Horror in the dreamscape: the ultimate list of evil DCs

Name: —
Encounters: Many times when I was a little kid. Basically the dream was always the same - me escaping from this giant robot found in my grandmother’s house. I was always running up the stairs just to find him in elevator, so I got back to stairs and eventually got to the fifth floor where my grandmother lives. Then I would go there, and the robot was no longer around.
Appearance: Well, it’s a little hard to recall, he was giant, but small enough to fit into an elevator. Wide arms, looked a little like Optimus Prime :happy:
Biography: Unknown, he was possibly built to scare me in my sleep?
Now: Well, it’s been a really long time since the last time I met him. About 10 years. So now only memories remain. I might confront him in one of my LD’s one day, since it might be interesting experience. It was nightmare I had quite often, so I could finally make peace with my “dream bully” :smile:

Name: —
Encounters: Two recent NDs
Appearance: Tall, pale grayish skin, strong, black eyes. He only wore dark gray clothes and a gray hat.
Biography: He kidnapped me in one dream. He didn’t really torture me, but he kept me in a dark room and occasionally injured me. It was a super long dream (dream time almost a month, the longest I’ve ever had). He had a partner that I saw more. She was rude and mean but not as evil as he was. Eventually he did let me go, but theres a gap, and after the gap it was suggested that he raped me. I don’t consider it a nightmare because most of the time I was only thinking about planning my escape.
In the other dream, he was chasing me through hallways.
Now: I don’t know, I haven’t seen him. I should probably go back to the dreamscape and see if he continues to kidnap people.

Name: Lord Voldemort
Encounters: I purposely created him during my LD to see if I was really dreaming
Appearance: Look at the picture
Biography: I’m not gonna write the whole biography of T.M. Riddle here, you had better watch Harry Potter films instead :razz:
Now: After I’ve created him, he ran into a forest, so I guess he is still hiding there somewhere

Why havent I added this baddie before? I know there is a risk that her ebilness will flush this post :tongue:

Name: Quuipo
Encounters: once, in an LD, I was in Siberia and she popped up
Appearance: Do I need to say more
Biography: Unknown
Now: Still out there, not been able to lure her out in another dream yet :razz:
Picture: There is none

I haven’t ran into too many evil dream characters so I’ve never gotten any names of evil DC’s I’ve met, but asking their name is a great Idea. Off the top of my head:

Name[/b]: —

Encounters: About 5 times, all during false awakening so I’m not sure if they were LD’s or OBE’s.

Appearance: Small shadowy human-like figure, probably about 3-4 feet tall. I think it was male, if any sex. I remember one time I thought it had a face but I can’t remember what the face was like, I’m pretty sure it had no hair, and it was too dark to make out many details.

Biography: He first appeared at the end of an LD where I false awakened and saw him sitting in my chair, but for some reason I could barely keep my eyes open or move so I woke up. A few nights later he re-appeared while I was trying to WILD but this time he was on my chest crushing my ribs. It felt like my ribs were grinding together so I woke up, then tried WILD 2 more times and he was there crushing my chest each time. I also had a dream where I was climing up an endless hole and a high pitched voice asked if I thought it was a funny situation. I asked why it’s voice was so high and it lowered the voice and asked if it was now better but it sounded scary so I said no. I’m not sure if that was the same creature but I think it might have been, and I tried asking questions about what it wants but it wouldn’t give me answers.

Now: I haven’t seen him since the time where I false awakened in my room and he was crawling over me, then all of a sudden he dissipated. I looked up at my doorway and there was a lady facing away from me. As she turned around, I expected and feared that her face would be mangled and horrifying. When she faced me she actually looked normal which really surprised me. She then said something but I couldn’t make it out, then I woke up.


(except the one I saw was darker with no hair and much smaller in comparison to me)

I’ve got a bit of a collection, this’ll be a bit of a long post.

Name: Satan/The Devil :help:
Encounters: Only one instance, during a FA. I woke up in my bed, apparently still night time, and got up. In the corner of my room I saw him forming with a ghostly mist flooding everything. A pretty intense fear ran through me and I dashed out, where I see him again later in which he sat me down we had a little conversation… I believe I encountered him one other time, but that dream escapes me.
Appearance: In this one, he took on the appearance very similar to one of the ‘Nine Kings’(who turn into the nazgul) from the Lord of the Rings.
Biography: Well not much needs to be said here.
Now: I haven’t seen him since, though I feel that I may have had a dream where I saw him again. I don’t recall anything else though.
I highly doubt this was really the Devil entering my dream, since it really didn’t feel that way.

Name: My ‘possessed’ father
Encounters: Once, where I was with him at a distorted walmart. A short while afterward, he goes off on his own. When I come across him again, something is clearly different. He seems possessed by a demon, or a demon impersonating my father.
Appearance: Well, no need to get into specifics on my dad :razz:
Biography: Not much to say here either.
Now: There was one other instance in a dream where my father suddenly turned into a demonic vampiric version of himself, but I don’t think that’s necessarily directly related to this. I find this strange since I don’t have a bad relationship with my father at all so I’m not sure why he keeps turning into evil things in these dreams.

Name: Pyramid Head (yep, from Silent Hill) :eek:
Encounters: Once in another ND where I’m in some university complex, and I see his shadow. From then on he’s stalking/chasing me throughout the entire dream.
Appearance: The same as from Silent Hill 2, except in the dream he was sort of a blurry, shadowy figure, and was massive in size, basically like Godzilla: Pyramid Head version. I only ever saw from the chest up, everything below was grazed in a blackish mist, that swallowed everything in its path and was the sign that he was near. He didn’t carry his Great Knife though.
Biography: In the game at least, [spoiler]he is manifested out of James’ guilt from murdering his wife.[/spoiler]
Now: Not sure where this came from, but PH isn’t haunting me so I can say he probably won’t be coming back very soon :smile:

Now this one is really something.
Name: The pack of giant balls of fecal matter.
Encounters: This is one of the earliest dream I can clearly recall, and it was in a nightmare I had when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I was in some old, dark, run-down Mcdonald’s. I was with my brother who’s 2 years older than me. We get deep inside the playplace, where several of these things start chasing us.
Appearance: Large balls of feces, with eyes and a mouth. It was a pretty bizarre sight and probably why it’s stuck with me.
Biography: Fecal matter that lies in the depths of McDonald’s playplace. Hehe.
Now: Never saw these things in my dreams again gladly. But that’s probably because I look back on the dream and laugh at it now :tongue:

Last one for now.
Name: Old hag.
Encounters: Twice, except not the same kind of DC interestingly…The first time I saw the old granny was when she invited me inside an old cabin looking house and showed me all kinds of chemistry/alchemy/witchcraft experiments. It was a bit uncomfortable and bizarre, but she never put me in harm. The second time she’s some kind of crazed killer, and chases me through my house with a butcher knife, nearly killing my family. :neutral:
Appearance: Very old, wrinkled, very much like the old witch from Snow White actually. She wore a similar black robed garment and had a hunch back. Not very tall.
Biography: Who really knows? I sure don’t.
Now: Again, haven’t seen this DC since the second instance. Most of these DC’s only ever appeared once or twice and disappear anyway.

I got several others including my mother in an overtly 'zombified state(if you can call it that)…but this will do for now. :content:

Name: samara morgan :help: :hide:
Encounters: 1nd
Appearance:just wtach the movie (the ring)
Biography:she killed me the same way she kill people in the movie

now i dont know where she is but when i get my first lucid dream i will find her and then kill her

name: unknown
encounters: about 20 times
apperance: a radio
biography: a voice comes out of the radio static like commanding me to do something. always in my dreams i say no. ( i still would have if it was an LD, i cannot tell you the things it said.) when i said no, a high pitch, loud, static mouse squeal would come, making me unable to move and make it feel like lighting was going through me. not in a good way either, it felt like i was getting ripped in half.

Name: The Evil Clown
Appearance: A clown with a scary face
Encounters When I was little, 3 times, one time in a LD

Name: Speedy Gonzales (didn’t get his actual name)

Encounters: Once during a WILD

Appearance: He was a grayish humanoid figure, I remember thinking it looked like some sort of zombie or monster. Fairly tall and somewhat bulky, didn’t notice much details.

Biography: Didn’t have time to get his backstory :wink: but he sure moved fast! He appeared while I was walking through a creepy dark hallway. I expected something to attack me from behind. Before turning around I looked down to make sure there was a sword in my hand, and there was. Then I turned around and he ran really quickly past me. When I turned to face him, he charged at me. I easily sliced him up with precision and defeated him.

Now: Resting in pieces.


Closest thing I could find, but I remember the DC being bulkier.

Name: Wereshark
Encounters: Twice in a recurring dream
Appearance: They look like ordinary people until they turn which was during the day.
In their other form they have a shark torso and head but the rest is greyish distorted human limbs.

Biography: Their everyday form I actually did know, they were a family of three weresharks. Contrary to what their form would suggest they do not attack by biting.
They pin you down and drool a black substance into your mouth which is like acid and dissolves it. It was a really painful experience.

Now: On the second dream I gained lucidity just after receiving the black liquid so I turned myself into a demon and killed the one that was ontop, the son.
The mother and father vanished and I havent seen them again.
They probably found other dreamscapes to haunt :wink:

Name: Extraterrestrial Mother Creature
Encounters: She appeared in the conclusion of a recurring dream.
Appearance: Her external appearance is unknown to me, but her insides. Oh god.
She swallows humans that go into a very cramped space where you can only lie down, everything is fleshy and muscular but theres a faint light. Theres enough space for more than one human and she does like to fill herself.

Biography: She’s not from this world but is living underground somewhere. Every human she swallows goes into the same place inside her where they are paralyzed, lying on their backs and getting splashed with acid once in awhile for a slow painful death.
I woke myself after suffering this fate,

Now: She’s still alive somewhere underground. A DC to avoid.
Picture: (optional, put a picture of the baddie here)

Name: Evil Skeleton Dragon Thingy

Backstory: Back when I was a lot younger, I had a nightmare: It was a normal day, at work at the Krusty Krab… until, Spongebob found a demonic looking, wooden box with skeletal dragons painted on it. “Ooh, a Krabby Patty!” Spongebob thought it was a Krabby Patty. :eh: So, in that weird way you can do in dreams without realizing that you are dreaming or even not presently there, I conciously made the box look like a Krabby Patty, so it would make sense. So without questioning why there was an un-eaten burger on the windowsill, he brought it to the customer: It was that purple octopus that appeared in one of the episodes as a minor character. I knew this was a bad idea, but in spite of my amazing powers of changing what happens on TV, I could do nothing but watch.

He handed her the Patty, and the octopus was very excited, bouncing around and whatnot. She took a bite, and - turned into a skeleton dragon monster o noez! It began to stomp around the resteraunt. I tried to imagine stone slabs tide to its feet, but that didn’t slow it down. Ad then - well, nothing realy happened, but it was horrible nothing-ness!

Backstory part 2: It appeared in another dream, this time, as a frustrating video game boss! The horror! I turned on my old GBA SP, thinkking I’d get this over with, but I couldn’t beat it.

Now: I don’t know. I rage-quitted. :sad:

Those were more weird than scary, but at the time, those were my worst nightmares… :lol:

Name: Allitte
Encounters: Just one, that I remember…the other night.
Appearance: She’s pale, about 5’7", with long brownish-blonde hair. Her eyes are green, and she looks masochistic.
Biography: I know very little about her. She is an evil French witch, married to a cruel vampire. She had an affair, and claimed I was the result of it.
Now: She left before we had a chance to talk much.[/b]