Horror in the dreamscape: the ultimate list of evil DCs

Encounters: Nightmare this morning (not much recall unfortunately :sad:)
Appearance: All three/four of them are normal-looking men.
Biography: For some reason, I had to hitch-hike twice on seperate occasions. The first time they dropped me off where I wanted. The second time, I asked them to stop. They didn’t answer, so I asked them again. I asked them if they had heard me. Still no answer. They were driving me into more rural areas. I paniced, and tried to open the door. I managed to open it, but one of them grabbed me before I could get out. They took me into a field. There were other people there. It’s from this point onwards that I have bad recall, but I remember a woman telling me I would be sacrificed, and me begging them to have mercy.
Now: I don’t know, but I don’t think they’ll be coming back.

It seems this thread is having some success. Perhaps could it be stickied? :woo:

Name: K
Encounters: Nightmare a few weeks ago
Appearance: Normal teenager. A bit on the chubby side.
Biography: She exists in waking life. However, in this dream, she started a giant killing spree, killing some of my friends. I narrowly escaped without being killed.
Now: Probably in dream detention center. Although, she may still be out there…

Name: Moogle
Encounters: Chase dream a few weeks ago
Appearance: Real life Moogle, according to the photo gallery.
Biography: Moogle. However, she chases you. And she can unlock doors without a key.
Now: Possibly chasing other LD4all members.

I had a cool long dream lastnight with an evil DC in it. The dream was great except for running into this guy. He was a drunk long redhaired midget who was violently beating on his wife. I tried to calm him down, but he was really freaking me the out.

Name: ? (Referred to as “Fake Evil Mom”)
Encounters: On an ND/Nightmare/LD last night.
Appearance: Looks exactly like my mother, except with a somewhat evil look on her/his/its face.
Biography: Some kind of evil creature or spirit who can take the form of humans. It loves using the new forms to mess up and freak out it’s victims by showing them horrible, scary things. In my case, it took the form of my mother and tried to freak me out by showing me bizarre things using her. I had to force myself awake to get away from her.
Now: Unknown.

Name: The Doppler Effect
Encounters: Too many times for my taste
Appearance: He is the man of thousand faces, comes up as whoever he likes. But I believe his real appearence is of the real doppler effect…
Biography: He appeared to me when I was like five, as a group of sound waves. Saying: “I’m the doppler effect”, over and over, with louder and deeper voice. Since, he has appeared in almost ever nightmare, or delightful dream, as simple character, but then ruins the dream or makes it worse. All he wants is to plunge me into darkness, and when it happenns, I hear his voice again, and if I don’t wake, I start seeing creepy things, like persons I like dead, or myself torn apart in pieces, or revisit other nightmares. On the other side, as lead to a lot of LDs, by that same sound.
Now: waiting for me to fall asleep. It doesn’t matter where it is, I know he will be there.
Picture: –

Know it sounds crazy, but the guy really pisses me off. Anyone knows how to exterminate a recurrent DC? Every time I try to kill him, he just vanishes, or dies but comes back again…Anyone?

Name: Weaponmaster
Encounters: 2 (I believe I’ll soon see him again…)
Appearance: Tall american redheaded guy, with a love for weapons, specially the firing ones, with a black hat and suit, and a freakishly long blood red mustache
Biography: met him on a dream where I was fighting against a few guys. He killed me like, four or six times on the same dream, with different weapons. Then I met him again in a race game, and he used me as a human ladder to get to the top…
Now: Still on the game place, but I’m not sure
Picture: –

Name: Dad

Encounters: Numerous… Only a few as the bad guy. Never really in person when he’s the villain.

Appearance: Old-looking rotten teeth, hunched over constantly. Bad back, near-bald head. Glasses usually.

Biography: In the most significant dream that he was a villain, he killed everyone we became friends with on a camping trip and left balloons behind after every murder… or disappearance. Murders include a family near Red Deer, Alberta one in BC, and my mom’s friend Shauna. I found out it was him after I called him and a man running away answered his cell phone. My dad said he had some balloons for us when we get back, and that’s when I realized he was a killer. In total, there were 7 deaths.

Now: Still at large, does he work for HVC?

Name: The Hitman

Encounters: One ND, in a back alley.

Appearance: Never saw his face. He drove by in an old late 80’s car.

Biography: He killed my mother for no apparent reason while we were out shopping. No clue why he might have killed her, he just shot her… Apparently he was a hit man, but probably picked the wrong target.

Now: Unknown. His identity is known, but the police never caught him.

Name: — (Evil Illusion)
Encounters: Once, in a very weak LD
Appearance: Takes other forms, but then becomes a dry corpse with no eyes
Biography: It appeared in my grandmother’s basement (a really creepy, dark place) in the form of my mum, asking me to follow her into the darkness. I already knew I was dreaming but couldn’t do much about it. I told her: “No way!!!” because I knew that something was wrong. I looked away from her to try and do a RC. But it went in slow motion. Behind me, it turned into it’s real form: a dry corpse, with dry skin and gouged out eyes, and furiously asked me to go into the darkness. I managed to do the RC, but when I tried to rub my hands to make the dream more vivid, it walked to me. I tried to push it away with my arm, but the movement woke me up.
Now: This evil illusion is a sadistic creature born to terrorize and kill, so right now it is probably slaughtering other dreamers, somewhere out there…

Right. Who wants this to be stickied?! :woo:

the decision to sticky a topic is made by the moderating team. If every interesting topic was stickied … 75% of the forum would be sticky topics :tongue: :moogle:

Wait, this isn’t stickied yet?! I’ll talk to pasQuale… Ugh I haven’t had any good LD’s ever. But I promise I will tonight and I’ll post the villain here tommorow. If there isn’t one, I’ll make one. I already know what he’ll look like hehe…

Name: Sean Connery?

Encounters: 1 ND, last night at a children’s hospital setting

Appearance: Like the modern-day Sean Connery (Specifically The Avengers)

Bio: He’s a guy who wants to control the world’s colors… :eek:

Now: Hitting on an old lady was the last thing I saw him do.


Name: Prophet of Regret

Encounters: Once in an LD

Appearance: can I show a pic instead? :tongue:
Biography: One of the Covenants prophets.
Now: Dead, I incinerated him during the battle.

Name: Prophet of Truth
Encounters: In same LD as I faced Regret.
Appearance: Also shown in a pic :razz:
Biography: Unlike Regret he always waits for the right time.
Now: Status unknown, he crashed into a wall in high speed, but I never saw the prophets body :woah:

Name: The old lady (?)

Encounters: Once in an ND, in the fuuuutuuuuure

Appearance: Short, grey hair. Short in size too.

Biography: She tells rich people she has nowhere to go… Goes to their place, robs them, then kills them via drowning.

Now: Dead. I think I shot her.

Name: The French Guy

Encounters: One ND/LD (But definitely another) Only seen on a TV.

Appearance: Clearly my mind themed him after Dominic Greene… (See picture)

Bio: He works for HVC, and he wanted to kill me along with everyone at the hotel I was staying at. He said he was from HVC, and I realized that HVC operates only in my LDs… So I became lucid. Blah Blah Blah, he attempted to bulldoze my hotel and kill my mother with a dog-headed 5 story high machine that was bent on killing me… duhn duh duhhhhhn! I tried finding him, but a witch killed me (see next entry)

Now: Alive and well, but his plan was foiled.


Name: Witch Amazonia
Encounters: One LD (same as above) In a dark forest
Appearance: Witch-like with a yellow band on her hat. She WASN’T green, though.
Bio: A witch who knows the location of HVC… I underestimated just how many… friends she had who killed me…
Now: Alive and kicking…

First LD to go from the village to the Nightmare Forest…

Name: Antwoine, though this one was a shapeshifter who liked to take on other personas. (Including Cupid. Not a cute erotic god, I’ll say that much.)
Encounters: No idea. It was tricky to figure out when he was about. But I had experiences with this since early childhood.
Appearance: As far as I could tell, his usual appearance was more like a member of Kiss, with black and white make-up. He appeared as Beetlejuice and the Joker a few times.
Biography: He just appeared and ran wild. He did things to children and goats that I really don’t want to go into. Just an all around soul-sucking, mean spirited creep. What made him most horrible was that he seemed sweet and friendly, often in the guise of imaginary friends I’d had as a kid. And then things would turn ugly.
Now: Dead. Dead dead dead. And it feels very good to be rid of him. He actually seemed to be some other kind of spirit, and this whole thing spilled over into waking life. I did a cleansing with some friends of mine, however, and also moved out of the horrid apartment I used to live in, and everything is lovely. So as far as I know he’s dead. Or at least banished from my headspace.

I’ve always wanted to post here, but could never think of an evil DC, but I just remembered one! :content:

Name: Vampire.
Encounters: When I was small he would always show up almost every dream. I had a HUGE fear of vampires when I was young. To the point where I would be filled with fear and anxiety of the coming night because I always dreamt of the vampire.

Appearance: Very pale skin. Large brown fangs sticking out of his mouth. He also had a scar on the side of his face. (Don’t know how it got there.)
He wore a black cloak with a red cape, and had short but thick black hair.
IN a couple dreams he appeared as a green bat.

Bio: He would terrify me every night. EVERY night. I would wake up in the morning, sweating to the point were I thought I had wet my bed. His typical ways of scaring me were just showing himself and chasing me.
On the worst of nights, I wouldn’t be able to move and he would drink my blood from my neck and I would just scream helplessly. :sad:

Now: The vampire stopped appearing in my dreams since the beginning of second grade. I haven’t dreamed of him since.

I can’t believe I had forgotten about him… He terrorized me for nearly 6 months.
I’ll try to think of others…

Just had some evil DC’s last night. :grin:

Name: (Something German) Gang
Encounters: So far, only in one dream. It was apparently my school, but it looked exactly like a super-market. This turned out to be good for me, as I could hide easily.
Appearance: Generally, very strong men. Dressed in all black jumpsuits. Some have flaps coming out of the collars of the suits. The flaps cover their mouths. The men were all different races, but they were all were Germans.
Bio: They began kidnapping students on the second day of school. My friend was kidnapped, but saved by a bodyguard. As I watched the struggle, I accidentally bumped into another gang member. He started trying to take me. An asian woman came and rescued me. I thanked her. I continued walking. I saw my friend being carried away by another man. I said that I was also in a struggle, and he shouldn’t worry. I said he shouldn’t be afraid of those terrorists. Unfortunately, they didn’t like being called terrorists. One started chasing me.I hid in the boxers section of the store. The man didn’t find me. I heard a man approach. But I never saw him.
Now: They’ve probably been jailed, perhaps they’ve been thrown into the same federal prison I escaped from in another dream.

I’ve encountered a few evil dream characters, mainly in nightmares.
Name: The Cookie Thief
Encounters: Once, in a nightmare
Appearance: Large bulging eyes, brown beard, striped hat
Biography: Breaks into people’s houses in order to steal cookies. Will kill you if you don’t give him cookies.
Now: Gone, I have never seen him again since that nightmare.

Encounters: I’ve encountered mini-elephants in one nightmare.
Appearance: The Mini-Elephants are not a single dream character. Rather, they are many creatures that look like elephants. However, these are far more vicious than normal elephants. Rather than a trunk, they have a blood-sucking proboscis. They look exactly like a normal elephant, except that they lack tusks, are about the size of dogs, and are completely transparent.
Biography: Mini-Elephants spend much of their time hiding in bushes, waiting to attack their unsuspecting human prey.
Now: I haven’t seen mini-elephants again ever since that nightmare.

Encounters: I’ve encountered this evil dream character in a few nightmares.
Appearance: Dark and wispy, much like the dementors in Harry Potter.
Biography: Lurks around ruined areas, and blends into shadows perfectly. Will attack if you happen to stroll by him.
Now: Still at large, lurking around the ruins in my dreamland.

Name: Revenant
Encounters: I’ve seen Revenants in the nightmares I had when I was very young.
Appearance: Completely invisible, except for a bluish light that can be seen in the dark.
Biography: Revenants lurk around my dream world at dusk or during the night. They tend to strike fear and dread into anyone who dares to look in their direction. They are extremely hostile.
Now: Still out and lurking around my dream world.

Name: Bruce
Encounters: I’ve encountered bruce in 2 nightmares.
Appearance: A lunatic wearing a red shirt and jeans. Has a brown crew cut.
Biography: A cold-hearted murderer who particularly likes bashing people’s heads open with his medieval mace.
Now: I don’t know where he is now.

Ooh. I enjoy adding new additions to this list.

Encounters: So far, one dream. I guarantee more.
Appearance: An organization that harvests organs from living people. So they are doctors, people in tuxedos, a fancy logo (see below), and cool SUVs!
Biography: They just kidnap you, and cut you open, and give the organs to rich people. An actual believable enemy. Hopefully affiliated with HVC, I doubt it. They probably operate from The Hospital in my dreamscape.
Now: Still out there, not for long.

I dont understand how I forgot to add this one:

Name: Dementor
Encounters: In an ND once, I tested chewing gums :lol:
Appearance: Blackhooded and very ugly :anx:
Biography: They suck out all happiness and make you freese :scared:
Now: Over the 7 seas, I failed to kill it :meh:

The dream I countered the dementor is found here

Name: Drug dealer rapist.
Encounters:Once, outside a school in my area that is on top of a desolate hill.
Appearance: Black guy with a large afro, black hair. Tall and he wears a black trench coat.
Biography: He appeared in a dream where i was a girl, he had taken me ontop of the hill i mentioned erlier in a black cramped car, he asked if i wanted drugs, when i said no. He tried to rape me woke up just befor he could though.

I had an encounter lastnight with a unplesant D.C. I was in a barn with a bunch of Hells Angels bikers, gangsters, and other hard core people. I walked past a D.C. who was drunk, and I was trying to get out of there, because people were fighting, and shooting each other. I told the D.C… “I cant find my car” He replied… “What the F do I look like a car finder” He got right up in my face, and I was really scared. Man what I wouldnt have given to be lucid.