try, right?! :content: