Ive been trying to have a lucid dream for a long time. WILD doesnt work, and DILD and MILD are hard for me… This morning around 6 i woke up breifly and said to myself do the wild technique, so i did…within a minute i saw two guys outside my window that were in my dream i had woke up from. But i kept saying im lucid dreaming as if i was still doing the wild technique. then i woke up… please help i REALLY want a lucid dream!!
Dont worry keep on trying all I can say is dont quit and be dedidcated
try these tips
first of all, you need to get it straight that Lucid Dreaming is not a sport. You don’t go try a session and then either lucid dream or not.
you need to learn that this is one of the most pacience demanding activities there is. also, as i say constantly, don’t take your dreams for granted. dont WANT a lucid dream, just strive to get one. if you dont, oh well.
finally, learn to enjoy normal dreams. ive had vivid ND’s that have been more exciting then any of my LD’s and you can too.
remember to start a DJ and dont even try to LD until you can remember your normal dreams consistantly.
finally, dont just give up on it. persevere and you will get it. Lucid dreaming isnt a sport. To some, but to me its a vocation.