Horror in the dreamscape: the ultimate list of evil DCs

Name: —; I like to call him Flagg, cookies if you know where thats from.
Encounters: A few dreams, not specifically nightmares. He’s always on this beach of a lake.
Appearance: I never see his face, but he seems to have long hair and jeans.
Biography: He always has some nefarious plans to be completing. For example, he last tried to kidnap my cousin. He seems to have henchmen, but I’ve never seen them.
Now: I stopped him last time by putting him in a headlock, but woke up. I suppose he’s still there, on that nice little beach in the sunset. He’s like the Rocket Power of my dreams: Always trying, failing miserably.

Name: IT
Encounters: Twice, always in this particular construction area.
Appearance: I never see him. He is always in the shadows, but he is small and hunched over. I get the vibe he’s a black kid, in a football jersey. All I know, I get a feeling of EXTREME fear around him.
Biography: No background. In the nightmare, he’s always up on a scaffold in the dark. He hurls insults and nasty jokes, saying if i go up there he’ll give me pie. I never go up.
Now: Last I saw him, he had teleported into my view after I left the room, still shadowed, and cackle/screamed maniacallly. I woke up, and thought i could see him across my room. I guess he’s still at the construction site, waiting for me to have some pie.

Stephen King is a great author. :wink:
My evil DC:
Name: didnt have one
Encounters: One nightmare.
Appearance: evil completely gray witch.
Biography: Turned me to stone in the nightmare by sticking her fingernails into my chest. I was still alive. Creepily, I had 5 scabs on my chest exactly where she stuck me.
Now: Disappeared after turning me to stone. It was a long time ago, so I don’t think I will see her again.

Name: didnt have one
Encounters: One LD.
Appearance: a demon.
Biography: Evil. Wanted to kill everyone. Killed everyone, then came after me and my sister. I thwarted him by teleporting for the first time, taking my sister with me. He was ticked. :tongue: I stayed with a DC, who told me I was safe and before the dream ended, told me I was about to wake up.
Now: No clue. Probably still searching for me.

No posts since last year? Okay, I’ll start it up again.

Name: Big Jabba
Encounters: 3, 2 NDs, 1 LD.
Appearance: Massive, naked but draped in golden chains. Dark, brownish in skin tone, but gets purplish when angered.
Biography: Always chasing me. Surprisingly fast, jumps really high. I’m always trying to get to the top of a building to get away from him.
Now: I guess he’s dead. I cut his head off with a scythe in the LD. He hasn’t reappeared since.

And this guy.
Name: Called by something different every dream.
Encounters: 3, NDs.
Appearance: Tall, pale, black or brown hair. Good looking, but always with a creepy half smile on his face. Maybe half Asian, resembles Keanu Reeves a bit. Wears white suits with blue collared shirts.
Biography: It’s basically the same dream every time we meet. I’m in a male form. I’m with a girl who seems to be his sister. He’s gone off the wagon and he gets really possessive of her. She stands up to him and he starts trying to murder us both. We end up in this gazebo thing at the top of a cliff, and he’s trying to climb up while I’m shooting what I guess are blow darts at him. He ends up dying in some weird coincidental accident, like a rock falling or something. The end of the dream is like a movie-ending monologue with my male body doing a voice-over with a bunch of images.
Now: I don’t know, as he keeps coming back I can’t tell if he’s dead or if we’ve made peace or anything.

Name: The Giant Rabbit
Encounters: First time in a ND when I was 6 years old in 1971. Came walking on air through the window to the accompaniment of a unique theme tune (which to this day I can still hum)
Appeared again in a dream in 1984 when I was 19. This time he wore a teeshirt on which was written ‘Giant Rabbit 1984 Tour’ Kind of made me laugh.
Appearance: 8 foot tall, white malevolent looking bastard big rabbit
Biography: Not known
Now: Not seen him since he was humiliated by me laughing at him back in '84.

Thanks, Hotpot for reviving this topic! I forgot about it (and I sorta missed it…)

Anyways, when I saw this, I realized that I never updated with C. Nucleus…


Name: C. Nucleus
Encounters: An ND a few months ago
Appearance: African Descent, drives a two-seater blue chevy with the words “C. Nucleus” where there is typically a car name.
Biography: He’s an assassin hired by the HVC gang, tried to kill my mother (what is WITH THESE PEOPLE and killing my mother?) but failed, then he chased me. Oh, he was planted in a home right behind mine and spied on me for weeks before he actually tried to kill me.
Now: He failed at killing me, so who knows what the HVC gang did to him… He may still be alive, but the HVC gang love killing people…

Name: The Legend-Holder.

Encounters: over 8 LD’s

Appearance: A Tall man with a sinister appearance, Always inside a random shop of some sort, but once you enter, the shops form shifts into his domain.
he has color-changing eyes, but always some evil-looking shade, normally centering around maroon, black, or grey. A light goatee, and medium sized hair, which is sort of spiky, and messy, like he never combed it before. Medium athletic build, looks like he could run a marathon without having any trouble.
Always has an extremely large book near his vicinity.

Biography: He was once a normal man, but had made a pact with what the people in my reoccuring dream-scene call, “The Dark One.”, the pact was made so the legend holder would know all there is about the evil ones in his reality, and so the dark one gave him a book.
in this book was the knowledge of all the evil ones in his realm, but it came with a curse and a blessing.
whomever would read the book would be given encantations to summon these beings for a short period of time, but whosoever read the knowledge this book held would go mad from the horror of the beasts within.
He took no heed of the curse, and now travels with his book of demons across, what literally is, my mind. (random dreamscenes, only some reocurring.)

Now: Still alive, still wandering.

Picture: none available.

now for the big one.

Name: The Dark One.

Encounters: Only 1 LD

Appearance: A dark shadowy figure, has a black smoke cloud surrounding him, always seems to be either looking for something, or in his castle, which is at the top of a humongous chasm filled with moving shadows, which gives off a large cloud of black fog rolling out from the depths like a dragons breath.
He carries a large claymore with spikes just above the hilt, resembling razor-wire.
His armor is made of what seems to be shadow itself, or so the “locals” said, light as a feather, but able to resist any form of physical attack. No eyes. No soul.

Biography: Supposedly the son of the destroyer, the demonic god of the realm, he was said to be born from shadow, and bred to kill. Since birth he had a demons blessing, immense strength, terrifying speed, and the ability to pretty much kill anything in his way.
other than this, i dont know much about him.

Now: Im never sure where he is.

Picture: looks kinda like the bad guy from the lord of the rings.
only more evil.

Well this isnt really evil DCs, but it is intersting in the way of the evil that unfolded in the dream. I thought it was really cool how it all unfolded it was one thing leading to another. In the dream a DC had did a hit, and run, and the dad of the guy who was hit foud out who it was, and came to his house, and repeatdly ran into his car. I saw the DC doing it, and I chashed him down on foot to get his plate number, and he saw that I had goten it. So he comes back to my house to talk me out of calling the cops so I made a deal with him. I said I wont call the cops if he could get me a half ounce of (drug referance). I didnt get it, because I woke up. I woke up laughing, because everyone in the dream was just doing bad things. A hit, and run lead to property damage which lead to blackmale, which lead to illegal drug use. I thought it was cool the way it all lead to another. It would a cool short story.

Okay, I’ll play. :smile: I can only remember one at the moment, but when I think of more I’ll come back. I don’t have a lot of recurring scaries in my dreams, I guess. Most of them have a whole dream devoted to them and then that’s all. Anyway…

Name: Iyes (in the dream this was pronounced i-ez)
Encounters: one ND
Appearance: Unsettlingly average. Male, in his thirties, brown hair I think.
Biography: Lives in a suburban house that appeared to be based on the house I lived in when I was around seven. Has a habit of inviting lost travelers to stay at his house for a few days, then locking them in, killing them when he gets bored of them, and using their faces as models for elaborate humanoid automatons that roam the house.
Now: No idea. In the dream I’m not even sure if the viewpoint character made it out alive.

Not terribly abnormal…

Okay… little strange

Seriously… just… weird

Name: –

Encounter: 1 ND

Appearance: White chemical suit with blue transparent gas mask and possibly glowing blue eyes behind it.

Biography: Showed up at a house where a party was being held and knocked on the front window, inducing an idiotic guest to point him/her/it towards the door. Entered the house, turned the lights off, and forced the guests into a large Plexiglas enclosure. Then followed me through a FA and did something to my lamp so it wouldn’t light, piled all the electronics on my nightstand into a heap, and left me there to freak out.

Now: No clue. Probably still roaming my dream-house.

Name: Freddy Krueger

Encounter: 1 ND

Appearance: Scorched red skin, black hat, black pants, and a black and red stripped sweater. Has 5 metal claws on each hand.

Biography: Yes. Freddy from Nightmare on Elm street. In the dream, he threw a curtain rod through a woman’s chest and came after me.

Now: I have no idea.

Name: The Microwave

Encounter: 1 ND

Appearance: A microwave… The microwave I have in my house.

Biography: It kept turning on by itself, causing me to lag out on some awesome MMO my SC conjured up. :grrr:

One day I’ll get revenge on that microwave.

Name: The Shadow

Encounter: 1 ND

Appearance: A black shadow with the shape of a human

Biography: Pure evil. It torments people

Name: Fat kid with Cigarette/Lollipop
Encounters: Once in a very vivid Lucid Dream on a Beach
Appearance: Quite fat and bulky, compared to me I guess he was around 1.80 M tall, I think he also had short and blonde spiky hair. He also has a cigarette, but it could also be a lolipop.
Biography: Was a bully on his school, probably was allowed to smoke. (if it was a cigarette)He likes to act tough and tower above anybody else, but it is easily defeated in combat. He has a very annoying mother who thinks about him as a little angle and will ramble on to you if you decide to annoy her son.
Now: Unknown, I last saw him as he was lying in the wooden cart, unconcious, he didn`t reappear in any other dreams, but I will attempt to seek him.

Name: White Tuxedoed Men
Encounters: The Nothing, the steps of the Capital, Face book SWAT, Shuni leaders, Cuban missionaries, and Party Guests.
Appearance: Two men in white tuxedos’ with a black undershorts and white bow ties. Carrying silenced pistols with them. Blond-ish hair and “Clint Eastwood” styled chins.
Biography: Born in the first dream scape from which I experienced the feeling of “nothing”. I was being chased by them through constantly spawning stairs all throughout the nothing. I was dressed similar and had the same style weapon (Silenced M-9). this dream ended with me getting gunned down in what I have since dubbed “The Nothing Stairwell”. They made their next appearance in this a dream which in which i was watching myself become Lucid. My “Twin” summoned them and they killed me. The next appearance made was when I finally killed one of them. The Face book SWAT team entered my home for hacking and I drew a concealed weapon from my toilet as he interrogated me in the bathroom. Blew his brains out all over the mirror. His name was believed to be Francais, because the surviving “brother” once said “FOR FRANCAIS, NOW FEUGO MY MEN, FEUGO!!”
Now: The survivor proceeds to dominate various militias and squads in my dreams about firefights (which are more often than none). The survivor is wandering around my SC as I type, waiting, watching to make his next move.
Picture: *Imagine Clint Eastwood in a white Tuxedo With a gun, not that hard.

Name: Shuttle
Encounters: about a hundred times in my feeling. Though probably around 70.
Appearance: It transforms into many objects, mostly a badminton shuttle, or sometimes even toilet paper
Biography: Pure evil. Lures you into many traps. Seeing him means you’re doomed and got to wake up.
Now: I saw him in almost every nightmare when I was 3 - 5 years old. Then his appearences became less and now I don’t see him anymore.
Picture: (Though without the racket)

Name: The Invisible One
Encounters: Too much.
Appearance: It is totally invisible. It is possible to fight him, though fleeing would be best. He mostly appears in my house when I lie in my bed. I suddenly hear loud footsteps coming slowly up. Most of the time I got to jump DOWNstairs past him (extremely scary) to escape via the front door. Though most of the time it is locked. (I feel afraid only by thinking about it… knowing that someone is following you while you do not know where he is) Oh, and he also somehow disables the lightning switches from working.
Biography: Invisible alien I think, though he speaks human. I once asked him to be friends. That has only worked once
Now: I don’t trust him. He’ll come back sooner or later.
Picture: savingadvice.com/images/blog … ouse-1.jpg See him? No? Well just run!

Name: (slenderman)
Encounters: (1 which is 1 too many)
Appearance: (tall skinny man)
Biography: (hes a modern myth but in my dream he is much worse he appears wherever you teleport mainly goes for me and my friends in my dream he turned all my friends into mindless zombies attacking me)
Now: (none i only saw him once)

Just had a dream with an evil DC.

Name: Drizzelda, The Evil Witch Queen

Encounters: One, a normal dream.

Appearance: She has long black hair and very pale skin. She wears black robes or a black gown, not sure which. Her fingernails are somewhat long and painted black.

Biography: She lives in the old abandoned ruins of a five story tall school. She has renovated it to her own nefarious purposes: She has turned the entire place into a maze-like dungeon complete with traps and roaming monsters. Bold adventurers may enter to compete for an incredable prize. The rules are simple: survive for one hour in her insidious game of hide-and-seek. The penalty for losing: Death, or something equally unpleasant. She turned one of my companions into a house fly, I was shot by poison minidarts by opening a trapped door, and who knows what happened to the third member of our party.

Now: Where is she now? Probably tormenting our third companion; I woke up before meeting back up with her. Last I recall I was running like hell from Drizzelda.

I will post my dream journal entry momentarily.

Name: Tricky Dicky
Encounters: (I think,) at least once in Sleep Paralysis and at least once in a dream, each time the paranoia was that he was going to snatch me from my bed and take me to the woods (sounds worse now), that’s what he did in the dream but I think it all stemmed from the SP episode.
Biography: He was a character from a zany kids TV show called Zzzap, it was zany because it was designed to be fun for deaf kids as well. This guy used to get kids to do challenges and then complicate them. He was a bit sinister but my imagination painted him as something evil. Really it was the standard “shadow man” of SP I experienced more recently but being a young kid I found the nearest match.
Now: No longer classed as a threat as I am bigger than him now :tongue:

…and then I dreamt about him last night, not a nightmare but I was running from him. I think we made our peace at the end though.