How could this be done?

Some sort of device that INSTANTLY puts someone into a completely lucid dream state for a specified amount of time.

Think big. It’s got to include brainwaves for sure amongst other things such as electricity currents to numb the body. Brainwaves to stimulate wakefulness in the mind.

Something like that.

I’d like to see all of your theories and proposals for ideas on how to accomplish such a thing.

I’m 17 now, but some day I will help to invent something like this. Seriously, I will.

I really, honestly, do not think that there could ever be a machine that puts you straight into a lucid dream. It could put you in REM sleep, maybe, but I think that you will always have to become lucid by yourself.

Well of course it could be done. Just because we do not understand how to do it now, doesn’t mean it could never be done. Think back 100 years ago. Anyone who ever even mentioned the idea of something like a computer was laughed at. Now look who’s being laughed at.

There are plenty of ways, if not atleast one. It’s all a matter of developing our understanding.

I think that there could be a way to put someone into REM sleep, wait until you know that they’re dreaming, and then suggest to them that they are dreaming, but it may not take, and even if it does, it isn’t exactly an automatic LD machine. I may be laughed at later, and if it is about this, than I welcome a complete challenging of what I think is possible with oneirointeraction technology, but I think that what I described above is as close as anyone can get.

You’re right. AS close as anyone can get with the technology we have at our disposal NOW. Not 20 to 30 years down the road.

Hmm… that would be cool. But what if everyone bought one and decided not to live in real life anymore? That would kinda suck…

I mean, when Virtual Reality first came out there was a big scare because people would do it 24 hours a day for weeks at a time, and when asked something like, “When are you going to eat?” some actually answered that there was food in the VR and they would just eat that. And believed it would work.

What do you mean by “when Virtual Reality first came out”?

Do you mean Atari or video games?

Yeah, I’m wondering about that, too–I mean, we don’t really have total VR yet. :eh:

Here’s how I’d approach this problem: I’d study, very closely, brainwaves and localized brain activity in lucid dreamers, over a heavily extended period of time. Eventually, one would determine the specific parts of the brain that were active during LDing, and thus be able to use that information. Next (and we don’t really know how to do this yet, but we’re working on it; probably will in a few decades), one would stimulate those parts of the brain upon sleeping.

Another approach might be to (using similar techniques) manipulate one’s auditory center to produce a voice saying a MILD-like mneumonic within one’s dream, or another simple LD-inducing sensory impression. Again, very complex, and we don’t really know how yet, but, as I said, we’re getting there.

Causing someone to fall asleep and immediately enter REM is probably less difficult, though also perhaps unnecessary. Aside from the obvious method of chemical induction, one could again manipulate parts of the brain to cause the brain to enter a high-Beta REM state. This would be (relatively) easier, as the parts of the brain that are active regularly in those states would be more straightforward to isolate.

The technology to do this sort of thing is still a long way off–but if you want to work on it, great! It’ll come about all the faster. :content:

"Here’s how I’d approach this problem: I’d study, very closely, brainwaves and localized brain activity in lucid dreamers, over a heavily extended period of time. Eventually, one would determine the specific parts of the brain that were active during LDing, and thus be able to use that information. Next (and we don’t really know how to do this yet, but we’re working on it; probably will in a few decades), one would stimulate those parts of the brain upon sleeping. "

I really like this idea. Perhaps the device could instantly put someone into REM sleep and then quickly begin stimulating the parts of the brain you mentioned as active while lucid dreaming.

Great thoughts!

If you could understand and alter someone’s state of conciousness like that, three things would happen.

The government would conceal it and possibly destroy it or use it against us.
Renegades would steal the technology and make ‘digital drug patterns’.
Terrorists would bomb the masses with brainwaves to make us do stuff, like kill ourselves.

A good idea would b a drug that first puts you to rem sleep anb dthen releases a substance wich helps to become lucid

Something similar has already been done as a accident.

I doubt that we will ever be able to legally buy a device or something that does the same.

Not all of that is necessarily true. If it could be used as a psychological tool to help people recovering from addictions, people who have violent tendencies, serial rapists and anyone else who could benefit from it, the government may condone it’s use, if only under circumstances.

People trying to recover from addictions could just, for example, go get drunk in their personal lucid dream rather than in real life so it doesn’t have any poor effects on their liver. People with violent tendencies, such as serial killers, could take every angry emotion they’ve ever experienced out on anyone freely in this new-found cyber space, so they wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences in real life. Needless to say, rapists could have as much fun as anyone could imagine in the multi-dimensional world of their minds as well.

With all of the benefits from such a technology, it could be viewed by the government as more than just a recreational piece of equipment. It could be viewed as the answer to most of the worlds problems.

If renegades did steal the technology to make ‘digital drug patterns’, then great! Everyone could say so long to drugs that harm their bodies and say hello to a device that gives them a fix, but doesn’t give them health problems.

Saying that terrorist could use the technology to make us all kill ourselves is a bit of a stretch.

Drugs will always have their side effects. Using technology is the most effective path to take to accomplish something of this nature, IMO.

You will, someday, but let me assure you it will be very expensive.

I agree with the original poster that it is possible and will become reality sooner than you think. However, it won’t be called lucid dreaming technology. It will be considered a new virtual reality, and the content will be more static and pre-determined.

I base this on studying existing technologies, and research that is going on in Japan (where video games and virtual reality is almost a religion.) They will be the ones to make it happen. Sony has even invested money in such research for the future of gaming.

I have a theory of how to do this, by the way, and I don’t know what’s involved in the Japanese research, so I can’t say if it’s related in any way.

Basically, you would need to get a study put together. Have very skilled lucid dreamers go into WILD while connected to RIPT and/or PET scanners. Find out exactly what is going on in the brain at that point, and find a drug or substance that would mimick it.

Then issue local anesthesia over most of the body and introduce the drug. Administer aforementioned drug.

Messy stuff, I know. I wouldn’t have it done to me.

Messy stuff indeed. However, drugs always end up going to dark roads.

Your theory would most likely work, but I am thinking more along the lines of a machine.

Would you please enlighten me as to what RIPT and PET scanners are and what they do?


Well since I am still waiting for the flying cars they said we would ave by now, I’m not going to hold my breath waiting a lucid dreaming machine or a virtual reality devise.

To be honest I am not so sure we should have such a devise. You can have lucid dreams right now but you have to work for them. I think the ease of just plugging yourself in and having a lucid dream might diminish this wonderful gift.

Just a thought.

“Well since I am still waiting for the flying cars they said we would ave by now, I’m not going to hold my breath waiting a lucid dreaming machine or a virtual reality devise.”

I never said to hold your breath for it, but I did say it would likely be a plausible idea in 20 - 30 years.

“To be honest I am not so sure we should have such a devise. You can have lucid dreams right now but you have to work for them. I think the ease of just plugging yourself in and having a lucid dream might diminish this wonderful gift.”

It wouldn’t diminish any aspect of this wonderful gift. It would, however, be a way for those of us who are enlightened to share the gift.

PET=positron emission tomography. It’s a 2 dimensional brain scan that can scan a ‘slice’ of the brain and display the results on a computer screen.

The RIPT scan is a theoretical PET scan in which thousands of ‘layers’ are scanned simultaneously and rendered into a color, three dimensional virtual display of the brain. I’m not sure if this is actually in hospitals yet, or still in development. I also forget exactly what the acronym stands for.

They are brain scans that scan for brain activity and chemical signatures, etc.